Management and Policies of Public Administration

The course of study enables effective learning of political, social, legal, statistical, economic and organisational skills: the interdisciplinary nature of the training is motivated by the aim of training professionals capable of effectively interpreting change and organisational innovation in public administrations, developing an approach to problems of public administration and public administration.
public administrations, developing an approach to problems capable of integrating different scientific perspectives. This type of training also makes it possible to understand the logic of administrative action, so that it achieves the objectives of economy, effectiveness and efficiency, and also implements the evaluation and control of the public resources employed.
These skills are fundamental both for those who work within public organisations (administrators and officials) and for those who interact with them from the outside: citizens, businesses, civic or economic interest organisations.
In addition, and with particular reference to public administrations operating in the Milan and Lombardy context, the degree course pays attention both to the health sector and to the issue of administrative simplification aimed at fostering the economic initiative of private operators.
The characteristic and distinctive elements of the degree programme are as follows
- integrate multiple and different managerial skills (economic, legal, political, sociological, statistical) acquiring a markedly interdisciplinary preparation and approach to the issues specific to public administrations: among them, in particular, performance improvement, digital governance, and administrative transparency;
- to know and learn the processes and rules of operation of public administrations, and of private entities entrusted with the exercise of public utility functions and services, also in their interaction with the political institutions belonging to the various territorial levels of government (Municipalities, Provinces and Metropolitan Cities, Regions and Central State Administrations);
- analysing and understanding the concrete needs of businesses and citizens, also by putting the evidence produced by the behavioural sciences (psychology of organisations and decision-making) at the service of this objective
- learning and reasoning by projects and objectives, in order to evaluate the products, results and impact of public policies and actions;
- recognising and solving malfunctioning mechanisms in bureaucratic organisations, using both traditional and the most recent scientific contributions devoted to the dynamics of the functioning of public administrations;
- learn the use and implementation of the tools that technological innovation makes available for organisational change and communication with users.
The degree course aims to decline theoretical knowledge in relation to the following educational objectives:
- close attention to both the knowledge taught and learned by students and the actual skills that students and graduates are concretely able to exercise;
- response to the specific learning demands coming from students, whether they are new graduates, administrators and employees of public administrations, or private economic operators dealing with the same administrations, through public-private partnership tools;
- in-depth study of supranational dynamics, which today place Italian public administrations in constant contact with European institutions and administrations.
The training course is structured as follows
- in the first year of the course, statistical, economic-business, administrative and political, legal and psychological skills are acquired;
- in the second year, managerial and organisational skills, public policy analysis and evaluation, micro and macro economics, sociology, law and English language skills are acquired;
- in the third year legal, economic, political, research and social policy, managerial and organisational skills are acquired, also with reference to the health sector.
In compliance with the procedures established by the competent Ministry and by the National University Council, for the delivery of courses with mixed modalities, the degree course in Management and Policy of Public Administrations delivers the training activities, for each teaching identified in the teaching plan, 50% in presence, and 50% at a distance. The distance learning activities are delivered, again with reference to each course identified in the teaching plan, 2/3 through synchronous distance learning activities, and 1/3 through asynchronous distance learning activities.
The mixed mode of delivery of the course is motivated by the fact that both the specific training objectives of the course and its educational pathway can be better pursued and achieved through this didactic mode: more specifically, the alternation of face-to-face and distance learning, synchronous and asynchronous, allows both the acquisition of knowledge (methodological, managerial, legal, economic and social) and the learning of skills (team working, problem solving, technological innovations, among others).
When working in private organisations responsible for the management of activities and services of general interest, the graduate in ?Management and Policies of Public Administrations? can work
- in publicly owned companies
- in companies, to manage projects in which business objectives and public policies are intertwined;
- in consultancy companies, to provide research and services based on the relationship with public administrations;
- in trade organisations, to monitor sector policies;
- in the media, to improve information concerning citizens;
- in public relations companies, so that relations between companies and institutions are based on high technical and ethical standards;
- in non-profit organisations, because good must also be done well.
In particular, the degree course provides the competences and skills associated with the following professional profiles:
Management and control technicians in public administration
Function in a working context:
The professions included in this unit assist public administrations in the management and control of organisational processes, with particular reference to legal-administrative, personnel, accounting, and user relations processes.
Competences associated with the function:
Professionals possess the knowledge and skills necessary to analyse and address managerial and administrative problems, present within public administrations, including through the understanding of relevant systemic interactions.
Employment opportunities:
Graduates operate, as a rule with the qualification of administrative instructor, and within the economic-financial services, in central, regional and local public administrations, in public administrations with functional autonomy (universities, educational institutions, health agencies), in publicly-owned companies, and in public enterprises.
Licensing service technicians
Function in a work context:
The professions classified in this unit examine applications and verify the conditions for granting licences for business and commercial activities, for the construction of buildings, houses or other facilities.
