Orthoptic and Ophthalmologic Assistance

Medico di spalle; sulla parete un orologio e un ottotipo
Orthoptic and Ophthalmologic Assistance
Course sheet
A.Y. 2025/2026
L/SNT2 - Health professions for rehabilitation
Limited enrolment with admission test
Course location
Graduates of the Bachelor's Degree programme in Orthoptic and Ophtalmologic Assistance, pursuant to the strategic objectives set by the European Communities, shall acquire:
the scientific bases, and the theory and practice needed to understand biological and hereditary phenomena, the principal methods of function of the eye and related apparati, as well as an understanding of the psychological, social, and environmental aspects of the same;
an understanding of the evolution of the profession, and the foundations of orthoptic and ophthalmology;
an understanding of the foundations, trends, and characteristics in treatment and rehabilitation theory and conceptual models;
an understanding of the standards and regulations that govern the practice and responsibilities of an optometrist;
an understanding of the principles of bioethics, professional ethics, as well as legal and medical standards applicable to the profession;
the ability to develop an integrated approach to the patient, critically assessing the clinical, interpersonal, developmental, social, and ethical considerations relating to diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation;
the expertise and professional standards that orient the diagnostic and rehabilitative process with respect to patients, applying these standards in practice at an accredited healthcare facility, clinic or hospital;
a level of professional, decision-making, and operational autonomy thanks to a programme that takes a holistic approach to ophthalmological problems, including an analysis of the patient's social environment;
essential theoretical knowledge predicated on scientific foundations, with a view toward applying them in one's professional career;
knowledge, ability, and experience needed to plan, manage, and assess the need for corrective lenses and other rehabilitative treatment of the patient;
knowledge, ability, and experience needed to ensure the proper application of all diagnostic prescriptions and treatments;
the ability to pursue one's own continuing professional education;
the diligence to seek out continuing education, and the tools to do so;
the ability to cooperate and work with a diverse set of healthcare professionals on team projects and decision-making;
the ability to properly delegate to, and use the talents of, support staff, and to contribute to their training;
teaching activities geared toward student clinical experience;
an awareness of the ethics and history of medicine, with particular reference to orthoptic/ophthalmology, and rehabilitative studies;
an appropriate and effective bedside manner with patients and family members;
the necessary knowledge to understand the biological, physio-pathological, and sensory phenomena of sight;
skills in identifying the proper treatment for preventing and rehabilitating visual disabilities;
technical ability to perform ophthalmological diagnoses;
development of a professional skill set germane to the career to which you aspire, and as regulated by EU and Italian law;
the knowledge needed as a healthcare worker able to independently manage prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and functional assessments;
the ability to discern the competencies that come from learning semiological techniques, and a holistic assessment of visual function, and rehabilitative treatment of visual handicaps at various chronological ages;
the ability to provide patient education on topics involving preventing and treating amblyopia and other visual ailments;
the ability to work and interact proactively on an intra-professional team for the purpose of planning and sharing assessments and rehabilitation for patients with multiple handicaps;
specific capabilities in providing assistance during ophthalmological surgery;
teaching ability for instructing students in the three-year degree programmes.
The Optometrist / Ophthalmological Assistant is a healthcare worker who handles motor and sensory ailments relating to vision, using semiological/diagnostic/ophthalmological diagnostic techniques.
Those with a degree in Orthoptic and Ophtalmologic Assistance may be responsible for organising and planning professional services falling within their professional aegis, and may be included in research groups; they may also find a professional outlet in either a public or private clinic or hospital, where they might be an employee or freelance professional.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
The Degree Programme in Orthoptic and Ophtalmologic Assistance has a tradition of international exchanges, which began in the 2007/08 academic year.
The Erasmus programme (which stands for European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) was founded in 1987 thanks to the efforts of the European Community. It gives students the opportunity to complete a for-credit study-abroad period on an international campus partnering with the student's home campus.
Currently, the Study Programme for Orthoptic gives Year III students the possibility of an international internship or traineeship (research or clinical practice).
Our European partner is Portugal: The Lisbon Polytechnic - Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saude de Lisboa; The Porto Porto - Escola Superior de Saude (implementation pending).
Traineeships/internships will be available through both these campuses.
The Erasmus Plus programme contemplates, in addition to the bilateral agreements, the possibility of two instructors for each Campus to have international mobility.
The experience lasts six (6) months, and transfer credits up to 25 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) + 2 ECTS of elective credit (totalling 27 ECTS, converted into 27 CFU, which will appear on the student's transcript) may be awarded.
Every year, the Degree Programme organises opportunities for students returning from study abroad, and those about to leave, to meet up and exchange practical information and contacts.
Students returning from study abroad are asked to submit a written report, which allows the President of the Degree Programme to monitor student satisfaction with the study-abroad offerings, so that solutions might be found for any critical issues reported.
Attendance of all courses contemplated in the study plan is mandatory.
To be admitted into the degree programme in Orthoptic and Ophthalmologic Assistance, a candidate must have an Italian secondary-school diploma or a similar diploma earned overseas and deemed equivalent.
Admission to the programme is subject to a national cap in accordance with Law no. 264/99 (2 August 1999), and contemplates an admission test. Students must also meet the educational-background requirements set by the law for capped-enrolment programmes, or be subject to provisional admission. The admission test (there is one exam for all Healthcare Degree Programmes) is a multiple-choice exam developed and approved on a yearly basis by the University in accordance with the administration method and timetable set by MUR. The admission test is a tool to gauge the students' knowledge in the following areas: Italian language, general knowledge, logic, general science (biology, chemistry, maths, IT, and physics at a secondary level) as required to attend the first year of the programme.
The admission test will be administered as a national exam, generally in the month of September. The date will be set pursuant to a decree of MUR.

