Ree proagra - qualità dei prodotti agrari e relazioni con diversi input nutrizionali

A.Y. 2020/2021
Overall hours
AGR/04 AGR/13
Learning objectives
Il Corso si propone, attraverso un percorso pratico, di fornire competenze per la valutazione delle caratteristiche organolettiche di matrici vegetali d'interesse alimentare. In particolare, verranno approfonditi gli effetti sulle piante indotti dalla diversa disponibilità di nutrienti minerali. A questo scopo verranno apprese metodiche non invasive e procedure analitiche di laboratorio. Il corso si propone di fornire gli strumenti necessari per la conduzione di un'esperienza scientifica, dalla progettazione degli esperimenti, all'elaborazione dei risultati e alla loro interpretazione.
Expected learning outcomes
Al termine del corso lo studente avrà ottenuto conoscenze su alcune metodiche analitiche utili per la valutazione di parametri fisiologici e biochimici delle piante. Lo studente avrà implementato le proprie capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione, oltre a migliorare le proprie capacità di giudizio e di comunicazione.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
The lectures will be delivered remotely on the Microsoft Teams platform. The practical exercises will be carried out ensuring the sanitary spacing. Oral exams will be conducted remotely on the Microsoft Teams platform.
Course syllabus
The course aims to show the student some of the approaches used to evaluate the organoleptic properties of agricultural products. In this context, although many factors can participate to define the compositional characteristics, attention will be paid to the effects induced by different nutritional input. In this context the laboratory will focus its attention on the study of horticultural species, although the approach is also used for the analysis of cereals and fruit plants; many of the proposed analytical activities, in fact, are widely applied. Starting from the general objective, experimental activities will be carried out in plants grown under different nitrogen input, a typical situation that deeply influences the quality of many horticultural species.
The experimental activities will include several moments:
- Brief theoretical phase.
- Hydroponic cultivation of plants. At this stage, non-invasive techniques will be used to assess parameters that will help define the product's properties.
- Laboratory analytical phase. Various biochemical parameters will be determined using biochemical techniques, such as colorimetric assay, enzyme, electrophoretic and chromatographic analyses. Moreover, mass spectrometry techniques will be used.
- Analysis of the results. In this last phase, the students will proceed to the formal analysis of the results with application of the statistical tools and the drawing up of a report. The workshop will conclude with a discussion aimed at the interpretation of the results obtained through PowerPoint presentations.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of Botany, Biochemistry and Plant Physiology.
Teaching methods
Lessons and practical laboratory activities.
Teaching Resources
- Scientific papers.
- Experimental protocols.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning will be verified evaluating the student's participation and commitment during the different phases of the laboratory. In this view, the contribution in the design of experimental activities, the ability to apply experimental protocols, the ability to process experimental data, including by applying statistical tools and the ability to produce a scientific report, will be considered.
Laboratories: 48 hours
On Fridays from 9.00 to 12.00 or by appointment.
At the office or via MS Teams.
Wednesday from 09:00 to 12:00 (please make an appointment by e-mail)
DISAA - Agronomy
By appointment. Please request by email.
At the office. Bldg. 21090, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Milano. Alternatively, online on the Teams platform.