
Donations are contributions of money, movable or immovable property with no quid pro quo.

Given the overall reduction in funding for universities, private donations are increasingly important for achieving strategic objectives in research and a significant social impact. Charitable contributions are tax deductible.

The donor's will is expressed in a letter of intent followed by an acceptance statement by the University.

Anyone can donate to the University: private citizens and partnerships (IRPEF taxpayers), as well as corporations, public or private entities, companies and institutions of all kinds, with or without legal status, even if they are not resident in Italy (IRES taxpayers).

Support high-priority projects against Covid-19

Make a donation to University research projects selected for their potential impact.

The projects were supported by a special funding of 100,000 euros from 5‰ tax donations to the University.

They are expected to grow over time, including through external partnerships, which can enhance the scientific contribution that a large university like La Statale can make to the knowledge of the new virus and potential therapies.

Università degli Studi di Milano 
BANCA INTESA SANPAOLO, via Giuseppe Verdi 8 - 20121 Milano

Current account   00000046397
ABI code 03069    CAB code  09400
CIN code  G
IBAN   IT97 G030 6909 4000 0000 0463 971
BBAN  G G030 6909 4000 0000 0463 971

Payment description: Liberal donation for Covid-19 emergency research