Chinese Culture I

A.Y. 2021/2022
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to provide the students with the appropriate tools to study and research on relevant aspects of the contemporary Chinese reality, starting from the necessary historical and political contextualization. The selected issues will be investigated following the red thread of 'narrative' , focussing on the representation made by Chinese official and non official discourse. The students will be required to work in groups and discuss on selected topics, in order to train their critical abilities and their communicative skills.
Expected learning outcomes
The course will allow the students to develop their learning skills through the reading of complex texts, also in Chinese, and their communication abilities thorough presentations and discussions of papers and multimedia documents. A critical approach will be encouraged and stimulated by means of discussions, panel presentations, debates, conferences and talks with experts of the field.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Due to the difficulties we are facing, the program will temporarily be subjected to changes as the course will partially will develop online:

Teaching methods:
Lessons will mainly be held in videoconference using Teams, with the exception of some asynchronous lessons (videolessons). All lessons materials will be made available on Ariel.

The didactic activities also include working in teams.

All the details of the activities will be published on Ariel at the beginning of the semester. Any updates will be communicated on the platform.

Reference materials:
In addition to the bibliography reported in the program, reference should be made to all the lessons, materials and resources published on Ariel.

Learning assessment procedures and assessment criteria:
The exam is oral.

Participation in group work and related production is also part of the final evaluation.

The oral exam takes place on Teams, according to the indications provided by the University. Any communication on deadlines and organisation of the tests will be published on Ariel.

The oral exam is the same for both attended and non-attended students, with the only difference that the oral conversation for non-attended students will consist of a greater number of questions.
Course syllabus
The course focuses on the Chinese political system, in search of the narratives and discourses that consolidate the links between politics, media and society in contemporary China, and that are consolidated in the country's relations with the world.

Active participation in lectures, conferences and seminars organised during the semester is an integral part of the course, as well as oral presentations of projects developed by students in teams.
Prerequisites for admission
In order to attend this course, students should have studied the institutional framework of the People's Republic of China.
Students who have not previously studied the subject are advised to study:
Mottura B., Keywords in Chinese Political Language, Unicopli, Milano, 2020.
Teaching methods
Lectures will be enriched with multimedia materials. In order to train their critical abilities and their communicative skills, student will be required to work in teams on selected topics and do a presentation in class for their peers.
Seminars and conferences by distingushed guests from the Chinese cultural scene will be offered in order to strenghten the students skills and knowledge. Participation in activities and events is considered an integral part of the course.
News and updates on events, teaching activities and materials will be available on the ARIEL web portal.
Teaching Resources
Teaching materials:
1) Shambaugh D., China's Communist Party. Atrophy and Adaptation, University of California Press, Berkeley, 2008.
2) Shue V., & Thornton P. (Eds.), To Govern China: Evolving Practices of Power, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017.
3) Veg S., MINJIAN. The Rise of China's Grassroots Intellectuals, Columbia University Press, New York, 2019.
4) Yeh M., "The 'Cult of Poetry' in Contemporary China" in The Journal of Asian Studies 55, 1 (1996): 51-80.
5) Shih S.-M., "The Concept of the Sinophone" in PMLA 126, 3 (2011): 709-718.

La piattaforma Ariel accoglierà eventuali materiali aggiuntivi. I materiali multimediali, i film, le conferenze e gli incontri organizzati durante il corso costituiscono parte integrante del programma.

Additional material will be published on ARIEL web portal. Multimedia materials, movies, conferences and seminars organised during the course form an integral part of the program.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral test. It will assess the students' ability to contextualize and to highlight the links within the topics addressed in the course.
The student's active participation in team work, in the lessons and their preparation of thematic dossiers, of written and multimedia documents concerning the topics covered in the course will be taken into consideration.
Lessons: 40 hours