French Ii
A.Y. 2021/2022
Learning objectives
The course aims to deepen the most important tools of discourse analysis throuth the study of French press text of metalinguistic, sociological and anthropological nature. A special focus will be dedicated on argumentative discourse. The course also includes a sociolinguistic module: the main sociolinguistic tools for the analysis of linguistic and sociolinguistic dynamics in the Francophone space will be presented.
This second-year course (1st semester: 40 hours; 2nd semester: 20 hours) can be accessed once the first year French language course has been completed
This second-year course (1st semester: 40 hours; 2nd semester: 20 hours) can be accessed once the first year French language course has been completed
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to use the main discursive and rhetorical strategies in order to produce written texts (even workshop are aimed at achieving this goal) and to develop critical and argumentative skills related to oral discourse. They will also be able to grasp the socio-cultural implications of the linguistic varieties present in the French-speaking area.
Lesson period: year
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course is composed by lectures (main course= corso principale/monografico) and a cycle of language classes in order to improve language skills (esercitazioni).
Main course:
The aim of this course is to improve skills in the context of discursive analysis . Press texts relating to sociolinguistic dynamics in the francophone space and tourism texts will be analyzed. Socio-political texts will also be examined.
The first module aimes to the acquisition of textual analysis skills applied to media communication. In particular, the course intends to provide the tools for the discourse analysis of press texts concernint Francophonie, the French language and its varieties present in the Francophone space. Socio-political texts will also be examined.
The second didactic unit, dedicated to the geopolitics of Francophonie, will present the linguistic policies that characterize the Francophone space.
The third teaching unit will take up the main concepts of discourse analysis presented during teaching unit 1 and will apply them to the discourse of tourism.
Lectures (corso monografico) are based on frontal teaching and aim to the learning and consolidation of speech analysis strategies. Students will be an active part of the lesson as they will carry out exercises in order to enhance their skills.
Language classes for practical exercise:
Language classes for practical exercises will consolidate oral skills through the preparation of oral exposés (first semester) and written skills through the preparation of the dissertation on topics of civilization and cultural themes linked to contemporary socio-economic contexts (second semester).
Language classes for practical exercise aim at learning the oral exposé technique starting from the reading of written texts. Attending students will then present an oral exposé during the second semester as part of the master's course.
Non-attending students will agree with Prof. Molinari on the topic of the exposé to be presented for the exam.
Main course:
The aim of this course is to improve skills in the context of discursive analysis . Press texts relating to sociolinguistic dynamics in the francophone space and tourism texts will be analyzed. Socio-political texts will also be examined.
The first module aimes to the acquisition of textual analysis skills applied to media communication. In particular, the course intends to provide the tools for the discourse analysis of press texts concernint Francophonie, the French language and its varieties present in the Francophone space. Socio-political texts will also be examined.
The second didactic unit, dedicated to the geopolitics of Francophonie, will present the linguistic policies that characterize the Francophone space.
The third teaching unit will take up the main concepts of discourse analysis presented during teaching unit 1 and will apply them to the discourse of tourism.
Lectures (corso monografico) are based on frontal teaching and aim to the learning and consolidation of speech analysis strategies. Students will be an active part of the lesson as they will carry out exercises in order to enhance their skills.
Language classes for practical exercise:
Language classes for practical exercises will consolidate oral skills through the preparation of oral exposés (first semester) and written skills through the preparation of the dissertation on topics of civilization and cultural themes linked to contemporary socio-economic contexts (second semester).
Language classes for practical exercise aim at learning the oral exposé technique starting from the reading of written texts. Attending students will then present an oral exposé during the second semester as part of the master's course.
Non-attending students will agree with Prof. Molinari on the topic of the exposé to be presented for the exam.
Prerequisites for admission
In order to take the exam of Lingua Francese 2, students have to pass the Lingua Francese 1 exam.
Teaching methods
Lectures (corso monografico) are based on frontal teaching and aim to the learning and consolidation of speech analysis strategies. Students will be an active part of the lesson as they will carry out exercises in order to enhance their skills.
Language classes for practical exercises will consolidate oral skills through the preparation of a) oral exposés and b) written skills thorugh the preparation of the dissertation. The course will cover the whole academic year.
a) Language classes for practical exercise aim at learning the oral exposé technique starting from the reading of written texts. Attending students will then present an oral exposé during the second semester as part of the master's course. These classes will take place in the first semester
Non-attending students will agree with Prof. Molinari on the topic of the exposé to be presented for the exam.
b) dissertation on topics of civilization and cultural themes linked to contemporary socio-economic contexts.
