Participate in Our New Research Study!

Dear Student,

We invite you to take part in a new study conducted by the Sensory & Consumer Science LAB at the Department of Food, Environmental, and Nutritional Sciences (DeFENS), approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Milan (n°95/23 and n°23/25).

This research is part of the ONFOODS project, funded by the PNRR, and specifically the PROSPERA research plan (scientific coordinator: Prof. Monica Laureati).

What is it about?

We aim to explore the perceptions and barriers that may influence the consumption of new plant-based foods developed as alternatives to animal-derived products. One of the key aspects we will study is food essentialism, a personal belief that leads us to consider certain foods as immutable and "authentic," which may influence our choices and attitudes towards innovative foods. Additionally, we will also investigate knowledge related to nutritional, environmental, and sustainability aspects.

How can you participate?

It only takes about 15 minutes to complete the online questionnaire! We kindly ask you to complete the entire questionnaire to ensure your responses are valid.

Click here to participate or scan the QR code.


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Your data will only be accessible to our research team. If you have any questions, feel free to contact [email protected] or [email protected].

After completing the questionnaire, some individuals with different levels of food essentialism may be contacted for a second phase of the study, involving an in-laboratory evaluation. This second phase will take place in a single evaluation session, tentatively between April and June, at the Sensory & Consumer Science LAB in Città Studi. Participants will be asked to taste plant-based analogues of animal-derived products and their respective animal-derived counterparts (e.g., vegan burger vs. meat burger, plant-based milk vs. cow's milk, plant-based fish analogue vs. fish). The evaluation will take approximately 30 minutes, and participants will receive a €20 compensation.

Your contribution is essential to better understand these phenomena and promote more conscious and sustainable eating habits!

Thank you for your time and participation, and we look forward to seeing you soon,

The Sensory & Consumer Science LAB Team