Service Charter
The Service Charter is a document illustrating the services available to Milan University users and the quality standards to be met.
The Charter sets out the key services provided by the University Administration.
It is for all internal and external users of technical, administrative and library services provided by the University of Milan, including students, prospective students, graduates, citizens, businesses and institutions, University structures, teaching and administrative staff.
The Charter ensures quality services meeting users' needs promptly and effectively.
For this purpose, the Charter explains how services are delivered, as well as how to request a service and interact with the Administration. It promotes participation and cooperation between the Administration and recipients of services with a view to continuous improvement.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 30/03/2023
- Out-of-court legal and advisory services
- Pre-litigation and litigation debt collection
- Legal fulfilments for teaching, research and related activities in the medical-health area
- Legal fulfilments for the direct recruitment of professors and researchers, and for additional places in postgraduate programmes in the medical-health area
- University structures and staff
- Professors and researchers
- Citizens
- Businesses and institutions
- User orientation desk
- Student Ombudsman
- Whistleblowing
- Support for Governing Bodies activities
- Framework and institutional agreement process
- Student associations registration
- Applications for institutional event, conference, seminar spaces
- Document registration and shipping services
- Requests for selections of archival documents
- University structures and staff
- Fellows, postdocs, PhD students
- Students
- Citizens
- Businesses and institutions
- Contractors, suppliers of goods and services
- User orientation desk
- Requirements planning, regulatory and jurisprudential support
- Online negotiated procedures (supplies below threshold-value)
- Online competitive procedures (supplies above threshold-value)
- Suppliers' register establishment and management
- Direct assignments of less than 40,000 euros
- MePA online procedures below threshold-value
- Agreements with CONSIP and ARIA Lombardia
- Issue of diplomas and badges
- University structures and staff
- Graduates
- Businesses and institutions
- User orientation desk
- Budget changes
- Payment and collection orders
- Register of legal entities
- Help desk U-gov
- Institutional revenues
- Accounts payable
- Electronic invoicing
- Accounts receivable
- Collection of trade receivables
- Decentralized billing support
- Tax consultancy
- University structures and staff
- Graduates
- Businesses and institutions
- User orientation desk
- Establishment and accreditation of PhD programmes
- Outbound student mobility
- Inbound student mobility
- Advanced courses
- Masters
- Design and review of study programme curricula
- Initial and periodic accreditation of study programmes
- Departments
- Academic boards and ad-hoc commissions
- Quality Assurance Board
- Student offices
- Coordinators of PhD programmes and academic boards
- University staff
- Students, graduates, PhD students, postgraduates
- Affiliated organizations and institutions
- Divisional office
- Buildings included in lot B and S. Paolo Hospital and via Beldiletto
- Buildings included in lot A and co-generation area
- University structures and staff
- Graduates
- Businesses and institutions
- University portal management
- Unimia
- Standard service requests
- University structures and staff
- End users
- Sportello di orientamento all’utenza
- Sviluppo di rapporti con altre università, enti di ricerca, aziende, venture capital per la realizzazione di programmi di Open Innovation
- Supporto alla tutela dei risultati della ricerca
- Supporto alla progettazione e organizzazione di attività divulgative rivolte alla cittadinanza
- Utenti interni
- Utenti esterni
- Sportello di orientamento all’utenza
- Servizi di "People Care"
- Corsi di formazione per il personale TAB
- Consulenza psicologica per la qualità della vita organizzativa
- Convenzioni e agevolazioni
- Firma Remota di Ateneo
- Lavoro Agile
- Reclutamento personale docente e ricercatore
- Reclutamento di personale tecnico, amministrativo e bibliotecario, collaboratori ed esperti linguistici, tecnologi e dirigenti a tempo indeterminato e determinato
- Personale docente e ricercatore
- Personale tecnico, amministrativo bibliotecario, C.E.L.
