English Culture I

A.Y. 2020/2021
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Students will be given the opportunity of completing and articulating their linguistic proficiency through the cultural awareness of cultures, arts and literatures defining the English, Anglo-American and Anglophone cultures. Students will be enabled to understand textsfrom heterogeneous cultural areas (literary, critic, cinematic and theatrical). Texts will be selected according to the course program.
Basic theoretical tools belonging to the field of Cultural Studies will be provided, also teaching the students how to prepare a synopsis and how to organize an ffective slide presentation.
Expected learning outcomes
The student must show the ability to understand and analyse texts of various kind, in English, correctly framing them within their cultural and historical context. He/she must be able to analyse their adaptations in different time, space and genres, possibly providing a critical reading of these adaptations. He/she must be able to presento rally his/her when sitting for the exam, organizing contents in the most effective way and following the professor's suggestions during classes or tutorial activities, if proposed.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization


Lesson period
First semester
In the emergency teaching phase, should it become necessary to use online teaching, the program designed for face-to-face teaching is modified as follows:

Teaching methods:
The lessons will be held in synchronous, trying to enhance interaction (chat and forum), using mainly Teams; only in specific cases and duly communicated, the lessons will be held in asynchronous (videolessons). In case there will be activities in presence (following the indications of the university), students who will not participate will be offered an alternative online activity that will allow them to develop the same critical and text analysis skills.
The timetable of the lessons remains unchanged and all the most important information will be provided through the ARIEL website of the course.
The methods and criteria for attending the lessons in attendance, which require a reservation with the appropriate app, will be published in good time on the ARIEL website of the course.

Reference materials:
The syllabus is ket untouched. For those who decide not to attend the course, we recommend the supporting bibliography.

Testing and grading
The exam is oral and will be conducted, in the case of online teaching, in Microsoft Teams, according to the indications provided by the University. The requirements and methods of evaluation remain the same with respect to the "in presence" program.
Course syllabus
Title: What's in a name? Cultural Studies and naming strategies in UK, USA and English-speaking countries

PART 1: The Names of the Other (Cultural Studies: history and methods)
PART 2: Naming Women (Cultural Studies & Gender)
PART 3: Other names. (Analysis of the following keywords: B/Witches, N-word, Fe/male, (super)hero, tERRORist, GLOBAL, English, POP).
The course will refer to a wide variety of texts: novels & plays; memoirs reporting on the experience of exclusion or marginality; works of imagination, by themselves helping to depict the experience of being a dropout, films, documentary films, works of art. Events involving novelists, actors and playwrights working on this issue are planned within the frame of the course, and will be communicated in advance.
Prerequisites for admission
Students must have a general knowledge of the historical context as related to the topics tackled during the course ("knowledge"). In addition, they must be able to understand basic texts in English, both written and visual/aural ones ("understanding"); they must show to possess communicative skills, in English and/or in Italian, so as to render the concepts they want to express comprehensible ("Applied knowledge and comprehension abilities").
Teaching methods
Lecture-based classes, including some team working and occasional guest speakers and, whenever possible, workshops in small groups, oriented to develop oral skills in particular.
Teaching Resources
Shakespeare, William, The Tempest, edizioni Feltrinelli, 2014. A cura di Agostino Lombardo. ISBN: 978-8807901386

Political Speeches:
- Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech - delivered to a Conservative Association meeting in Birmingham, 20 April 1968 https://anth1001.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/enoch-powell_speech.pdf
- Theresa May's speech to the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester, 6 October 2015 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/theresa-may-s-speech-to-the-conservative-party-conference-in-full-a6681901.html
- Boris Johnson's first speech to parliament as UK Prime Minister in London, 25 July 2019 https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-eu-leader-speech/boris-johnsons-first-speech-to-parliament-as-prime-minister-idUSKCN1UK1J0
- Sarah Palin: "Sarah Palin on State of the Union" - CNN Interview, by Jake Tapper, Sept 6th, 2015

- Ruz, Camilla. "The battle over the words used to describe migrants." BBC News Magazine, 28 August 2015 https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34061097
- Mengiste, Maaza. "The Act of Naming." There Is No Map: The New Italian(s), September 2016 The Act of Naming

- Cleave, Chris, The Other Hand (2008) qualsiasi edizione, anche in italiano ISBN: 978-0340963425 (anche in formato digitale).
- Carter, Angela, Nights at the Circus (1984) qualsiasi edizione, anche in italiano, ISBN: 978-0099388616 (anche in formato digitale).

Critical References:
- Vallorani, Nicoletta (a cura di), Introduzione agli Studi Culturali, Carocci editore, 2016. ISBN: 978-8843084807 (CAPITOLI da 1 a 5)

Supporting bibliography:
- Vallorani, Nicoletta, Anti/corpi, Libraccio, 2012, ISBN 978-88-97748-09-0.
- Pasolini, Anna, Bodies that Bleed. Metamorphosis in Angela Carter's Fairy Tales, Ledizioni, 2016, ISBN 978-88-6705-542-5.