Language classes for practical exercises will consolidate oral skills through the preparation of a) oral exposés and b) written skills thorugh the preparation of the dissertation. The course will cover the whole academic year.
a) Language classes for practical exercise aim at learning the oral exposé technique starting from the reading of written texts. Attending students will then present an oral exposé during the second semester as part of the master's course. These classes will take place in the first semester
Non-attending students will agree with Prof. Molinari on the topic of the exposé to be presented for the exam.
b) dissertation on topics of civilization and cultural themes linked to contemporary socio-economic contexts.
Teaching Resources
Textbooks for attending students
Main course:
Module 1:
-C. MOLINARI, La langue française dans la presse, dispensa a cura del docente (Libreria di Mediazione, 2017).
-M.-A. PAVEAU, Les prédiscours. Sens, mémoire, cognition, Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, 2006.
Module 2:
-Les politiques linguistiques, dispensa a cura del docente (Libreria di Mediazione, 2014).
Module 3:
-Le discours touristique, dispensa a cura del docente (Libreria di Mediazione, 2020).
-M. MARGARITO, « Quelques configurations de stéréotypes dans les textes touristiques », in F. BAider, M. Burger, D. Goutsos (éds.), La communication touristique. Approches discursives de l'identité et de l'altérité, Paris L'Harmattan, 2004, pp. 117-131 (disponibile su sito Ariel).
-C. KERBRAT-ORECCHIONI, « Suivez le guide! Les modalités de l'invitation au voyage dans les guides touristiques: l'exemple de l' « ile d'Aphrodite », in F. BAider, M. Burger, D. Goutsos (éds.), La communication touristique. Approches discursives de l'identité et de l'altérité, Paris L'Harmattan, 2004, pp. 133-150 (disponibile su sito Ariel).
Language classes for practical exercises:
-M. ECKENSCHWILLER, Réussir son exposé oral: prendre la parole avec aisance, Chronique sociale, Paris, 2019
-S. OSMU, La dissertation de culture générale, méthodologie et entraînement en 100 fiches, Ellipses, Paris, 2010
Textbooks for not-attending students
Module 1:
-S. MOIRAND, Les discours de la presse quotidienne: observer, analyser, comprendre, Puf, Paris, 2007.
Module 2:
-T. BULOT, P. BLANCHET, Une introduction à la sociolinguistique - Pour l'étude des dynamiques de la langue française dans le monde, Ed. des Archives Contemporaines, Paris, 2013.
Module 3:
-M. MARGARITO, « Quelques configurations de stéréotypes dans les textes touristiques », in F. Baider, M. Burger, D. Goutsos (éds.), La communication touristique. Approches discursives de l'identité et de l'altérité, Paris L'Harmattan, 2004, pp. 117-131 (disponibile su sito Ariel).
-C. KERBRAT-ORECCHIONI, « Suivez le guide! Les modalités de l'invitation au voyage dans les guides touristiques: l'exemple de l' « ile d'Aphrodite », in F. Baider, M. Burger, D. Goutsos (éds.), La communication touristique. Approches discursives de l'identité et de l'altérité, Paris L'Harmattan, 2004, pp. 133-150 (disponibile su sito Ariel).
-M. MARGARITO (DIR.), L'Italie en stéréotypes. Analyse de textes touristiques, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2000.
Language classes for practical exercises
- M. ECKENSCHWILLER, Réussir son exposé oral: prendre la parole avec aisance, Chronique sociale, Paris, 2019
- S. OSMU, La dissertation de culture générale, méthodologie et entraînement en 100 fiches, Ellipses, Paris, 2010
- -Landes A., La dissertation de culture générale, Puf, Paris, 2007.
Main course:
Module 1:
-C. MOLINARI, La langue française dans la presse, dispensa a cura del docente (Libreria di Mediazione, 2017).
-M.-A. PAVEAU, Les prédiscours. Sens, mémoire, cognition, Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, 2006.
Module 2:
-Les politiques linguistiques, dispensa a cura del docente (Libreria di Mediazione, 2014).
Module 3:
-Le discours touristique, dispensa a cura del docente (Libreria di Mediazione, 2020).
