Detailed wifi service instructions
For a secure Eduroam connectiion, please configure your device:
Android, iOS, iPadOS
- delete any previously configured eduroam wifi network
- Install the geteduroam app
- Type "Milano" and select Università degli Studi di Milano
- enter your full university credentials firstname.lastname@(studenti.) when prompted
Windows, Linux and MacOS
- delete any previously configured eduroam wifi network
- browse
- download the installer
- select Università degli Studi di Milano
- read the setup instructions in the i section
- download and run the configurator
- enter your full university credentials firstname.lastname@(studenti.) when prompted
- delete any previously configured eduroam wifi network
- browse
- download the installer
- select Università degli Studi di Milano
- read the setup instructions in the i section
- download the .onc installation file
- open Chrome browser, go to URL chrome://network
- (in older ChromeOS versions, the URL is chrome://net-internals/#chromeos )
- clic "Import ONC file"
- enter your full university credentials firstname.lastname@(studenti.) when prompted
- the config will be imported silently and you will find the eduroam wifi network ready among your saved wifi nets.
Enter your full e-mail credentials: [email protected],
or, without spaces.
In case of problems, check your password by accessing the University webmail.
Please find below the ports and protocols for all users:
- HTTP: TCP/80 outgoing
- HTTPS: TCP/443 outgoing
- IMAP4: TCP/143 outgoing
- IMAP3: TCP/220 outgoing
- IMAPS: TCP/993 outgoing
- POP3: TCP/110 outgoing
- POP3S: TCP/995 outgoing
- Passive (S)FTP: TCP/21 outgoing
- SMTPS: TCP/465 outgoing
- SMTP submission via STARTTLS: TCP/587 outgoing
- RDP: TCP/3389 outgoing
- SSH: TCP/22 outgoing
- IPSec VPN standards: IP 50 (ESP) and 51 (AH) incoming and outgoing protocols; UDP/500 (IKE) outgoing
- OpenVPN 2.0: UDP/1194
- IPv6 Tunnel Broker service: IP 41 incoming and outgoing protocol
- IPsec NAT-Traversal: UDP/4500
- Cisco IPSec VPN over TCP: TCP/10000 outgoing
- PPTP VPN: IP 47 (GRE) incoming and outgoing protocol; TCP/1723 outgoing.
More network services are available depending on the user profile (students, staff, member guests, non-member guests).
If you see a similar message when connecting to eduroam, it means that the device has been locked for security reasons. To access the Eduroam network again, secure your device and write to [email protected]. You can keep using any other devices.
If you have consumer devices that do not support WPA2 Enterprise (voice assistants, video game consoles, IoT sensors):
- Students: InformaStudenti
- Staff: SPOC (Single Point of Contact)