Competences associated with the function:
Professionals are able to know and understand the regulatory framework of reference, in particular with regard to the institutes inherent to administrative simplification and the use of ICT, and to apply this regulatory framework - in the light of its interdisciplinary relations with political, social, economic and organisational sciences - to the procedures that make the exercise of private economic initiative conditional on the granting of administrative authorisations and concessions.
occupational outlets:
Graduates work, as a rule with the qualification of administrative instructor, and within the offices dealing with companies and private individuals, in regional and local public administrations. They also work in commercial enterprises and organisations in the tertiary sector, with the aim of instructing and following the procedures for obtaining administrative authorisations and concessions.
Public service technicians for the issuing of certifications and documentation
Function in a work context:
Occupations classified in this unit examine applications and verify the conditions for issuing passports, identity documents and other personal certifications made by the public administration.
Skills associated with the function:
Professionals know and understand the regulatory framework of reference, and are able to contextualise this regulatory framework within each public sector policy: they ensure not only the legitimacy of the measures issued by public administrations, but also their ability to achieve - effectively and economically - the objectives and results of administrative action.
Employment opportunities:
Graduates work, as a rule with the qualification of administrative instructor, in central, regional and local public administrations, as well as in non-territorial public bodies (universities, educational institutions, health authorities), in public companies and enterprises, and also in private enterprises interacting with the public administration.
As part of the Erasmus programme, exchange agreements are in place with academic institutions present, among the other member states of the European Union: in Spain (University of Oviedo, University of Salamanca, Jaume I de Castellón University, Valencia, University of La Coruña) , France (Université Catholique, Lille), Portugal (University of Coimbra), Poland (University of Katowice, University of Gdansk, University of Lodz).
The courses offered by the aforementioned Universities cover all the central themes and disciplines of management and public administration policies.
The choice by the student of the exams to be taken abroad is made, before departure, together with the Erasmus+ coordinator of the Degree Course: the credits earned abroad are formally recognised, within the "study plan ", at the end of the period of stay abroad.
The Degree Course in "Management and Public Administration Policies" has limited access, with a number of students equal to 100, to which must be added the quota reserved for non-EU students residing abroad: the Degree Course issues, for each academic year, a specific call for admission.
The selection of students, who intend to enroll in the Degree Course, is carried out on the basis of a specific online test (TOLC-E), which must be taken according to the procedures for carrying it out, and within the deadlines, identified in the call for admission.
The merit ranking, valid for admission, is calculated on the basis of the result obtained in the TOLC-E test, and on the basis of the academic performance measured: a) on the basis of the average grade in Italian, mathematics, history and English, obtained at the end of the penultimate year of high school (for students who have not yet graduated); b) on the basis of the final grade.
The outcome of the TOLC-E test, and the academic achievement, contribute to the final result in the following proportions:
- TOLC-E test result: 75%
- School profit: 25%
Admission to the Degree Course in "Management and Policies of Public Administrations", as indicated in the call for admission, takes place in two distinct moments:
- the first (in the spring, in the time period set by the call for admission) for 40 places, of which 20 reserved for working students with a high school diploma
- the second (in the summer, in the time period set by the call for admission) for the remaining 60 places (and for any remaining places not covered in the spring selection), of which 30 reserved for working students with a high school diploma.Knowledge check
For students admitted to the Degree Course in "Management and Policies of Public Administrations", who in the TOLC-E test have obtained - in the "expressive-verbal understanding" area and/or in the "logical-analytical capacity" area - results lower than the minimum score indicated in the call for admission, additional educational obligations (OFA) are assigned, to be filled within the first year of the course, according to the procedures specified in the same call for admission.
If, within the aforementioned deadline, the student does not fulfill these additional educational obligations (OFA), he will not be able to sit - in the following academic year of enrollment in the Degree Course - the exams scheduled for the II and III year of the course.
OFA English language
In order to fulfil the Additional Learning Requirement (Obbligo Formativo Aggiuntivo - OFA) for English and sit the English-language exam required by the study plan, students must achieve B1 proficiency per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This proficiency level may be certified as follows:
- By submitting a language certificate attesting B1 or higher level in English and issued no more than three years before the date of submission. You will find the list of language certificates recognized by the University at: ( The certificate must be uploaded during the enrolment procedure, or subsequently to the portal;
- By taking a placement test offered by the University Language Centre (SLAM) between October and December of the first year. Students who fail the test will be required to take a SLAM course.
The placement test is mandatory for all those who do not hold a valid certificate attesting to B1 or higher level.
Those who have not taken the placement test by the end of December or fail the end-of-course exam six times must obtain the necessary certification privately in order to fulfil the OFA and sit the English exam.
Places available: 100 + 5 reserved for non-EU citizens
Call for applications
Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.
Session: 1
Application for admission: from 13/03/2025 to 12/06/2025
Application for matriculation: from 18/06/2025 to 30/06/2025
The call for applications is the only official document for admission to degree programmes. Please read it carefully. If you are reading this notice is because the call is available only in Italian as the programme is offered in Italian. Students wishing to enrol must be proficient in Italian.
