Natural Health Products Sciences

Natural Health Products Sciences
Course sheet
A.Y. 2024/2025
L-29 - Pharmacy
Open with admission self-assessment test
The degree course in Natural Health Products Sciences (CdS) aims to prepare graduates with both basic and applied knowledge, as well as professional skills in the field of natural health products sciences, providing the necessary foundation for access to master's degrees, specialization courses and masters in the relevant cultural area.
The CdS aims to provide a set of theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of botany, chemistry, biology, chemical-pharmaceutical, pharmaco-toxicological, pharmacognostic, technological and legislative sciences, allowing graduates to address the entire sequence of the complex multidisciplinary process that leads to the development, production, commercialization, correct use and control of raw materials and finished products, with specific reference to natural products for health, in accordance with current regulations.
Graduates of the CdS will have basic knowledge, able to use them in their applicative aspects. They know the methods of investigation proper to the sector and can use the results of experimentation for professional purposes, as well as to finalize their knowledge to the solution of sectoral problems and have competence in the use of advanced texts. The graduate has operational skills and can perform technical, management and professional tasks in the transformation of medicinal plants, quality management and marketing of natural health products, to be used in the preparation of health products, cosmetics or intended for food, ensuring compliance with current national and community laws. He/she can acquire necessary information and evaluate their implications in a production and market context, to implement interventions to improve the quality of natural health products. In addition, he/she is able to communicate effectively orally and in writing on topics related to his/her field of competence. Finally, he/she has the basic tools for continuous updating of knowledge, also using new communication technologies.
Thanks to the multidisciplinary knowledge acquired, the graduate can enter the following professional sectors:
- in herbalist's shops, parapharmacies and pharmacies with herbalist's department to devote themselves to temporary preparations, packaging, retail sale of herbal products;
- in the industrial field, where they can hold roles involved in the design/production/commercialization of raw materials and finished products, in the field of natural health products, their packaging, on sale and on the control of quality and safety;
- in public and private laboratories where the quality of products on the market is verified, even following importation from foreign countries, and where they can prepare technical regulations and certify the quality of products;
- in associations or regulatory bodies of the sector, both national and international, where they can perform coordination functions between different disciplinary areas/work contexts.
The skills necessary to perform the activities previously described are acquired through theoretical lessons, practical exercises and internship activities.
To achieve these learning objectives, the degree course intends to provide its graduates with:
- A preparation in the subjects of basic sciences (mathematical, chemical, biological), which enables the acquisition of solid theoretical and practical skills in support of the characterizing disciplines;
- Basic knowledge of the mechanisms, composition, chemical-pharmaceutical and technological characteristics, therapeutic efficacy, contraindications, methods of use, regulations and any other indication regarding natural health products;
- Adequate knowledge of biochemistry, physiology, pathology, and nutrition, to provide valid support in the prevention of pathologies and in the management of treatments proposed by the doctor, promoting patient compliance;
- Adequate knowledge in the field of botany and pharmacognosy of medicinal plants, of pharmacological effects, interactions between vegetable principles and their use in herbal preparations and/or as nutraceuticals and/or health products;
- Adequate knowledge of the chemical composition and nutritional properties of transformed and non-transformed foods, fermented products, supplements, functional foods and special medical purpose foods, including aspects related to their production and quality and safety control, in order to ensure correct information and useful recommendations;
- Adequate knowledge in the field of phytosurveillance;
- Knowledge of the legislative contexts and professional and ethical responsibilities, necessary to undertake the profession independently and to contribute to the protection of citizens' health.
- The necessary knowledge and learning ability to face master's degree courses and master's and specialization courses.
Herbal Technician
Job functions:
The graduate will be able to reach a high degree of autonomy in the workplace, allowing him/her to hold responsible positions in companies that deal with the marketing of natural products (phytotherapeutics, dietary supplements, functional foods, cosmetics); carry out information activities on the effectiveness, contraindications, methods of use and any other indication related to natural health products; prepare informative/divulgative material that accompanies natural health products; provide information on content, conservation, methods and times of use, purposes.
The graduate will have theoretical and practical preparation in botanical, chemical and product use disciplines, as he/she will have specific preparation to interface with all those who operate in the field of medicinal plants.
- Agronomic, biological, botanical, phytochemical, microbiological skills, useful for carrying out control of medicinal plants, from production to post-harvest;
- Chemical, pharmacognostic and pharmacological skills related to active ingredients contained in medicinal plants;
- Knowledge of methodologies, techniques and instrumentation for chemical analyses;
- Ability to find, deepen and manage scientific information in the field of herbal drugs.
Occupational opportunities:
The graduate will be able to find employment in herbalist's shops, parapharmacies and pharmacies with herbalist's department and his/her tasks will be: extemporaneous preparations, packaging, retail sale. The graduate will be able to know all aspects related to interactions between natural products and between natural products and drugs and will be able to provide indications on the correct use of natural products, recommending or not recommending their use.
The graduate will be involved in the promotion of herbal, nutraceutical, dietary and cosmetic products and in the preparation of informative/divulgative material that accompanies such products.
In the agricultural field, the graduate will be able to assist the work of the agronomist, who operates in the field of cultivation and/or production of medicinal plants and will be able to carry out activities to protect the flora related to medicinal plants and control their collection, at state, regional and provincial administrations.
Knowledge in the field of natural products is constantly evolving in Europe and requires continuous cultural updating.
Following DPR 328 of 5 June 2001, graduates have the skills to access the State Examination for registration in Section B of the Chemists' Professional Register.
According to what is established in G.U. of 7 May 2019, graduates are admitted to the State Examination enabling the profession of Agricultural Technician and Graduate Agricultural Technician.