Vita e opere degli autori menzionati sopra (nozioni di base).
Assessment methods and Criteria
Students will have the opportunity to carry out some in itinere tests and in-depth activities that will be subject to evaluation and on which more specific indications will be given in class. The overall evaluation will be elaborated and communicated at the end of the oral exam.
L-LIN/10 - ENGLISH LITERATURE - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours


Lesson period
First semester
In the emergency teaching phase, should it become necessary to use online teaching, the program designed for face-to-face teaching is modified as follows:

Teaching methods:
The lessons will be held in synchronous, trying to enhance interaction (chat and forum), using mainly Teams; only in specific cases and duly communicated, the lessons will be held in asynchronous (videolessons). In case there will be activities in presence (following the indications of the university), students who will not participate will be offered an alternative online activity that will allow them to develop the same critical and text analysis skills.
The timetable of the lessons remains unchanged and all the most important information will be provided through the ARIEL website of the course.
The methods and criteria for attending the lessons in attendance, which require a reservation with the appropriate app, will be published in good time on the ARIEL website of the course.

Reference materials:
Those indicated in the program remain. For those who decide not to attend the course, we recommend the supporting bibliography.

Testing and grading
The exam is oral and will be conducted, in the case of online teaching, in Teams, according to the indications provided by the University. The requirements and methods of evaluation remain the same with respect to the "in presence" program.
Course syllabus
Title: What's in a name? Cultural Studies and naming strategies in UK, USA and English-speaking countries

Unit 1: The Names of the Other (Cultural Studies: history and methods)
Unit 2: Naming WOmen (Cultural Studies & Gender)
Unit 3: Other names. (Analysis of the following keywords: B/Witches, N-word, Fe/male, (super)hero, tERRORist, GLOBAL, English, POP).

The course will refer to a wide variety of texts: novels & plays; memoirs reporting on the experience of exclusion or marginality; works of imagination, by themselves helping to depict the experience of being a dropout, films, documentary films, works of art. Events involving novelists, actors and playwrights working on this issue are planned within the frame of the course, and will be communicated in advance.
Prerequisites for admission
Students must have a general knowledge of the historical context as related to the topics tackled during the course ("knowledge"). In addition, they must be able to understand basic texts in English, both written and visual/aural ones ("understanding"); they must show to possess communicative skills, in English and/or in Italian, so as to render the concepts they want to express comprehensible ("Applied knowledge and comprehension abilities").
Teaching methods
Classroom-taught lessons in Italian with readings from English texts and translation. Video projections in original language and encounters with actors and directors are scheduled, as well as lessons taught by colleagues experts in the themes made object of the course. Course materials and slide presentations will be uploaded regularly on the Ariel website.
Teaching Resources
Shakespeare, William, The Tempest, Feltrinelli, 2014. Edited by Agostino Lombardo. ISBN: 978-8807901386

Political speeches:
Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech - delivered to a Conservative Association meeting in Birmingham, 20 April 1968 https://anth1001.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/enoch-powell_speech.pdf

Theresa May's speech to the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester, 6 October 2015 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/theresa-may-s-speech-to-the-conservative-party-conference-in-full-a6681901.html

Boris Johnson's first speech to parliament as UK Prime Minister in London, 25 July 2019 https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-eu-leader-speech/boris-johnsons-first-speech-to-parliament-as-prime-minister-idUSKCN1UK1J0

Sarah Palin: "Sarah Palin on State of the Union", CNN interview (2015) https://youtu.be/rP0WtF0_jUM


Ruz, Camilla. "The battle over the words used to describe migrants." BBC News Magazine, 28 August 2015 https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34061097

Mengiste, Maaza. "The Act of Naming." There Is No Map: The New Italian(s), September 2016 The Act of Naming

Cleave, Chris, The Other Hand (2008) qualsiasi edizione, anche in italiano ISBN: 978-0340963425 (anche in formato digitale).

Carter, Angela, Nights at the Circus (1984) qualsiasi edizione, anche in italiano, ISBN: 978-0099388616 (anche in formato digitale).

Critical texts:
Vallorani, Nicoletta (a cura di), Introduzione agli Studi Culturali, Carocci, 2016. ISBN: 978-8843084807 (CHAPTERS FROM 1 to 5)

Suggested further readings:
Vallorani, Nicoletta, Anti/corpi, Libraccio, 2012, ISBN 978-88-97748-09-0.
Pasolini, Anna, Bodies that Bleed. Metamorphosis in Angela Carter's Fairy Tales, Ledizioni, 2016, ISBN 978-88-6705-542-5.

Life and works of the authors abovementioned (general notions).