Session: 2
Application for admission: from 09/07/2025 to 29/08/2025
Application for matriculation: from 04/09/2025 to 17/09/2025
The call for applications is the only official document for admission to degree programmes. Please read it carefully. If you are reading this notice is because the call is available only in Italian as the programme is offered in Italian. Students wishing to enrol must be proficient in Italian.
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Business and Accounting | 9 | 60 | Italian | SECS-P/07 |
Public Law | 9 | 60 | Italian | IUS/09 |
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Political and Administrative Science | 9 | 60 | Italian | SPS/04 |
Political Philosophy and Public Ethics | 6 | 40 | Italian | SPS/01 |
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Quantitative Methods and Statistics for the Social Sciences | 9 | 60 | Italian | SECS-S/01 |
Social Psychology | 6 | 50 | Italian | M-PSI/05 |
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Economics | 12 | 80 | Italian | SECS-P/01 SECS-P/02 |
English | 6 | 40 | Italian | L-LIN/12 |
European Union Law | 6 | 40 | Italian | IUS/14 |
Public Management | 9 | 60 | Italian | SECS-P/07 |
Public Policy | 9 | 60 | Italian | SPS/04 |
Sociology of Organisations and Professions | 12 | 80 | Italian | SPS/09 |
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Administrative Law | 9 | 60 | Italian | IUS/10 |
Diritto privato e della economia | 12 | 80 | Italian | IUS/01 IUS/05 |
Finance Science and Public Policy of the European Union | 9 | 60 | Italian | SECS-P/03 |
Welfare Policies | 6 | 38 | Italian | SPS/04 |
Optional | ||||
Administrative Law - Advanced | 6 | 50 | Italian | IUS/10 |
Cost-Benefit Analysis | 6 | 40 | Italian | SECS-P/03 |
European and Cohesion Policies | 6 | 40 | Italian | SPS/04 |
Health Care Management | 6 | 40 | Italian | SECS-P/07 |
Health Economics | 6 | 40 | Italian | SECS-P/03 |
Labour Law in Public Administration | 6 | 40 | Italian | IUS/07 |
Management of Public Services | 6 | 40 | Italian | SECS-P/07 |
Public Organization Theory | 6 | 40 | Italian | SECS-P/10 |
Qualitative Methods for Public Administrations | 6 | 40 | Italian | SPS/07 |
State, Society and Economic Regulation | 6 | 40 | Italian | SPS/09 |
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Final Exam | 6 | 0 | Italian |
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Administrative Law - Advanced | 6 | 50 | Italian | Open sessions | IUS/10 |
Labour Law in Public Administration | 6 | 40 | Italian | Open sessions | IUS/07 |
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
European and Cohesion Policies | 6 | 40 | Italian | Open sessions | SPS/04 |
Qualitative Methods for Public Administrations | 6 | 40 | Italian | Open sessions | SPS/07 |
State, Society and Economic Regulation | 6 | 40 | Italian | Open sessions | SPS/09 |
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Cost-Benefit Analysis | 6 | 40 | Italian | Open sessions | SECS-P/03 |
Health Care Management | 6 | 40 | Italian | Open sessions | SECS-P/07 |
Health Economics | 6 | 40 | Italian | Open sessions | SECS-P/03 |
Management of Public Services | 6 | 40 | Italian | Open sessions | SECS-P/07 |
Public Organization Theory | 6 | 40 | Italian | Open sessions | SECS-P/10 |
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Optional | ||||
Advanced Language Skills: English (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | English |
For this purpose they may take:
- courses given in other Degree Courses, or in other Faculties, of the University, subject to approval of the Teaching Board.
- courses of the III year, among those they have not already chosen (see above)
- Advanced computer skills (CTU)
- Advanced language skills of English (SLAM)
- internship (certifier: prof. Gabriele Bottino,
- attendance of (also external) courses and seminars subject to the approval of prof. Gabriele Bottino,
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Advanced Language Skills: English (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | English | Open sessions |
Learning activity | Prescribed foundation courses |
Administrative Law | Public Law (compulsory) |
Administrative Law - Advanced | Public Law (compulsory) |
Diritto privato e della economia | Public Law (compulsory) |
Economics | Quantitative Methods and Statistics for the Social Sciences (compulsory) |
European Union Law | Public Law (compulsory) |
Finance Science and Public Policy of the European Union | Economics (compulsory) |
Labour Law in Public Administration | Public Law (compulsory) |
Public Policy | Political and Administrative Science (compulsory) |
- Information on services for students with disabilities can be found here: - Information on services for students with SLD can be found here: - Email corso di laurea - Student registrar
Via S. Sofia 9/1 - 20122 Milano (MI) - Italia - Email tutor corso di laurea
The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:
- The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
- The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year)
- An additional fee is due for online programmes
The University also offers:
- Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
- Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
- Concessions for international students with refugee status
Scholarships and benefits
The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).
Learn more
Admission, ranking and enrolment