Technician for the development and production of natural products
Job functions:
The graduate will be able to reach a high degree of autonomy in the workplace, allowing him/her to hold responsible positions in companies that deal with the formulation/development and production of natural products for health; the graduate will be able to control and ensure the safety of finished products and raw materials, in order to guarantee their quality, in accordance with current laws.
The graduate will also be able to develop/produce a natural product at an industrial level, choosing the most suitable raw materials, according to the main quality criteria and the most suitable formulation.
The graduate will have theoretical and practical preparation that will allow him/her to perform consulting and knowledge transfer functions in the field of health products based on natural substances, health, food, and cosmetic use, in companies dedicated to development and production.
- Agronomic, biological, botanical, phytochemical, microbiological skills, useful for carrying out control of plant material;
- Chemical, pharmacognostic and pharmacological skills related to active ingredients contained in natural health products;
- Knowledge of methodologies, techniques and instrumentation for chemical, biological, extractive and technological analyzes;
- Ability to find, deepen and manage scientific information in the field of natural health products.
Occupational opportunities:
The graduate will be able to provide information on: content, safety, quality, conservation, methods and use, purposes, activities of herbal, nutraceutical, dietary and cosmetic products, in public and private structures interested in information on products based on natural raw materials, such as laboratories, control and certification bodies/organizations of quality and in the editorial sector of the sector. Furthermore, he/she will be able to carry out consultancy activities in Hospital Companies and Poison Control Centers for aspects related to poisoning from plants and natural products.
The graduate will be able to perform tasks related to the design and formulation of new products, but also contribute to the identification of technologies necessary to obtain products of high quality and safety. He/she will therefore be able to perform quality assurance functions and will be involved in the development of analysis and quality control protocols for processes and services necessary in the production of the product. The graduate will be responsible and will have to ensure that periodic and correct inspections are carried out to evaluate the effectiveness and applicability of the quality assurance system.
The skills acquired in the regulatory and legislative field will allow the graduate to deal with the drafting and application of operational procedures to be used within the company and the applicable regulatory provisions. He/she will also be able to set up and maintain documentation to support the application for marketing authorization for products, interfacing, when necessary, with the regulatory bodies.
The graduate will be able to perform technical-analytical activities in private laboratories, the Chamber of Commerce and A.R.P.A., where routine analyzes are carried out on health products of natural origin, to carry out quality and Phyto surveillance controls of health products based on medicinal plants, guaranteeing in this way the safe use, for the protection of the consumer's health. Knowledge in the field of natural products is constantly evolving in Europe and requires continuous cultural updating.
Graduates have the right to register in the national register of herbalists managed by the Italian Herbalists Federation (FEI). The title is one of the requirements that give access to the State Examination for registration in Section B of the Chemists' Professional Register and to the profession of Agricultural Technician and Graduate Agricultural Technician, allowing them to practice respectively the profession of junior chemist or agricultural technician.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
The CdS offers enrolled students the opportunity to spend study and internship periods abroad through mobility programs mainly represented by Erasmus+. The European geographical areas in which the partner universities reside are located within the European Community and precisely indicated in the announcement. Mobility is aimed at studying (course attendance) and the possibility of carrying out a training internship which can be the subject of the degree thesis.