For more information on the rubric for the admission test, please visit: https://www.unimi.it/it/corsi/orientarsi-e-scegliere/preparare-i-test-ingresso
Read the call for applications at: https://www.unimi.it/it/corsi/corsi-di-laurea/ortottica-ed-assistenza-oftalmologica

Additional learning requirements (OFA)
Students who answer less than 50% of the Biology and Chemistry questions on the admission test will be required to finish a set of Additional learning requirements (OFA). These prerequisites may be met through specifically assigned remedial work. Any failure to complete the OFA will make it impossible for the student to sit for the exam in: Foundations of biochemical sciences and biology.
Timely notice of the various courses will be posted to: https://ortottica.cdl.unimi.it/it

Places available: 25 + 2 reserved for non-EU citizens

Call for applications

The call for applications is being finalized. Please refer to the call, once it is available, for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Application for admission: application deadlines will be published shortly.

The call for applications is being finalized

Programme description and courses list
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Altre attività 1 1 15 Italian
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Anatomia generale e oculare 4 40 Italian BIO/16 BIO/17 MED/30
- Anatomia oculare1
- Anatomia umana generale e SNC2
- Istologia1
Fondamenti di scienze biochimiche 4 40 Italian BIO/10 BIO/12 BIO/13 MED/03
- Biochimica1
- Biochimica clinica e biologia molecolare1
- Biologia applicata1
- Genetica medica1
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Fisiologia_dell'apparato visivo 4 40 Italian MED/30 MED/50
- Fisiologia oculare2
- Fisiopatologia della visone binoculare2
Fisiologia, patologia e farmacologia 5 50 Italian BIO/09 BIO/14 MED/04
- Farmacologia1
- Fisiologia2
- Patologia generale2
Ottica_fisiopatologica 6 60 Italian FIS/07 MED/30 MED/50
- Misurazione e strumenti2
- Ottica fisica e ottica geometrica2
- Ottica fisiopatologica2
Placement I 24 600 Italian MED/50
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Computer Science Course 3 30 Italian INF/01
English Assessment B1 (2 ECTS) 2 0 English
Laboratorio 1 - semeiotica della superficie oculare ed elementi di contattologia 1 15 Italian MED/50
Scienze_propedeutiche 7 70 Italian FIS/07 INF/01 ING-INF/05 M-FIL/02 MED/01
- Fiisica genrale1
- Informatica1
- Logica e filosofia della scienza1
- Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni1
- Statistica medica2
- Statistica per la ricerca clinica1
Study plan rules
1 - Lo studente, al primo anno, deve altresì maturare 2 CFU in attività formative a scelta.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Altre attività 2 1 15 Italian
Tirocinio (secondo_anno) 25 625 Italian MED/50
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Corso integrato di ortottica oftalmologia pediatrica e strabismo 7 70 Italian M-PSI/01 MED/30 MED/38 MED/39 MED/45 MED/50
- Infermieristica pediatrica1
- NPI1
- Oftalmologia pediatrica e strabismo2
- Pediatria1
- Psicologia clinica1
- Semeiologia dello strabismo nel bambino1
Corso integrato di patologia diagnostica e trattamento medico e chirurgico del segmento anteriore 4 40 Italian MED/30 MED/50
- Chirurgia della cornea, del cristallino e rifrattiva1
- Diagnostica per immagini segmento anteriore1
- L'ortottista come key operator1
- Patologia superficie oculare cornea e cristallino1
Glaucoma patologia, diagnostica, trattamento medico e chirurgico 3 30 Italian MED/30 MED/50
- Diagnostica per immagini e funzionale1
- Patologia del glaucoma1
- Trattamento medico e chirurgico1
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Corso integrato di patologia diagnostica e trattamento medico e chirurgico del segmento posteriore 4 40 Italian MED/30 MED/50
- Diagnostica per immagini e funzionale1
- Patologia del segmento posteriore1
