Photo archive
La Statale Immagini, the online photo archive of the University of Milan, collects a selection of quality pictures by professional photographers, portraying University spaces, activities, and people.
The website is open for public consultation, but only our teachers, technicians and administrative staff can download photos using their University login credentials. The images can be used for the communication and promotion of University events and facilities, as well as for publications, in compliance with our policy.
External users must submit a request to the Press Office or the Web Communication and Graphic Design Office, specifying how they intend to use the images and for which purpose.
We have divided the photos in the archive into categories such as "Activities", "People", "Locations and facilities". In each category, we have created albums collecting images by topic.
As each image is associated with keywords, you can also search by keyword (eg "microscope") or by combination of keywords (eg "physics research" or "library student").

Your contribution to the archive is welcome.
If you have meaningful and quality images that you would like to be included in the archive, please contact the Web Communication and Graphic Design Office.
External users
External users must submit a request to the Press Office or the Communication Office, specifying how they intend to use the images and for which purpose.
Press Office
[email protected]
Tel. 02 503 12025
Web Communication Office
[email protected]
Tel. 02 503 12103
The photographs in the archive are covered by Copyright Law no. 633/1941, as amended.
According to arts. 11 and 88 of the Law, the University, as the buyer of the images, has the copyright on the works created and published under its name, on its behalf and at its own charge. Therefore, it has “the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute and sell the images”.
The photos can only be downloaded and used for institutional purposes, ie for the communication and promotion of University events and facilities, as well as for publications involving the University.
It is possible to use portions of images, as long as the cuts reflect the original nature and purpose of the photograph. Colour variation, graphic treatment, distortion, photomontage and juxtaposition are not allowed, except for creative or editorial purposes, and subject to the approval of the Press Office or the Communication Office.
The images must always clearly refer to the University of Milan.
If they are used in contexts where the reference to the University is not obvious and immediate, they shall be captioned as follows: “University of Milan, photo by ..., production date ...”.
The author's name and the year of production cannot be omitted.
In principle, the images represent the University, there must be no ambiguity of attribution, and their use must never be directly or indirectly detrimental to the prestige of the University.
Particular attention should be paid to the use of images portraying internal or external people.
In general, art. 96 of the Copyright Law provides that “the portrait of a person cannot be exhibited, reproduced or put on the market without their consent”. Therefore, in order to publish images of people in the University photo archive, it is necessary to obtain their signed consent.
However, no consent is required “when the reproduction of the image is justified as the person is famous or holds a public office, for reasons of law and order, for scientific, academic or cultural purposes, or when the reproduction is connected to facts, events, ceremonies of public interest or held in public. However, the portrait cannot be exhibited or put on the market when this affects the honour, reputation or dignity of the portrayed person” (Copyright Law, art. 97).
Any use of the archive images for advertising or commercial purposes is prohibited, unless it is promoted by the University and subject to signed consent requirements. Any such use shall be approved by the Communication Office and/or by the competent university boards.
University offices can autonomously provide archive images to external users for business purposes (eg to graphic designers for producing communication material or to journalists as article illustrations). The person providing the images shall verify that their use does not violate this regulation.
In any case, a copy of the materials produced using the archive photos (or the link if the photos are used online) shall be sent to the Communication Office for information and filing.