Cultural Anthropology (advanced)

A.Y. 2021/2022
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with a solid knowledge of the basic concepts, theoretical frameworks and methodological instruments of Cultural Anthropology.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the study path, the graduate: a) has a thoroughly adequate knowledge of the theories and themes dealt with in anthropological domain, and can identify and discuss its crucial points; b) understands the vocabulary and the arguments that can be found in anthropological fields of reflection concerning culture, worldviews, cultural diversity; c) has proficient knowledge of the bibliographic resources and methodological tools characterising Cultural Anthropology.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
During the emergency teaching phase, the program is maintained with the following changes necessary for a good online use of the course originally designed for face-to-face teaching:

Teaching methods:
The lessons will be held mainly asynchronously (videolessons) and will be uploaded on the Microsoft Teams platform in the section dedicated to the course of Cultural Anthropology (advanced). Access to the section of the course on MST is possible through the code published on the Ariel page dedicated to the Cultural Anthropology course (advanced course) - Ariel (
The calendar of lessons and all the details of the activities will be published on the Ariel website dedicated to the course by the start of the lessons.

Reference materials:
There is no difference between attending and non-attending.

Learning assessment procedures and assessment criteria:
The exam is oral and is held in Teams, according to the indications provided by the University. On the Ariel page of the course the details and calendars of the oral are published and constantly updated.
In case of online lessons, the group presentation valid as an intermediate test will be replaced by an individual power-point presentation lasting 10 minutes. Details will be posted on the Ariel page of the course.
Course syllabus
The first unit will provide an in-depth analysis of the themes and methods of cultural anthropology through a particular attention to socio-cultural dimension of economic practices in local and global contexts. The second unit will analyze the social impact of micro-credits projects implemented in the developing countries and, more recently, in post-industrial contexts.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of contemporary historical events and political and socio-economic dynamics.
Teaching methods
Lectures with the support of slides, visual material and classroom text readings.
Teaching Resources
For students who have never attented anthropology classes:
- Signorelli Amalia, Antropologia culturale (seconda edizione), Milano, 2011, Mc Graw-Hill, (capitoli 1,3,4,6,7,8)
For students who have attented anthropology classes:
- Hann Chris, Hart Keith, Antropologia economica. Storia, etnografia, critica, Torino, 2011, Einaudi
Crivellaro Francesca, Etnografia del microcredito in Italia. Dare per ricevere nelle politiche di inclusione sociale, Firenze, 2015, Press,
Uno a scelta tra i seguenti articoli:
- Zanotelli Francesco, Il denaro dello sviluppo. Contributi antropologici per riflettere sul microcredito in La ricerca folklorica, n.65, Aprile 2012, pp.111-119.
- Schuster Caroline, The social unit of debt. Gender and creditworthiness in Paraguayan microfinance in American Ethnologist vol.41, n.3 (2014), pp.563-578
- Loubere Nicholas, Qiu Shen, The policy and practice of microcredit in rural China: toward a relational understanding of heterogeneous
Assessment methods and Criteria
The evaluation is based on an oral exam aiming to assess the knowledge and the critical competence acquired by the student. Students attending classes have the possibility to discuss a team-work about the contents of the second module. The work will be considered as a mid-course test.
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Lofranco Zaira Tiziana