Sociology of Cultural Processes

A.Y. 2019/2020
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to highlight a specific perspective in the interpretation of social reality: that related to cultural processes, with specific attention to symbolic dimensions, rituals, ideologies at the base of the construction of what we know and share as "reality". In this respect, the course critically examines the analytical and theoretical tools of the sociological tradition, of social meanings and the connection between society and ideas (representations and discourses on society), languages, symbols, values, beliefs and ritual actions. A specific attention will be devoted to the dimension of everyday life and consumption, to cultural, social and gender differences. The course examines classical texts, and foster the critical capacity of the students through the analysis research cases.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course students should have been developed: knowledge and understanding of the different interpretations of cultures' definitions in social sciences, particularly in reference to its sociological interpretations; Understanding of the social dimensions of the production of meaning, communication, classification and distinction in social environment; Applying knowledge and understanding, as well as critical capacity, in respect to processes of everyday life, practices, sharing production of meanings; Applying knowledge and understanding in reference to the interpretations of the notion of culture, in micro dimensions of everyday life, as well as in meso and macro dimensions of social organizations, institutional, national and international. The final exam aims to verify the expected learning outcomes in respect to the capacity of understanding, knowledge, critical analysis of interpretations and theoretical perspectives introduced by the course.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First trimester
Course syllabus
The program is based on 6 credits. The first part introduces the different sociological interpretations of the notion of culture as well as the link between culture and society (with a specific attention towards everyday life and symbolic life). The programme is based on the analysis of classic sociological works, and it will analyse the processes of taste and material culture. With discussions and working papers the course aims to develop the critical capacities of the student and his/her capability to analyse contemporary cultural phenomena. Overall, the programme analyses the notion of culture and the intertwinement of culture and everyday life, with the help of different classic scholars (Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Georg Simmel, Max Weber, Talcott Parsons, Cultural Studies, Berger e Luckmann, Pierre Bourdieu, Frankfurt School).
Prerequisites for admission
The student should have basic knowledge in the field of general sociology and sociology of culture (exam of Sociologia e cultura)
Teaching methods
In the classroom the lesson will be supported by slides (uploaded in the Ariel website of the course). The course includes discussions and working papers. The student will be invited to choose specific topics of study.
Teaching Resources
For attending students: Bourdieu P. La distinzione. Critica sociale del gusto, Il Mulino, Bologna; M. Douglas, B. Isherwood, Il mondo delle cose: oggetti, valori, consumo, Il Mulino, Bologna 1984 (available also in English).
For not attending students: Piccone Stella S., Salmieri L., Il gioco della cultura, Carocci, Roma; Berger P., Luckmann T., La realtà come costruzione sociale, Il Mulino, Bologna
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is written with open questions, it aims to verify knowledge and competences developed during the course, in line with the expected results. Attending students will be evaluated as well on the base of class discussions, thematic workshops and working papers. Collective working papers are part of the training, with the aim to develop autonomous judgment, critical capacity, competences in selecting and further explore the topic of the course. For all students, the final written exam will evaluate the capacity to critically present concepts and theoretical perspectives, taking into account the accuracy of the answers, lexical precision and the capacity to explain one's arguments. The first exam date will be set immediately after the end of the course.
Lessons: 40 hours
Professors: Domaneschi Lorenzo, Rebughini Paola Alessandra
Professors: Domaneschi Lorenzo, Rebughini Paola Alessandra
by appointment