Regional scholarships

Education incentive Programme - Diritto allo Studio
IUSS Pavia Course of Excellence A.Y. 2024/25

The call for applications for IUSS Pavia Course of Excellence A.Y. 2024/25 is published.

Winners will have a total tuition waiver on the second instalment and a grant of €1,500. 

More information: IUSS Pavia Course of Excellence

Regional scholarships consisting of a sum of money and free access to refectory services are related to education incentive programmes.

Financed by the Lombardy government, the Ministry of University and Research and by the European Union - Next Generation EU.

The scholarships are awarded via competition, to university students meeting certain merit, income and regular attendance requirements, provided they are regularly enrolled in University programmes.

Students enrolled in first level master programmes, medical schools of specialisation and doctoral students - who already enjoy a scholarship or research grant - are not eligible to apply.

Applicants must:

  • not hold scholarships from other institutions for the same year of their programme
  • not be enrolled in a part-time programme
  • not be enrolled as repeating students on a programme level they have already attended;
  • not hold degrees, obtained in Italy, in programmes of the same or higher level of the one for which they're requesting the scholarship.

The scholarship is paid on the “Carta La Statale”, the University personal badge for access to University services. In order to receive the payments, the Carta La Statale must be activated as a prepaid card Flash Up Studio La Statale.

As of 2024, you can access the University's admission / enrolment / education incentive programmes and information services by using your SPID identity. Further information is available on the Registration page.

Call for applications - Academic Year 2024/2025
Via Santa Sofia 9

InformaStudenti - Fees and benefits - Scholarships

How to apply a.y. 2024-25

Students have to access the Online Service Desk from 15 July to 30 September 2024.
Prospective students have to register to Unimi in order to login to Online Service Desk.

The ranking lists are published, first in provisional and then in final form, on the Online Service Desk.

The provisional ranking list - generally available by the end of October - is designed to accommodate any appeals for review by students who claim that their documentation was assessed unfairly.

Once applications with supplementary documentation have been assessed and any unfair positions reviewed, the final ranking list of scholarship winners is published, generally by the end of November. 

Winners are entitled to complete exemption from university fees and one free midday meal, from Monday to Saturday.

Partial winners are entitled to a 50% exemption.

Students enrolled in their first year are evaluated on the base of their income, but on condition of achieving, within the deadline, the merit requirement. In absence of this requirement, the student will forfeit their benefit. 

For students enrolled in second or later years of a programme, the ranking list is based on number of credits and average exam results.

Students enrolled in the first year of the courses a.y. 2024/25

To maintain the right to a scholarship, students enrolled in the first year of a programme must earn the number of credits indicated in the announcement, within August 10th, 2025, with the possibility of using 5 CFU bonus credits for students enrolled to bachelor's or single-cycle degree programmes. 

Students in their first year course of a doctoral programme or a postgraduate school maintain the right to their scholarship only when sitting the final exam, otherwise their right to the scholarship lapses.

The scholarship lapses also when students do not meet the attended merit requirements within November 30th, 2025. In this case they must return to the University the amounts already received. 

Payment of the first instalment (50% of the total) will take place by December 2024 of each year and  will be credited on the student’s Badge - Carta La Statale. The second instalment is only paid once attainment of the necessary merit has been ascertained in October 2025.

The scholarship is paid on the “Carta La Statale”, the University personal badge for access to University services. In order to receive the payments, the Carta La Statale must be activated as a prepaid card Flash Up Studio La Statale.

Students enrolled in other course years (after the first one) a.y. 2024/25

Students enrolled to academic years next to the first will receive the payment of the first instalment by December 2024 and the second instalments by June 2025. They maintain the right to the scholarships awarded for the academic year 2024/2025 without meeting any other merit requirements.

The scholarship is paid on the “Carta La Statale”, the University personal badge for access to University services. In order to receive the payments, the Carta La Statale must be activated as a prepaid card Flash Up Studio La Statale.

Additional allowances

Students who obtain the bachelor's, master's and single-cycle master's degree qualifications a.y. 2024/25 within the regular duration provided for by the respective didactic activity organizations gain an integration of the scholarship equal to half of that obtained in the last year of the course, nett of withholdings for the refectory service.

In order to assign the integration of the graduating award, done ex officio, will be exluded those who:

  • have not graduated in a number of years equal to the regular duration of the degree course, single-cycle master's degree and master's degree starting from the year of first enrolment;
  • have already been beneficiaries of a graduation award during their entire university career;
  • are not beneficiaries of a regional scholarship in the a.y. 2024/25;

The payment of the graduating award supplement a.y. 2024/25 to the beneficiaries will be ordered by July 2026 with the same procedures provided for the regional scholarship.

The allowance goes with regional scholarships and can be awarded once at each study level to students taking part in programmes of study abroad certified by the University.

The allowance is € 600/month, including any EU allowances received, for the duration of study abroad up to a maximum of 10 monthsTravel expenses are reimbursed up to € 100 in the case of European countries and up to € 500 for countries outside Europe, in addition to the established free meals that have not been enjoyed.

To apply, students taking part in programmes of study abroad certified by the University must only meet the requirements of regular attendance and the income range envisaged for the scholarship.

Application must be made by accessing the online service Benefits service desk  with one's University or registration credentials, from the second half of July - when the call for application is published - to the end of September.

For Academic Year 2024/2025 the publication of the provisional ranking list is planned for January 2026, while the final ranking list will be published on February 2026.

Both ranking lists are available at the online service Benefits service desk.