- Scienze tecniche mediche e applicate1
- Trattamento medico e chirurgico1
Ipovisione e riabilitazione neuropsicovisiva 6 60 Italian M-EDF/01 M-PSI/08 MED/30 MED/34 MED/50
- Ipovisione e riabilitazione visiva 11
- Ipovisione e riabilitazione visiva 21
- Medicina e didattica delle attività motorie1
- Medicina fisica e riabilitativa1
- Patologie oculari e ipovisione1
- Psicologia1
Neuroftalmologia 5 50 Italian MED/26 MED/27 MED/30 MED/50
- Neurochirurgia1
- Neuroftalmologia2
- Neurologia1
- Semeiologia dello strabismo adulto1
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Laboratorio 2 - contattologia 1 15 Italian MED/50
Study plan rules
3 - Lo studente, al secondo anno, deve altresì maturare 2 CFU in attività formative a scelta.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Altre attività 3 1 15 Italian
Tirocinio (terzo_anno) 26 650 Italian MED/50
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Corso integrato di scienze interdisciplinari: chirurgie specialistiche con implicazioni oftalmiche 7 70 Italian MED/18 MED/19 MED/29 MED/30 MED/31 MED/41 MED/50
- Anestesiologia1
- Assistenza oftalmologica in sala1
- Chirurgia generale1
- Chirurgia maxillofacciale1
- Chirurgia plastica1
- Malattie apparato visivo1
- Otorinolaringoiatria1
Corso integrato di scienze interdisciplinari: cliniche con implicazioni oftalmiche 7 70 Italian MED/09 MED/13 MED/16 MED/30 MED/35 MED/50
- Infiammazioni intraoculari1
- Malattie dermatologiche con implicazioni oculari1
- Malattie endocrinologiche e implicazioni oculari1
- Malattie reumatologiche con implicazioni oculari1
- Medicina interna1
- Occhio e patologie sistemiche1
- Ortottica e patologie sistemiche1
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Corso integrato di medicina del lavoro 4 40 Italian M-PSI/06 MED/36 MED/44 MED/50
- Ergoftalmologia1
- Medicina del lavoro1
- Psicologia del Lavoro1
- Radioprotezione1
Organizzazione dei servizi sanitari e management_sanitario 4 40 Italian MED/02 MED/42 MED/43 SECS-P/10
- Igiene generale e applicata1
- Medicina legale1
- Organizzazione aziendale1
- Storia della medicina1
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Laboratorio 3 - l'ortottista nella ricerca clinica 1 15 Italian MED/50
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Examination 7 0 Italian
Study plan rules
5 - Lo studente, al terzo anno, deve altresì maturare 2 CFU in attività formative a scelta.
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Corso integrato di ortottica oftalmologia pediatrica e strabismo Fisiologia_dell'apparato visivo (compulsory)
Corso integrato di patologia diagnostica e trattamento medico e chirurgico del segmento anteriore Fisiologia_dell'apparato visivo (compulsory)
Corso integrato di patologia diagnostica e trattamento medico e chirurgico del segmento posteriore Fisiologia_dell'apparato visivo (compulsory)
Fisiologia, patologia e farmacologia Anatomia generale e oculare (compulsory)
Fisiologia_dell'apparato visivo Anatomia generale e oculare (compulsory)
Glaucoma patologia, diagnostica, trattamento medico e chirurgico Fisiologia_dell'apparato visivo (compulsory)
Ipovisione e riabilitazione neuropsicovisiva Fisiologia_dell'apparato visivo (compulsory)
Neuroftalmologia Fisiologia_dell'apparato visivo (compulsory)
Learn more
Course locations
L'attività didattica relativa al Corso di Laurea in Ortottica ed Assistenza Oftalmologica si svolge presso le strutture didattiche accreditate SSN.
Head of study programme
Per l'orientamento:
prof. Paolo Nucci
prof. Edoardo Villani

Per stage e tirocini:
dott. Francesco Bonsignore

Per laboratori e altre attività:
dott.ssa Xenia Celeste Bucella
Quality Assurance Delegate
  • Academic Office for the Degree Programme
    Ospedale San Giuseppe - via San Vittore, 12 - Milano
    [email protected]

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more

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