- Borsisti, assegnisti, dottorandi, specializzandi
- Responsabili delle strutture dell’Ateneo
- Collaboratori esterni
- Cittadini
- User orientation desk
- Performance cycle support
- Independent Evaluation Unit support
- Student survey management
- Divisional reporting
- University Quality Assurance (AVA) management
- Research project and data management and monitoring
- Open Science
- Iris/Air
- University structures, bodies and staff
- Students
- Professors and researchers
- Citizens
- Institutions, organizations and businesses
Student PR office
- Admissions
- Support for international students
- Badge - Carta La Statale
Undergraduate student offices
- Academic career and administrative procedures
- Tuition and fees
- Fees and waivers
- Part-time enrolment
- Teacher bonus
- Tax simulator
- Student work
- Education incentive programmes
- Accommodation
- Scholarships and catering
Post-graduate programmes
- PhD Programmes
- Masters and advanced courses
- Post-graduate schools
- Teacher training (FOR24)
- State Board Exams
- Prospective students
- Students
- Graduates
- User orientation desk
- Access to rooms and collections (consultation)
- Loan
- Interlibrary loan and document delivery
- User education
- Digital Library
- Institutional users
- University-affiliated users and institutions
- Authorized external users
- Libraries and documentation centres of Italian and foreign institutions
- Suppliers
- User orientation desk
- Opinions on insurance matters
- University insurance claim management (ex-student accident policy)
- Janitor service management
- Commission and supervision of outsourced services:
- cleaning of University buildings and spaces
- canteens, cafés and vending machines
- surveillance
- remote alarm system
- Management and allocation of University spaces, collection of asset and real estate data, keeping of technical certifications in the Building File
- Maintenance of applications for asset and real estate data management (FM Portal), archive management (building files)
- University structures, bodies and staff
- Prospective students
- Students
- Graduates, fellows, postdocs
- Citizens
- Businesses and institutions
- User orientation desk
- Review, writing, preliminary approval process, negotiation of research agreements based on national and international calls or otherwise
- Support for participating in research competitive procedures
- Management and support for the University's research competitive procedures
- Advisory and specialist financial services for research project management
- Negotiation of commissioned research agreements, advisory and training services
- Proprietary technology platforms
- University structures and staff
- Fellows, postdocs, PhD students
- External researchers
- Businesses and institutions
- User orientation desk
- Meal voucher distribution to technical, administrative and library staff
- Employee payroll processing
- Issue of tax certificates (CU)
- Stipend processing (research grants and scholarships, PhDs, postgraduates)
- Self-employed payments
- People Care Services
- Training courses for technical, administrative and library staff
- University structures, bodies and staff
- Students
- Professors and researchers
- Citizens
- Institutions, organizations and businesses
- Exhibition loans
- Access to collections
- Conferences and publications
- Students, graduates, faculty and scholars
- Fellows, postdocs, PhD students, postgraduates
- Citizens
- Guidance Services for Prospective and New Students
- Information and guidance desk
- Individual guidance interviews
- Services for schools
- Guidance events
- Post-Graduate Guidance and Placement Services
Services for students and graduates- Meetings, seminars and job orientation workshops
- Career services
- CV, internship and job postings online board - students and graduates
- Meetings with companies at the University:
- Job Fair and recruiting days - students and graduates
- Post-Graduate Guidance and Placement Services
Services for businesses and institutions- CV, internship and job postings online board
- Meetings with companies at the University: Job Fair and recruiting days
- Internship Office
- Curricular internships (for students)
- Extracurricular internships (for graduates)
- Internships abroad
- Internships and special projects in Italy and abroad
- Disability and SLD Services
- Services for students with disabilities
- Services for students with SLDs
- User orientation desk
- Student Support Services
- Counselling and learning support
- Prospective students and parents
- Students, high-school graduates and upcoming graduates
- High-school teachers in charge of orientation programmes
- Disabled students pursuant to Law 104/92
- Students with SLD certification pursuant to Law 170/2010
- Graduates and upcoming graduates
- Those holding Master's, PhD, or postgraduate degrees, within 12 months of graduation
- Organizations, institutions, businesses and associations
- Computerized tests and exams
- Online questionnaires
- E-learning websites to support and integrate classroom teaching
- Design and set-up of blended and/or online training
- Design and management of Learning Management Systems (LMS), Content Management Systems (CMS) and web portals for innovative teaching and audio-video production.
- Design, production and post-production of educational content
- Design, production and post-production of:
- audio-video and multimedia productions for teaching and learning
- multimedia initiatives and projects in the field of communication, promotion and the Third Mission
- Design, set-up and implementation of audio-video educational courses at the CTU TV and radio studio
- Faculty training in innovative teaching methods and technologies and in digital communication
- Basic IT skills assessment service - 3 CFU
- University structures
- Heads of study programmes
- Faculty
- Students
- English language tests and courses
- Tests and courses in Italian language for foreigners
- International language certifications
- Tests and courses in French, Spanish, German and US/British English
- Medical English courses
- International courses in Italian language and culture
- Students
- University staff
- PhD students, fellows, researchers, visiting professors
- Employees or students of affiliated institutions
- External users
- Implementazione e aggiornamento del Sistema Gestione Qualità ISO d’Ateneo
Gestione piattaforma UniDEC
Supporto al RUP per l’adempimento degli obblighi informativi ANAC
Revisione e aggiornamento della Carta dei Servizi di UniMI
- Responsabili di struttura e Referenti qualità ISO
Direttori dell’esecuzione dei contratti di servizi e forniture
Rup dei contratti di servizi e forniture
Responsabili di struttura e Referenti della Carta dei Servizi.
Utenti dei servizi presenti nella Carta dei Servizi di UniMI
- Sportello di Orientamento all'utenza
- Sorveglianza Sanitaria
- Tutela Salute e maternità delle lavoratrici madri
- Denuncia Infortuni (personale non strutturato e docente)
- Supporto alla redazione del DUVRI
- Formazione base per la sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro
- Formazione specifica per la sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro
- Rilascio idoneità degli ambienti e delle postazioni di telelavoro
- Docenti
- Assegnisti, Borsisti, Dottorandi, Specializzandi
- Studenti
- Volontari frequentatori
- Personale TAB
- Personale C.E.L.
- Strutture universitarie
For students only