German Culture Ii
A.Y. 2021/2022
Learning objectives
The course aims to draw from the analysis of a specific historical-cultural constellation, seen in its chronological development, general elements of orientation in the framework of the history of the culture of German-speaking countries. The presentation and critical discussion of some fundamental conceptual categories developed in the context of the reference culture will go hand in hand with the reading and analysis of selected texts.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will have to acquire an advanced and critical ability to manage some fundamental categories of analysis in the context of the cultural history of German-speaking countries. These categories will have to be substantiated by the understanding of some important historical-social and historical-cultural dynamics.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
All notices relating to the modalities of the course will be made known through the Ariel platform.
The platform will also be used to make supplementary materials available to students.
The platform will also be used to make supplementary materials available to students.
Course syllabus
Kulturkritik in the German world between the 18th and 20th centuries
The history of German intellectuals is characterized by contradictions and ambivalences in the relationship with the great processes of modernization. Some events in political and social history (the French Revolution, the Liberal Revolution of 1848, the foundation of Kaiserreich) mark turning points that force intellectuals to redefine their positions and change the conceptual categories intended for the analysis of politics. Participation and disengagement, engagement and autonomy of culture alternate in a cyclical way. The main agents of transformation of collective existence are framed and categorized through some pairs of opposites such as nature and culture, totality and fragment, culture and civilization.
The history of German intellectuals is characterized by contradictions and ambivalences in the relationship with the great processes of modernization. Some events in political and social history (the French Revolution, the Liberal Revolution of 1848, the foundation of Kaiserreich) mark turning points that force intellectuals to redefine their positions and change the conceptual categories intended for the analysis of politics. Participation and disengagement, engagement and autonomy of culture alternate in a cyclical way. The main agents of transformation of collective existence are framed and categorized through some pairs of opposites such as nature and culture, totality and fragment, culture and civilization.
Prerequisites for admission
An articulated and advanced knowledge of the fundamental processes of European history from the eighteenth century onwards.
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Georg Bollenbeck, Eine Geschichte der Kulturkritik. Von Rousseau bis Günther Anders, Beck, München 2007.
Johann Gottfried Herder, Ancora una filosofia della storia per l'educazione dell'umanità, transl. by Franco Venturi, Meltemi, Sesto San Giovanni 2020.
Friedrich Schiller, L'educazione estetica dell'uomo (in copy made available by the teacher).
Novalis, La cristianità, ovvero Europa (in copy made available by the teacher).
Thomas Mann, Pensieri di guerra (in copy made available by the teacher).
Robert Musil, L'Europa inerme, o Di palo in frasca (in copy made available by the teacher).
For on-attending students: Reinhart Koselleck, Il vocabolario della modernità, Il Mulino, Bologna 2009.
Johann Gottfried Herder, Ancora una filosofia della storia per l'educazione dell'umanità, transl. by Franco Venturi, Meltemi, Sesto San Giovanni 2020.
Friedrich Schiller, L'educazione estetica dell'uomo (in copy made available by the teacher).
Novalis, La cristianità, ovvero Europa (in copy made available by the teacher).
Thomas Mann, Pensieri di guerra (in copy made available by the teacher).
Robert Musil, L'Europa inerme, o Di palo in frasca (in copy made available by the teacher).
For on-attending students: Reinhart Koselleck, Il vocabolario della modernità, Il Mulino, Bologna 2009.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam for attending and non-attending students. Students will be asked to demonstrate the assimilation of the course contents, the understanding of the basic conceptual repertoire and the ability to argue independently on some topics proposed by the teacher. The final grade will be expressed out of thirty. Students who declare themselves not attending will take care to integrate their preparation as indicated in the bibliography attached to the program.