Regional Geography

A.Y. 2020/2021
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide knowledge about the main issues related to the regional geographical discipline, its survey tools and their use in different territorial contexts, with particular reference to the processes of sustainability and local regeneration.
The course aims to provide skills in the field of geographical investigation at regional scale, encouraging the development of analytical and critical skills with respect to the territorial processes considered.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will be able to recognize the main theoretical-methodological issues related to the regional geographical discipline. Students will be aware of the issues related to the implementation of regional and local sustainability processes and will be able to apply the methodology of territorial analysis defined during class.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
The classes will be held in remote mode, mainly through Ariel and Teams.
Students will be able to find all the information to access the lessons (links etc.), any changes in the programme and any changes in the reference material (bibliography etc.) on the Ariel teaching site. In the event that it is not possible to take the exam in the manner provided for in the Syllabus, the exam can be taken online. Details will be communicated on the Ariel teaching site at the end of the course.
Course syllabus
The course deals, in the first part, with the historical development and current directions of thought of regional geography, deepening the main epistemological paradigms, methods and tools of investigation used by it. The second part deals with the theme of sustainability in regional geographical analysis, with particular reference to some case studies concerning the transformation of places and new forms of social and territorial regeneration. The third part of the course focuses on the analysis of some macro-regions of today's world, in their complexity and evolution, through insights dedicated to sustainability policies on a global scale.
Prerequisites for admission
The course is aimed at students enrolled in the second year of Human Sciences of the Environment, Territory and Landscape (enrolled from 2017/2018) and students of Human Sciences of the Environment, Territory and Landscape (enrolled before 2017/2018). Classes are open to bachelor and master students of Humanities, History, Languages and Philosophy. Knowledge of the basic concepts of human geography is recommended
Teaching methods
The course aims to provide knowledge about the main issues related to the regional geographical discipline, its survey tools and their use in different territorial contexts.
The course aims to provide skills in the field of geographical investigation at regional level, encouraging the development of analytical and critical skills with respect to the territorial processes taken into account.
Students taking the 9cfu exam will have the opportunity to experiment with forms of participatory teaching (group work, flipped classroom, workshops).
Teaching Resources
Bibliography for students attending:
1. Topics presented during class
2. Berg P., Alza la posta! Saggi storici sul bioregionalismo. Selezione a cura di Giuseppe Moretti, Mimesis/Eterotopie, Milano-Udine, 2016
3. Bini V., Dal Borgo A.G., Fiamingo C. (a cura di), Città sostenibili, Ebook, Edizioni Altravista, Pavia, 2018 (a selection of essays to be prepared for the exam will be indicated)
4. Topics presented during class
5. un testo a scelta tra:
- Gavinelli D., Dal Borgo A.G. (a cura di), Asia-Pacifico: regione emergente. Luoghi, culture, relazioni, Mimesis-Kosmos, Milano-Udine, 2013 (a selection of essays to be prepared for the exam will be indicated)
- Dal Borgo A.G., Maletta R., (a cura di), Paesaggi e luoghi buoni. La comunità e le utopie tra sostenibilità e decrescita, Mimesis/Kosmos, Milano-Udine, 2015 (a selection of essays to be prepared for the exam will be indicated)

Bibliography for students not attending:

1. Grillotti Di Giacomo M.G., La regione della geografia. Verso la cultura del territorio, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2012
2. Dal Borgo A.G., Il futuro delle Alpi sui sentieri della sostenibilità. Idee, progetti, esperienze, Aracne Editrice, Roma, 2009
3. Bini V., Dal Borgo A.G., Fiamingo C. (a cura di), Città sostenibili, Ebook, Edizioni Altravista, Pavia, 2018
4. un testo a scelta tra:
- Macchia P., Il mondo e i suoi paesi. La Geografia del Pianeta a inizio XXI secolo, Pàtron Editore, Bologna, 2010
- Erin H. Fouberg, William G. Moseley (editors), Understanding world regional geography, Wiley, 2015, First edition
5. un testo a scelta tra:
- Gavinelli D., Dal Borgo A.G. (a cura di), Asia-Pacifico: regione emergente. Luoghi, culture, relazioni, Mimesis-Kosmos, Milano-Udine, 2013
- Dal Borgo A.G., Maletta R., (a cura di), Paesaggi e luoghi buoni. La comunità e le utopie tra sostenibilità e decrescita, Mimesis/Kosmos, Milano-Udine, 2015
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a written test that aims to assess the students' knowledge of the subjects on the programme, with particular attention to disciplinary terminology, argumentation skills and explanatory precision.
International students or Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the teacher in charge of the course in a timely manner.
The examination procedures for students with disabilities and/or with DSA must be defined with the teacher, in agreement with the competent office.
Unita' didattica A
M-GGR/01 - GEOGRAPHY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
M-GGR/01 - GEOGRAPHY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
M-GGR/01 - GEOGRAPHY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Lucchesi Flavio Massimo