-M. MARGARITO, « Quelques configurations de stéréotypes dans les textes touristiques », in F. BAider, M. Burger, D. Goutsos (éds.), La communication touristique. Approches discursives de l'identité et de l'altérité, Paris L'Harmattan, 2004, pp. 117-131 (disponibile su sito Ariel).
-C. KERBRAT-ORECCHIONI, « Suivez le guide! Les modalités de l'invitation au voyage dans les guides touristiques: l'exemple de l' « ile d'Aphrodite », in F. BAider, M. Burger, D. Goutsos (éds.), La communication touristique. Approches discursives de l'identité et de l'altérité, Paris L'Harmattan, 2004, pp. 133-150 (disponibile su sito Ariel).
Language classes for practical exercises:
-M. ECKENSCHWILLER, Réussir son exposé oral: prendre la parole avec aisance, Chronique sociale, Paris, 2019
-S. OSMU, La dissertation de culture générale, méthodologie et entraînement en 100 fiches, Ellipses, Paris, 2010
Textbooks for not-attending students
Module 1:
-S. MOIRAND, Les discours de la presse quotidienne: observer, analyser, comprendre, Puf, Paris, 2007.
Module 2:
-T. BULOT, P. BLANCHET, Une introduction à la sociolinguistique - Pour l'étude des dynamiques de la langue française dans le monde, Ed. des Archives Contemporaines, Paris, 2013.
Module 3:
-M. MARGARITO, « Quelques configurations de stéréotypes dans les textes touristiques », in F. Baider, M. Burger, D. Goutsos (éds.), La communication touristique. Approches discursives de l'identité et de l'altérité, Paris L'Harmattan, 2004, pp. 117-131 (disponibile su sito Ariel).
-C. KERBRAT-ORECCHIONI, « Suivez le guide! Les modalités de l'invitation au voyage dans les guides touristiques: l'exemple de l' « ile d'Aphrodite », in F. Baider, M. Burger, D. Goutsos (éds.), La communication touristique. Approches discursives de l'identité et de l'altérité, Paris L'Harmattan, 2004, pp. 133-150 (disponibile su sito Ariel).
-M. MARGARITO (DIR.), L'Italie en stéréotypes. Analyse de textes touristiques, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2000.
Language classes for practical exercises
- M. ECKENSCHWILLER, Réussir son exposé oral: prendre la parole avec aisance, Chronique sociale, Paris, 2019
- S. OSMU, La dissertation de culture générale, méthodologie et entraînement en 100 fiches, Ellipses, Paris, 2010
- -Landes A., La dissertation de culture générale, Puf, Paris, 2007.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam is composed by a written test (a) and an oral one (b). Both of them are mandatory: a) the written test (dissertation) aims to assess language skills (level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages);
b) the oral exam aims to assess language skills and the ability to apply theoretical-applicative tools of the course for the analysis of specific texts.
N.B. Students have to succeed in the written exam before taking the oral one. None of the exams of the Lingua Francese 2 course can be taken before having passed the Lingua Francese 1 exam.
a) - dissertation (duration 3h00) - on topics of civilization and cultural themes linked to contemporary socio-economic contexts. The use of any type of French monolingual dictionary is allowed.
b) The oral exam, which intends to verify the linguistic-communicative skills and the ability to apply the theoretical-methodological tools of the official course to reference texts, consists of an interview in French on the topics in the program, aimed at ascertaining both the linguistic skills than the content ones.
Further information is going to be provided during the year and published on the Ariel website.
b) the oral exam aims to assess language skills and the ability to apply theoretical-applicative tools of the course for the analysis of specific texts.
N.B. Students have to succeed in the written exam before taking the oral one. None of the exams of the Lingua Francese 2 course can be taken before having passed the Lingua Francese 1 exam.
a) - dissertation (duration 3h00) - on topics of civilization and cultural themes linked to contemporary socio-economic contexts. The use of any type of French monolingual dictionary is allowed.
b) The oral exam, which intends to verify the linguistic-communicative skills and the ability to apply the theoretical-methodological tools of the official course to reference texts, consists of an interview in French on the topics in the program, aimed at ascertaining both the linguistic skills than the content ones.
Further information is going to be provided during the year and published on the Ariel website.
L-LIN/04 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - FRENCH - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Molinari Chiara