Gender equality, inclusion, international cooperation

Soft skills, courses for students

Study of issues in gender equality, gender mainstreaming strategies, and the right to life and dignity of all inhabitants of Earth.

2024/2025 Academic Year courses
Course Teachers

Maximum credits

Total hours

Period Language How to enroll

Equal Opportunities and Scientific Careers

Elena Del Giorgio 3 24 2nd semester Italian Registration is open until the 2nd week of the course (SIFA registration not needed)

Gender-based Violence: Interdisciplinary Training Courses

Irene Pellizzone

3 20 2nd semester Italian Via SIFA online service, from 15 January to 15 February 2025; details at

The Instruments of Gender Equality

Benedetta Liberali 3 24 1st semester Italian Details in the syllabus.
Women's Time: Between Equality and Freedom

Marilisa D'Amico

3 24 1st semester Italian Details in the syllabus.