Recognition of study periods abroad: each student, depending on the length of time spent abroad, must propose a Learning Agreement which provides for training activities for an adequate number of ECTS: - one academic year: 60 ECTS; - one academic semester: 30 ECTS; - one academic quarter: 20 CFU. Students must acquire at least 70% of the credits provided for in the learning agreement. For thesis/internship activities, compliance means that the student has acquired all the credits provided for in the learning agreement. Credits are assigned based on the period spent abroad according to the following scheme: 3 months, 20 CFU; 6 months: 30 CFU; 9 months: 45 CFU. For students who have satisfactorily completed the training program, appropriate incentives are provided to be paid as an additional score to the graduation grade. This score ranges from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 3 points (depending on the duration of the study period, the number of credits obtained and the overall result obtained) which, upon proposal of the responsible teacher, will be assigned by the Graduation Commission.
Attendance at single-seat laboratory exercises is mandatory.
Attendance at lecture courses is strongly recommended, but not mandatory.
Attendance at the lectures and classroom exercises of the first-year courses is recommended. Both attending and non-attending students will have access to the teaching material of the different courses via the MyARIEL IT platform through their university credentials.
Admission requirements and knowledge
To be admitted to the degree course, you must have a high school diploma, or another title obtained abroad, recognized as suitable, and have adequate initial preparation. A satisfactory familiarity with basic mathematical calculation, basic knowledge of cell biology and general chemistry, logical skills, oral and written expression skills, and a general culture are required.

Verification of knowledge and personal preparation
The possession of these requirements, as well as logical skills and comprehension of a text, will be verified through a TOLC-AV evaluation test, mandatory but not selective for enrollment, to be held before enrollment.

Additional learning requirements and recovery methods
Students who have obtained a score equal to or lower than 4 in mathematic module of the TOLC-AV test will have to meet additional learning requirements (OFA), to fill until the first-year. These obligations can be met by attending support activities organized by the University in the period October-December, followed by a recovery test with which the student must demonstrate improved preparation. In the absence of this evidence, the student will not be able to take the Principles of Mathematics and Computer Skills exam. For more information, see

Access for transfer or for already graduated students
Students already enrolled in a degree program at the University of Milan, at another university, or already graduated may waived from the selection process only if admitted to years subsequent to the first.
However, since the course is newly activated, those who will be exempted from the test will be enrolled in the Herbal Science and Technology course.
To this end, a specific request for a prior assessment of their academic career must be submitted by accessing the online service stated in the call for applications. Applicants must declare provide a full transcript of records taken with their subject areas, credits, and grades and attach the course syllabi. For more details on the procedure, please refer to the call for applications. Students admitted to the first year will be selected based on the high school diploma grade and must register for the call.

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Application for matriculation: from 15/07/2024 to 30/09/2024

Read the Call

Online services
Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Human Physiology 8 64 Italian BIO/09
Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany 12 112 Italian BIO/15
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biology with Elements of Microbiology 8 64 Italian BIO/13 BIO/19
General and Inorganic Chemistry 6 56 Italian CHIM/03
Principles of Mathematics and Computer Skills 6 42 Italian INF/01 MAT/01
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Organic Chemistry 7 56 Italian CHIM/06
Qualitative/quantitative Analysis of Health and Cosmetic Products 7 80 Italian CHIM/08
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Assessment B1 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
be activated by the A.Y. 2025/2026
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biochemistry and Human Nutrition 10 88 Italian BIO/09 BIO/10
Identification and Pharmacognostical Analyses of Officinal Plants 8 72 Italian BIO/14 BIO/15
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Chemistry of Health Foods and Phytocomplexes 10 88 Italian CHIM/06 CHIM/10
General Pathology and Physiopathology 6 48 Italian MED/04
Principles of Formulation of Natural Products and Cosmetics 6 56 Italian CHIM/09
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Molecular Bases of the Action of Health Products 6 48 Italian CHIM/08
Pharmacology and Toxicology 10 80 Italian BIO/14
Physiology and Cultivation of Medicinal Plants 8 64 Italian AGR/04 AGR/13
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Efficacy and Safety of Herbal Products 11 96 Italian BIO/14
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Advanced Chemistry and Analysis of Herbal Products 9 80 Italian CHIM/08
Herbal Technology and Legislation 6 56 Italian CHIM/09
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Pharmacognosy Applied to the Herbal Sector 6 48 Italian BIO/14
Ethnobotany and Ethnopharmacology 6 48 Italian BIO/14 BIO/15
Herbal, Cosmetic and Nutraceutical Markets 6 48 Italian AGR/01 BIO/14
Microscopy as Tool for Quality Control of Plants 6 48 Italian BIO/15
Natural Products for the Skin 6 48 Italian BIO/09 BIO/14
Physiology and Natural Products for Physical Exercise 6 48 Italian BIO/09 BIO/14
Principles and Chemistry of Dietary Products 6 48 Italian BIO/09 CHIM/10
Research and Pharmacological Development of Natural Products 6 48 Italian BIO/13 BIO/14
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Stage 12 0 Italian
Final Exam 3 0 Italian
To ensure adequate student training and promote the learning of knowledge in an orderly and homogeneous manner, some prerequisites have been established between different subjects, as detailed in the table below. The prerequisites defined as compulsory are binding.