Vita e opere degli autori menzionati sopra (nozioni di base).
Assessment methods and Criteria
Students will have the opportunity to carry out some in itinere tests and in-depth activities that will be subject to evaluation and on which more specific indications will be given in class. The overall evaluation will be elaborated and communicated at the end of the oral exam.
L-LIN/10 - ENGLISH LITERATURE - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Caponi Paolo


Lesson period
First semester
In the emergency teaching phase, should it become necessary to use online teaching, the program designed for face-to-face teaching is modified as follows:

Teaching methods:
The lessons will be held in synchronous, trying to enhance interaction (chat and forum), using mainly Teams; only in specific cases and duly communicated, the lessons will be held in asynchronous (videolessons). In case there will be activities in presence (following the indications of the university), students who will not participate will be offered an alternative online activity that will allow them to develop the same critical and text analysis skills.
The timetable of the lessons remains unchanged and all the most important information will be provided through the ARIEL website of the course.
The methods and criteria for attending the lessons in attendance, which require a reservation with the appropriate app, will be published in good time on the ARIEL website of the course.

Reference materials:
The syllabus is ket untouched. For those who decide not to attend the course, we recommend the supporting bibliography.

Testing and grading
The exam is oral and will be conducted, in the case of online teaching, in Microsoft Teams, according to the indications provided by the University. The requirements and methods of evaluation remain the same with respect to the "in presence" program.
Course syllabus
Title: What's in a name? Cultural Studies and naming strategies in UK, USA and English-speaking countries

PART 1: The Names of the Other (Cultural Studies: history and methods)
PART 2: Naming Women (Cultural Studies & Gender)
PART 3: Other names. (Analysis of the following keywords: B/Witches, N-word, Fe/male, (super)hero, tERRORist, GLOBAL, English, POP).
The course will refer to a wide variety of texts: novels & plays; memoirs reporting on the experience of exclusion or marginality; works of imagination, by themselves helping to depict the experience of being a dropout, films, documentary films, works of art. Events involving novelists, actors and playwrights working on this issue are planned within the frame of the course, and will be communicated in advance.
Prerequisites for admission
Students must have a general knowledge of the historical context as related to the topics tackled during the course ("knowledge"). In addition, they must be able to understand basic texts in English, both written and visual/aural ones ("understanding"); they must show to possess communicative skills, in English and/or in Italian, so as to render the concepts they want to express comprehensible ("Applied knowledge and comprehension abilities").
Teaching methods
Lecture-based classes, including some team working and occasional guest speakers and, whenever possible, workshops in small groups, oriented to develop oral skills in particular.
Teaching Resources
Shakespeare, William, The Tempest, edizioni Feltrinelli, 2014. A cura di Agostino Lombardo. ISBN: 978-8807901386

Political Speeches:
- Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech - delivered to a Conservative Association meeting in Birmingham, 20 April 1968 https://anth1001.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/enoch-powell_speech.pdf
- Theresa May's speech to the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester, 6 October 2015 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/theresa-may-s-speech-to-the-conservative-party-conference-in-full-a6681901.html
- Boris Johnson's first speech to parliament as UK Prime Minister in London, 25 July 2019 https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-eu-leader-speech/boris-johnsons-first-speech-to-parliament-as-prime-minister-idUSKCN1UK1J0
- Sarah Palin: "Sarah Palin on State of the Union" - CNN Interview, by Jake Tapper, Sept 6th, 2015

- Ruz, Camilla. "The battle over the words used to describe migrants." BBC News Magazine, 28 August 2015 https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34061097
- Mengiste, Maaza. "The Act of Naming." There Is No Map: The New Italian(s), September 2016 The Act of Naming

- Cleave, Chris, The Other Hand (2008) qualsiasi edizione, anche in italiano ISBN: 978-0340963425 (anche in formato digitale).
- Carter, Angela, Nights at the Circus (1984) qualsiasi edizione, anche in italiano, ISBN: 978-0099388616 (anche in formato digitale).

Critical References:
- Vallorani, Nicoletta (a cura di), Introduzione agli Studi Culturali, Carocci editore, 2016. ISBN: 978-8843084807 (CAPITOLI da 1 a 5)

Supporting bibliography:
- Vallorani, Nicoletta, Anti/corpi, Libraccio, 2012, ISBN 978-88-97748-09-0.
- Pasolini, Anna, Bodies that Bleed. Metamorphosis in Angela Carter's Fairy Tales, Ledizioni, 2016, ISBN 978-88-6705-542-5.

Vita e opere degli autori menzionati sopra (nozioni di base).
Assessment methods and Criteria
Students will have the opportunity to carry out some in itinere tests and in-depth activities that will be subject to evaluation and on which more specific indications will be given in class. The overall evaluation will be elaborated and communicated at the end of the oral exam.
L-LIN/10 - ENGLISH LITERATURE - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Monegato Emanuele
Office hours by appointment (via email).
Room 4018