Postgraduate programmes – fees and payments

First instalment

The first instalment must be paid within 30th September, by accessing the online service 10 days before the deadline.

If you choose to pay using home banking you will need to do so within the times specified by your bank for carrying out online transactions. Payments initiated on the deadline day but which fall outside of the permitted times, will incur a fine as they will be credited to the University the day after the deadline.

Specialisation students whose programme has been suspended due to maternity leave and/or illness must continue to pay the university fees instalments as usual, by the deadlines specified on Unimia, the student’s personal web page. 

University fee deadlines are not directly communicated to the students. 

Breakdown of the first instalment for students on track with their exams

  • Deposit on university fee € 490 
  • Regional tax for the right to higher education € 140 
  • Duty stamp € 16 
  • Total of first instalment € 646
Second instalment

The second instalment must be paid within 31th May by accessing the online Payment service.
University fee deadlines are not directly communicated to the students. 

The University’s Regulations on Fees do not provide for any payment in instalments of the second instalment for students enrolled in Postgraduate schools.

  • Postgraduate schools for Archaeological heritage and historical and artistic heritage € 950 
  • Postgraduate schools for the legal professions € 1,680 
  • Postgraduate schools in Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine € 1,265 
  • Fine for late payment of the first instalment (up to 31 December): € 30 
  • Fine for enrolling on a programme after 31 December: € 105 
  • Fine for late payment of the second instalment (up to 15 days’ delay): € 30 
  • Fine for late payment of the second instalment (more than 15 days’ delay): € 60 
  • Fee for issue of original Postgraduate School Diploma certificate: € 116 
  • Fee for exam for admission to Postgraduate School programmes with limited enrolment: € 50 
  • Fee for duplicate Carta La Statale (University personal badge): € 10 
  • Fee for student transfer to another university: € 91 
  • Fee for student transfer from another university: € 75 
  • Recognition fee for resumption of studies after interruption: for each academic year of interruption: € 200 
  • Reimbursement of costs for sending documents with insurance – for Italy € 10 
  • Reimbursement of costs for sending documents with insurance – for other countries  €15.