
A.Y. 2019/2020
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Through frontal lessons each dedicated to a specific subject, the course provides the student, with the legal concepts related to the progress of scientific and technical knowledge in the field of biomedicine.
Expected learning outcomes
1) Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, the student must be able to formulate ideas, even original, and with a proper legal language, regarding the main concepts and legal institutions related to the progress of science and technology in with a specific focus on the phases of the beginning and end of human life, the relationship of care, the neurosciences, the human enhancement, the vaccination prevention.

2) Applying knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, the student must be able to resolve legal questions, even innovative and hypothetical, concerning the relationship between the sources of law relevant to the protection of human rights and biomedicine, the subjectivity of the embryo, the criteria and methods for ascertaining legal death, the informed consent and the living will, the aesthetic medicine, the forensic neuroscience, the vaccination.

3) Making judgements
Through lectures and discussion of cases, at the end of the course the student must be able to elaborate and defend, with logical-legal arguments, an independent reading of the main institutes of bio-law, considering, in particular, the medically assisted procreation, the autonomy of the patient, the protection of the vulnerable person, the use of neurosciences for judicial purposes, the human enhancement, the vaccination prevention.

4) Communication skills
Through frontal lessons and discussion in the classroom and with slides, the student must be able to expose in a technical-legal language to a specialized and non-specialized audience the main concepts and institutions of biolaw, with particular regard to the beginning and end of life, the neurosciences, the human enhancement, and the vaccination prevention.

5) Learning skills
The course allows the student to autonomously continue the study on the legal implications of scientific and technological progress in biomedicine, by participating in the cultural, political and social debate, and through the possible choice of the preparation of his thesis in the subject.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Third trimester
Course syllabus
The course will analytically and critically examine the controversies at the center of biolaw, considering the implications of the different perspectives formulated within those fields.
The course aims at promoting knowledge and understanding and capability to argue with a proper legal language and a logical reasoning, about the origins, the methods and the mail concepts and institutions of biolaw, paying special attention to issues concerning: the IVF and the status of the embryo; the informed consent to medical treatment; the withdraw or withhold of life-saving therapies; the euthanasia; the advance directives and the living wills; the neurosciences; the human enhancement; the medical devices; the vaccinations and the health emergencies.
Prerequisites for admission
As a course opened to all, there are no specific prerequisites for taking the exam.
Teaching methods
The lessons are held only in Italian language and in the form of frontal teaching (academic lectures taught in class), with the active participation of students who will be invited to ask specific questions and formulate their own solutions on theoretical-practical cases related to the topics dealt with in the lesson.
Teaching Resources
Attending students study for the exam only on the lecture notes taken by themselves during class.

Non attending students study for the exam on the following book:
A. Santosuosso, Diritto, scienza e nuove tecnologie, CEDAM (publisher), 2nd edition, 2016. A student is considered as "non attending" if he/she attends less than six lessons.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination is conducted exclusively in oral form and in the Italian language (without exceptions). It consists of one question usually related to any of the topics of the program, aimed at ascertaining the student's actual achievement of the expected learning outcomes of the course. The result, expressed in thirtieths, takes into account the level of knowledge and fluency of the matter, and the ability to expose it with analytically and in a logical-systematic way, with properties of technical-legal language and correctness of legal references, possibly even debating new phenomena or case studies.
Students are called to the exam according to the order in which they register for the exam. During the exam, the student is not allowed to use texts or notes of any kind.
IUS/09 - PUBLIC LAW - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Wednesday, h. 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Room n. 102, Building 4, 1st floor, Via Conservatorio 7, Milano or at distance on MS Teams via direct videocall