Some subjects include CFU of single-desk exercises (ESEPS). Exercises are distributed rationally over the three years of study and have a progressive degree of complexity. Therefore, the following access rules have been established:

Attendance at laboratory exercises in the context of the integrated courses of:

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of health products and cosmetics
Food chemistry of health products and phytocomplexes
Principles of formulation of natural and cosmetic products
Efficacy and safety of herbal products
Advanced chemistry and analysis of herbal products
Herbal and legislative technology
Production and analysis of natural products of extractive and fermentative origin
Technological and regulatory aspects of natural and cosmetic products
Applied pharmacognosy in the industrial sector and phytovigilance.

It is mandatory and will result in the registration of the attendance signature.

Access to the Chemistry of Healthy Foods and Phytocomplexes laboratory is subject to passing the general and inorganic chemistry exam.
Access to the laboratory of Technological and regulatory aspects of natural products and cosmetics is subject to the acquisition of the attendance signature of the laboratory of Principles of formulation of natural products and cosmetics.
Access to the Herbal Technology and Legislation laboratory is subject to the acquisition of the attendance signature of the Principles of Formulation of Natural Products and Cosmetics laboratory.
Access to the chemistry and advanced analysis of herbal products laboratory is subject to the acquisition of the attendance signature of the qualitative/quantitative analysis of health and cosmetic products laboratory and passing the general and inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry exams.
Access to the production and analysis laboratory of natural products of extractive and fermentative origin is subject to the acquisition of the attendance signature of the qualitative/quantitative analysis laboratory of health and cosmetic products and to passing the general and inorganic chemistry exams and Organic chemistry and Advanced chemistry and analysis of herbal products.
Access to the Efficacy and safety of herbal products and Pharmacognosy applied to the industrial sector and phytovigilance laboratory is subject to passing the examination for recognition and pharmacognostic analysis of medicinal plants.
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Advanced Chemistry and Analysis of Herbal Products Chemistry of Health Foods and Phytocomplexes (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Molecular Bases of the Action of Health Products (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory), Qualitative/quantitative Analysis of Health and Cosmetic Products (compulsory)
Biochemistry and Human Nutrition Biology with Elements of Microbiology (compulsory), Human Physiology (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory)
Chemistry of Health Foods and Phytocomplexes General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory)
Efficacy and Safety of Herbal Products Biology with Elements of Microbiology (compulsory), General Pathology and Physiopathology (compulsory), Human Physiology (compulsory), Identification and Pharmacognostical Analyses of Officinal Plants (compulsory), Pharmacology and Toxicology (compulsory), Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany (compulsory)
Experimental Models for Natural Products Design Biochemistry and Human Nutrition (compulsory), General Pathology and Physiopathology (compulsory), Human Physiology (compulsory), Pharmacology and Toxicology (compulsory)
General Pathology and Physiopathology Biology with Elements of Microbiology (compulsory), Human Physiology (compulsory)
Herbal Technology and Legislation Principles of Formulation of Natural Products and Cosmetics (compulsory)
Identification and Pharmacognostical Analyses of Officinal Plants Biology with Elements of Microbiology (compulsory), Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany (compulsory)
Molecular Bases of the Action of Health Products General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory)
Pharmacognosy Applied to the Herbal Sector Biology with Elements of Microbiology (compulsory), Human Physiology (compulsory), Identification and Pharmacognostical Analyses of Officinal Plants (compulsory), Pharmacology and Toxicology (compulsory), Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany (compulsory)
Pharmacognosy Applied to the Industrial Sector and Phytovigilance Biology with Elements of Microbiology (compulsory), General Pathology and Physiopathology (compulsory), Human Physiology (compulsory), Identification and Pharmacognostical Analyses of Officinal Plants (compulsory), Pharmacology and Toxicology (compulsory), Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany (compulsory)
Pharmacology and Toxicology Human Physiology (compulsory)
Physiology and Cultivation of Medicinal Plants Organic Chemistry (compulsory), Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany (compulsory)
Production and Analysis of Natural Products of Extractive and Fermentative Origin Chemistry of Health Foods and Phytocomplexes (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Molecular Bases of the Action of Health Products (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory), Qualitative/quantitative Analysis of Health and Cosmetic Products (compulsory)
Technological and Regulatory Aspects of Natural Products and Cosmetics Principles of Formulation of Natural Products and Cosmetics (compulsory)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Human Physiology 8 64 Italian BIO/09
Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany 12 112 Italian BIO/15
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biology with Elements of Microbiology 8 64 Italian BIO/13 BIO/19
General and Inorganic Chemistry 6 56 Italian CHIM/03
Principles of Mathematics and Computer Skills 6 42 Italian INF/01 MAT/01
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Organic Chemistry 7 56 Italian CHIM/06
Qualitative/quantitative Analysis of Health and Cosmetic Products 7 80 Italian CHIM/08
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Assessment B1 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
be activated by the A.Y. 2025/2026
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biochemistry and Human Nutrition 10 88 Italian BIO/09 BIO/10
Identification and Pharmacognostical Analyses of Officinal Plants 8 72 Italian BIO/14 BIO/15
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Chemistry of Health Foods and Phytocomplexes 10 88 Italian CHIM/06 CHIM/10
General Pathology and Physiopathology 6 48 Italian MED/04
Principles of Formulation of Natural Products and Cosmetics 6 56 Italian CHIM/09
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Molecular Bases of the Action of Health Products 6 48 Italian CHIM/08
Pharmacology and Toxicology 10 80 Italian BIO/14
Physiology and Cultivation of Medicinal Plants 8 64 Italian AGR/04 AGR/13
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Experimental Models for Natural Products Design 6 48 Italian BIO/14
Production and Analysis of Natural Products of Extractive and Fermentative Origin 12 112 Italian CHIM/08 CHIM/11
- Analytical methodologies in the development and production of natural products8
- Chemistry and technology of fermented products4
Technological and Regulatory Aspects of Natural Products and Cosmetics 7 72 Italian CHIM/09
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Pharmacognosy Applied to the Industrial Sector and Phytovigilance 7 64 Italian BIO/14
Ethnobotany and Ethnopharmacology 6 48 Italian BIO/14 BIO/15
Herbal, Cosmetic and Nutraceutical Markets 6 48 Italian AGR/01 BIO/14
Microscopy as Tool for Quality Control of Plants 6 48 Italian BIO/15
Natural Products for the Skin 6 48 Italian BIO/09 BIO/14
Physiology and Natural Products for Physical Exercise 6 48 Italian BIO/09 BIO/14
Principles and Chemistry of Dietary Products 6 48 Italian BIO/09 CHIM/10
Research and Pharmacological Development of Natural Products 6 48 Italian BIO/13 BIO/14
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Stage 12 0 Italian
Final Exam 3 0 Italian
To ensure adequate student training and promote the learning of knowledge in an orderly and homogeneous manner, some prerequisites have been established between different subjects, as detailed in the table below. The prerequisites defined as compulsory are binding.

Some subjects include CFU of single-desk exercises (ESEPS). Exercises are distributed rationally over the three years of study and have a progressive degree of complexity. Therefore, the following access rules have been established:

Attendance at laboratory exercises in the context of the integrated courses of:

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of health products and cosmetics
Food chemistry of health products and phytocomplexes
Principles of formulation of natural and cosmetic products
Efficacy and safety of herbal products
Advanced chemistry and analysis of herbal products
Herbal and legislative technology
Production and analysis of natural products of extractive and fermentative origin
Technological and regulatory aspects of natural and cosmetic products
Applied pharmacognosy in the industrial sector and phytovigilance.

It is mandatory and will result in the registration of the attendance signature.

Access to the Chemistry of Healthy Foods and Phytocomplexes laboratory is subject to passing the general and inorganic chemistry exam.
Access to the laboratory of Technological and regulatory aspects of natural products and cosmetics is subject to the acquisition of the attendance signature of the laboratory of Principles of formulation of natural products and cosmetics.
Access to the Herbal Technology and Legislation laboratory is subject to the acquisition of the attendance signature of the Principles of Formulation of Natural Products and Cosmetics laboratory.
Access to the chemistry and advanced analysis of herbal products laboratory is subject to the acquisition of the attendance signature of the qualitative/quantitative analysis of health and cosmetic products laboratory and passing the general and inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry exams.
Access to the production and analysis laboratory of natural products of extractive and fermentative origin is subject to the acquisition of the attendance signature of the qualitative/quantitative analysis laboratory of health and cosmetic products and to passing the general and inorganic chemistry exams and Organic chemistry and Advanced chemistry and analysis of herbal products.
Access to the Efficacy and safety of herbal products and Pharmacognosy applied to the industrial sector and phytovigilance laboratory is subject to passing the examination for recognition and pharmacognostic analysis of medicinal plants.
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Advanced Chemistry and Analysis of Herbal Products Chemistry of Health Foods and Phytocomplexes (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Molecular Bases of the Action of Health Products (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory), Qualitative/quantitative Analysis of Health and Cosmetic Products (compulsory)
Biochemistry and Human Nutrition Biology with Elements of Microbiology (compulsory), Human Physiology (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory)
Chemistry of Health Foods and Phytocomplexes General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory)
Efficacy and Safety of Herbal Products Biology with Elements of Microbiology (compulsory), General Pathology and Physiopathology (compulsory), Human Physiology (compulsory), Identification and Pharmacognostical Analyses of Officinal Plants (compulsory), Pharmacology and Toxicology (compulsory), Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany (compulsory)
Experimental Models for Natural Products Design Biochemistry and Human Nutrition (compulsory), General Pathology and Physiopathology (compulsory), Human Physiology (compulsory), Pharmacology and Toxicology (compulsory)
General Pathology and Physiopathology Biology with Elements of Microbiology (compulsory), Human Physiology (compulsory)
Herbal Technology and Legislation Principles of Formulation of Natural Products and Cosmetics (compulsory)
Identification and Pharmacognostical Analyses of Officinal Plants Biology with Elements of Microbiology (compulsory), Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany (compulsory)
Molecular Bases of the Action of Health Products General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory)
Pharmacognosy Applied to the Herbal Sector Biology with Elements of Microbiology (compulsory), Human Physiology (compulsory), Identification and Pharmacognostical Analyses of Officinal Plants (compulsory), Pharmacology and Toxicology (compulsory), Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany (compulsory)
Pharmacognosy Applied to the Industrial Sector and Phytovigilance Biology with Elements of Microbiology (compulsory), General Pathology and Physiopathology (compulsory), Human Physiology (compulsory), Identification and Pharmacognostical Analyses of Officinal Plants (compulsory), Pharmacology and Toxicology (compulsory), Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany (compulsory)
Pharmacology and Toxicology Human Physiology (compulsory)
Physiology and Cultivation of Medicinal Plants Organic Chemistry (compulsory), Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany (compulsory)
Production and Analysis of Natural Products of Extractive and Fermentative Origin Chemistry of Health Foods and Phytocomplexes (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Molecular Bases of the Action of Health Products (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory), Qualitative/quantitative Analysis of Health and Cosmetic Products (compulsory)
Technological and Regulatory Aspects of Natural Products and Cosmetics Principles of Formulation of Natural Products and Cosmetics (compulsory)
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Course locations
Le lezioni frontali si svolgono nelle aule indicate nell'orario didattico di Ateneo. Tutte le aule sono accessibili anche agli studenti con disabilità motoria.
Laboratory locations
Le esercitazioni a posto singolo si svolgono nei laboratori a disposizione della Facoltà di Scienze del Farmaco, secondo quanto indicato nell'orario didattico di Ateneo. In ogni laboratorio è a disposizione una postazione predisposta per studenti con disabilità motoria.
Academic guidance tutor
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
University and programme transfer tutor
Quality Assurance Delegate

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more