English entry tests

Some Master's degree courses require a B1, B2 or C1 level of English language proficiency according to the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR) as an entry requirement.

This level is laid down by the Master’s degree course itself and included among entry requirements in the Degree Programme Description (Manifesto degli Studi) and on the degree programme website. It is the responsibility of each applicant to inquire about this.

The English level is assessed by SLAM - University of Milan Language Centre throughout the admission procedure in the following ways exclusively:

  • language certificate earned for no more than 3 years at the time of submission, at the required level or higher, among those accepted by the University. Language certificates must be uploaded during the admission procedure. If the language certificate has expired or is not valid, applicants will have to sit the entry test run by SLAM for each single Master’s degree course according to the test calendar;
  • English level assessed by SLAM during the Bachelor’s degree course at the University of Milan. English levels achieved for no more than 4 years (reference is made to the date on which such level was registered on the applicant's career page) are deemed valid. Verification is automatic, with no need to attach any statements during the admission procedure. If the previous English level has expired or is not valid, applicants will have to sit the entry test run by SLAM for each single Master’s degree course according to the test calendar ;
  • Entry test run by SLAM for each single Master’s degree course according to the test calendar.


Students with disabilities or SLDs

Applicants with disabilities or with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLDs) who wish to receive special arrangements and support for the test (students with disabilities: 50% extra time; students with SLDs: 30% extra time) must contact the Office for Disability and SLD Services at email address [email protected]. Candidates with disabilities must attach their certificate of legal disability and/or statement of handicap status as per Law no.104/1992 whereas candidates with SLDs must attach the relevant valid SLD certificate under Law no.170/2010.

English language entry tests run by SLAM

NOTICE: Depending on the terms and conditions laid down by each single Master’s degree course, applicants will be summoned automatically or will have to register by themselves – via the link available in the calendar – to sit the entry test on one session only according to the dates scheduled by the course itself.

Entry tests will be delivered both in person and remotely, according to each Master's degree course programme.

The number of seats per session is limited; therefore, it is fundamental that applicants register for the first available session for their degree course as soon as they receive the outcome of their application.

Should seats sold out, the registration form will suggest the next available date or a different test delivery mode.

Each applicant will have the right to sit the test only once, regardless of the number of degree courses they have applied for.

Should applicants be absent on the date of the test they had registered for or had been summoned to, they will have to submit a medical certificate or similar documentation to excuse their absence and send it via the InformaStudenti platform, ‘language test’ category.

If in default of such documentation, applicants will not be entitled to register for another test and, as a consequence, they will have to submit a language certificate among those accepted by the University of Milan by and no later than the deadline set in the relevant table ; certificates will have to be submitted via the InformaStudenti platform, ‘language test’ category, writing the following as the message subject line: Certificazione ammissione laurea magistrale.

Applicants who fail or miss the entry test will have to submit a language certificate among those accepted by the University of Milan by and no later than the deadline set in the relevant table ; certificates will have to be submitted via the InformaStudenti platform, ‘language test’ category, writing the following as the message subject line: Certificazione ammissione laurea magistrale.

Characteristics of the entry tests

About the REMOTE Entry test

Versant English Placement test is a computer-based test, it lasts about 50 minutes and assesses the user's knowledge of English across 81 different exercises. It assesses A0 to C1 levels for each skill, i.e. Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.

About the IN-PERSON Entry test

The Oxford English Placement Test is an adaptive computer-based test, it lasts 60 minutes and is made up of two sections: Use of English and Listening. It assesses A0 to C2 levels.


Available tests for self-assessment

Management of Health Systems and Organisations


Medicine and Surgery

Medical Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine



Neuropsicologia clinica e sperimentale



Psychology in Healthcare



Cognitive Sciences and Decisional Processes



Human Nutrition and Food Science


Agricultural and Food Sciences

Biotechnology for the Bioeconomy



Crops and Plant Sciences



Nutritional Sciences



Sustainable Natural Resource Management



Pharmaceutical Biotechnology



Cosmetic Industrial Science



Biogeosciences: Analysis of Ecosystem and Science Communication


Science and Technology




Molecular Biotechnology and Bioinformatics



Earth Sciences



Sustainable Industrial Chemistry



Public and Corporate Communication


Political, Economic and Social Sciences

Computational Social and Political Science



Data Science for Economics



Finance and economics



Business Administration, Law and Corporate Governance



Economics and Political Science



Management of Human Resources



Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship



Politics, Philosophy and Public Affairs






Publishing and Communication, Fashion Cultures



Philology, Literature and History of Antiquity



Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence



Modern Humanities



Music, Cultures, Media, Performance



Philosophical Sciences



Historical Sciences



History and Criticism of Art




Your test result will be uploaded within about a week on the dedicated admission application platform and you will be sent relevant notification via mail to the email address you entered when applying.

Should you pass the test and, therefore, reach the required level as per admission requirements, your application will be validated as far as the requirements assessed by SLAM are concerned.Should you not reach the level required as per admission requirements and, therefore, not pass the test, you will be sent relevant notification stating that you did not pass the test.

Those who do not reach the level required by the degree course they are applying for may earn a language certificate privately and then forward it to the SLAM Centre by the admission application deadline set by the relevant degree course.



If the Master's degree course requires a B1 English proficiency entry level and an additional B2 language assessment to be acquired by the first year of study, students who passed the B1 entry level test can sit the Placement test, too, to try to reach the B2 level within the scheduled deadline. 

If they reach the B2 level, students will get the corresponding English assessment credits and will not have to attend any English course. If they reach the B1 level again, students will have to attend a B2 level English course in the second semester; if they reach a level below B1, the B1 level assessed during the entry test shall remain valid and students will have to attend a B2 level English course in the second semester. 

If students decide not to sit the Placement test, they will have to attend a B2 level English course in the second semester.


During the enrolment procedure, students will be asked to choose the path they intend to follow in order to assess the English language proficiency level as provided for by their degree programme. Please find below the three possible options:


  1. Holding a language certificate accepted by UNIMI – to be selected by those applicants holding an English language certificate at a level which is equal to or higher than that required by their degree programme to assess English language proficiency. Such certificate shall be attached during the enrolment procedure and it will be evaluated and uploaded on the student’s career page within 90 days from the date of its submission.


  1. For lack of language certificate, they intend to assess English language proficiency at UNIMI following the path by SLAM – to be selected by those applicants whose English language entry requirement is equal to B1 (assessed via entry test, previous Bachelor’s degree level, or certificate), but whose English language proficiency level required by their degree programme to graduate is equal to B2 and intend to try and sit the Placement test to reach B2 or intend to attend the B2 English language course offered by SLAM. This option shall be selected also by those applicants who already proved a B2 level during admission via entry test or previous Bachelor’s degree: in such case, the English language assessment will be uploaded on their career page automatically (no later than March 2026) without the need to sit the Placement test.



Information on personal data processing concerning Versant Placement Test users