Open admission master programmes
To enrol on open admission master’s programmes you must first submit an admission application attesting to your possession of the requirements indicated in the programme structure for your chosen degree programme.
Candidates holding, or due to complete, a bachelor's degree may submit an admission application.
Successful candidates must enrol by the deadlines indicated in their chosen degree programme.
You can now apply for our open-admission Master’s degree programmes for the academic year 2025/2026.
Applications to open-admission Master’s degree programmes are open from 22 January 2025, deadlines vary depending on each degree programme.
The Admission Board, appointed by each degree programme, will check if applicants meet the admission requirements established in the programme description.
The enrolment window will open on 2 April 2025. Students can only enrol after the Admission Board has approved their application.
To find a programme and check the admission requirements, please visit the Master’s degree programmes webpage.
Non-EU students VISA applicants can apply for admission until 30 April 2025.
International students are also required to follow the instructions available on the webpage International enrolment in degree programmes.
Applications to open-admission Master’s degree programmes for the academic year 2025/2026 are open from 22 January 2025.
Application deadlines are between May and October, depending on each degree programme.
Applications to open-admission Master’s degree programmes for the academic year 2025/2026 are open from 22 January 2025.
The application deadline for non-EU students residing outside of Italy is 30 April 2025.
To be admitted to an open admission Master’s programme, you must submit an admission application in which you state that you possess the requirements indicated in the programme structure for your chosen degree programme.
Possession of these requirements is checked against the declarations made in the application and/or through an interview to evaluate your initial preparation.
Graduands from the University of Milan and from other Universities may also submit an admission application provided they graduate by 31 December.
Register or have to hand your University login credentials.
If you are registering with the University of Milan for the first time, or you are already registered as an external user but your credentials are no longer valid:
At the end of the registration, access the email account you indicated during registration and activate the registration credentials you received (username and password).
If, on the other hand, you are a graduand or graduate of the University of Milan, have your University credentials to hand as you will need them to access the admission application.
As of 2024, you can access the University's enrolment services by using your SPID identity. Further information is available on the Registration page.
The admission application must be completed online on the dates set every year, without having to hand anything in at the Student helpdesk. You will need to wait for the results of the requirements evaluation before enrolling.
Students who wish to apply to more than one programme must submit separate admission applications and pay the relevant fee for each one.
Before you start, make sure you have the following to hand:
- Your registration credentials (or University access credentials if you have previously studied at this university).
- Your Italian tax identification code (international students will be assigned an alternative identification code).
- The exact name of the programme you wish to gain admission to.
- Your credit card (if you wish to use this method of payment). Please note that if you are enrolling from abroad you can only pay by credit card.
- If you are a graduand or graduate from a different University, scan your self-certification attesting to your university studies, showing any exams taken, relative credits and Scientific Disciplinary Sectors. Graduands will be asked to specify which exams from the study plan are still outstanding at the time they submit their application.
- If you are an international student, prepare files with the other documents required.
Payment of admission fee
During the admission procedure you will be asked for payment of a 30 euro admission fee. You can pay this by credit card or with the MAV form (in Italy only).
- If you have chosen to pay by credit card, the payment will be confirmed immediately;
- If you have chosen to pay using the MAV form, do so by the deadline indicated on the form and keep the receipt. The payment confirmation will be sent to you by email and the application will come into effect as soon as the Student Registry receives payment (within 5 working days).
At the end of the admission procedure you can save or print the receipt. A copy of the receipt will in any case be sent to you by email.
- If you have chosen to pay by credit card you will also receive confirmation of payment.
- If you have chosen to pay using the MAV form, you can print the receipt along with the slip at the end of the procedure.
Depending on which programme you have chosen, the evaluation of the admission requirements may involve checking:
- only your possession of the curricular requirements indicated in the programme structure
- your possession of the curricular requirements, as well as the adequacy of your personal preparation, in which case you will have to attend an interview or sit a test.
The requirements are assessed against the declarations made in the admission application.
Applicants required to attend an interview or take a preparation evaluation test must attend on the day and in the place specified by the committee of their chosen programme.
If the evaluation is successful, the student may enrol by the deadlines indicated in the Programme description.
If, on the other hand, the evaluation or interview/test are unsuccessful, the committee will ask the student – where feasible and depending on the degree held and the programme chosen – to make up any missing exams with single courses.
If the assessment of your qualifications is successful, you can enrol online without having to hand anything in to the Student helpdesk.
If you have obtained your qualification abroad, you must book an appointment with the International Students Office to hand in the required documents.
Make sure you have the following to hand:
- Your Italian tax identification code. International students must obtain a tax code prior to enrolling.
- Passport photo (no other type of photograph will be accepted) in JPG, PNG, BMP format, maximum size 2 MB.
- Scanned copy of an identity document (back and front) in JPG, PNG, BMP format, maximum size 2 MB.
- Your registration credentials (or University access credentials if you are already enrolled at this university).
- Details of secondary school leaving qualification (upper secondary school): year, grade, school institute.
- Your credit card (if you wish to use this method of payment); if you prefer to make a payment notice, you must print out or save the slip generated by the system.
Paying with the Payment notice
You can make payment with your online banking, at any bank branch and ATM in Italy,or at Tobacconists that offer this service. Keep the receipt and remember that if you delay payment, you will have to pay a fine on the second instalment.
Payment receipt
- If you have paid with the Payment notice, enrolment will be confirmed as soon as the Student Registry receives payment, and in any case within 5 days. You will receive confirmation of payment by email.
- If you have paid by credit card and the transaction has been successful, confirmation of your enrolment is immediate and will be sent to you by email along with the bank payment receipt.
At the end of the procedure, save your receipt as proof that your enrolment has been properly registered. The receipt consists of several pages:
- The first page is a summary of the information you entered.
- The second page contains your matriculation number, your new student credentials (these will become active from the day after enrolment), your PIN number (in case you lose your password: make sure you keep it safe) and the details of your new University email account where you will receive all official communications from the University.