Ancient Topography

A.Y. 2020/2021
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to study the territory and the environment in relation to the work of man.
Each community is in fact acting on the territory to organize and adapt it to its own needs. The task of the topographer is to reconstruct the evolution and history of a territory, a region, alongside the study of sources to research on the ground, thanks to the use of targeted scientific instruments and skills.
The topics and themes of the course will be illustrated through slides; attendance is highly recommended.
The course uses a specially dedicated ARIEL website, on which images, ppt, abstracts and pdfs relating to the course will be made available to students. ARIEL materials are available to everyone, attending and non-attending.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course you will have a good knowledge of the topographical contexts and urban planning of ancient Italy and the methods of studying Topography.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
If the health emergency were to continue, the lessons will take place remotely, mainly asynchronously, through Ariel or Teams.
Students will be able to find all the information to access the lessons (links etc.), any changes to the program and any changes in the reference material (bibliography, etc.) on the Ariel teaching website at the beginning of the 2nd semester.
If it is not possible to carry out the exam in the manner provided for in the Syllabus, the exam can be carried out electronically in the manner that will be communicated on the Ariel teaching site at the end of the course.
Course syllabus
Part A (20 hours, 3 credits): Between past, present and future, history and methodological practice of ancient Topography
Part B (20 hours, 3 credits): Cities, streets and territories; some examples in ancient Italy
Part C (20 hours, 3 credits): The space of the sacred between city and countryside; examples between Greece, Rome and the Italian territory

The course is aimed at students of the Bachelor's Degree Courses in Cultural Heritage and Human Sciences of the environment, territory, landscape
Prerequisites for admission
The course is open to everyone. Students should know, at least in general, Greek and Roman history. The exams of Archeology and history of Greek art and of Archeology and history of Roman art are recommended. However, the lessons are also calibrated for students who have not attended classical high school.
Teaching methods
The topics and themes of the course will be illustrated through slides; attendance is highly recommended.

The course uses a specially dedicated ARIEL site, on which images, ppt, abstracts and pdfs relating to the course will be made available to students. ARIEL materials are available to everyone, attending and non-attending.
Teaching Resources
Part A
Exam program for attending students:
L. Quilici, S. Quilici Gigli, Introduzione alla Topografia antica, Ed. Il Mulino, Bologna 2004.
Part B
Exam program for attending students:
L. Quilici, S. Quilici Gigli, Introduzione alla Topografia antica, Ed. Il Mulino, Bologna 2004.
F. Fabiani, L'urbanistica: città e paesaggi, Ed. Carocci, Roma 2014.
Part C
Exam program for attending students:
Will be provided on the dedicated ARIEL website pdf and ppt related to the topics covered.

Part A
Exam program for non-attending students:
L. Quilici, S. Quilici Gigli, Introduzione alla Topografia antica, Ed. Il Mulino, Bologna 2004.
Part B
Exam program for non-attending students:
L. Quilici, S. Quilici Gigli, Introduzione alla Topografia antica, Ed. Il Mulino, Bologna 2004.
F. Fabiani, L'urbanistica: città e paesaggi, Ed. Carocci, Roma 2014.
Part C
Exam program for non-attending students:
F. Cordano, La geografia storica nell'antichità, in G. Poma (a cura di), La storia antica. Metodi e fonti per lo studio, Ed. Il Mulino-Manuali, Bologna 2016, pp. 27-59 (l'edizione digitale è disponibile in Pandora Campus,;
Lukas Thommen, L'ambiente nel mondo antico, Edizioni Il Mulino, Bologna 2014.
A. Cristofori, Il viaggio, in I Greci. Storia, cultura, arte e società, Atlante I, a cura di C. Franzoni, Torino 2002, pp. 163-178 (Il libro è nella biblioteca di Studi Umanistici, via Festa del Perdono, piano terra).

The 6 CFU non-attending program includes only the first two texts (Quilici and Fabiani).
Assessment methods and Criteria
Exam test modalities
Oral: The oral exam consists of an interview on the scheduled topics, aimed at ascertaining the candidate's preparation; some pdfs of images will be made available through the ARIEL site of ancient Topography. The interview will start from these images and from those of the books.
Unita' didattica A
L-ANT/09 - ANCIENT TOPOGRAPHY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
L-ANT/09 - ANCIENT TOPOGRAPHY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
L-ANT/09 - ANCIENT TOPOGRAPHY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours