Unimi 2040 project group

Set up by Rector Elio Franzini in 2019, the UNIMI 2040 project group has the task of identifying potential scenarios for training, research and governance of a large multidisciplinary academic institution such as the University of Milan.

Our goal is to encourage our academic community to reflect on recent trends and future challenges, with a focus on the changes underway in Europe.

We will promote dialogue with universities and other institutions engaging in the field of education and research. Our benchmark will include the best Italian universities comparable to the University of Milan as well as our partners in the League of European Research Universities (LERU). 

The Group has set a multi-year work programme including seminars and reports on "frontier" themes  in the field of higher education, research and innovation. 

Some of the reports and texts discussed in the seminars will be published in the Unimi 2040 Discussion Papers series and made available to the entire academic community.

For information:
[email protected]

The UNIMI 2040 project group is coordinated by Marino Regini, professor emeritus with strong experience in comparative research on university systems.

Its members are General Manager Roberto Conte, Deputy Rectors Maria Pia Abbracchio, Antonella Baldi, Marina Brambilla, Marina Carini, Marilisa D'Amico and Marisa Porrini, as well as Antonio Carrassi, Elena Del Giorgio, Rebecca Ghio, Giuseppe Lodato, Alessandro Prinetti, Chiara Tonelli, Chiara Torre and Matteo Turri.

Webinar Series, September 2020 - June 2021

The Unimi2040 Group, in cooperation with the UNIRES inter-university centre, launches a series of webinars on topics that will affect Italian academia in the post-Covid era. Please find the programme here.
