Natural Sciences

Campo di spighe di grano: particolare
Natural Sciences
Course sheet
A.Y. 2024/2025
L-32 - Environmental sciences
Limited enrolment with admission test
Course location
In line with the qualifying learning objectives of the corresponding degree class, the Bachelor?s degree programme in Natural Sciences aims to offer students a balanced synthesis between theoretical knowledge and methodological practice in the fields of biology and geology. Such expertise is essential for professional activities concerning the interpretation and protection of all elements of the past and present natural world, and highlighting the correlations between organisms, host substrate and the environment.
The programme is designed with the following objectives:
- Provide a systemic understanding of nature as well as robust practical experience in applying the scientific method to analyse biological components, their mutual interactions and their interactions with the chemical and physical environment;
- Prepare graduates that are able to study the biotic and abiotic components of the natural world, as well as their interactions. The degree programme notably covers a highly cross-disciplinary range of topics, from biology to geology and geography, including fundamentals of mathematics, chemistry and physics;
- Prepare graduates that are able to work in a team as well as autonomously, and to smoothly integrate in any work environment;
- Prepare graduates that are able to use at least one language of the European Union other than Italian in their specific field of expertise and for general communication;
- Provide graduates with the necessary tools to access further educational and personal development opportunities, including teaching-oriented Master's degree programmes.
The degree programme requires students to gain oral and written proficiency in English.
Students will also become skilled in processing naturalistic data using mathematical and statistical techniques applicable to biotic and abiotic contexts. Moreover, they will acquire skills to identify living organisms, substrate types and landforms, to plan protocols and experimental procedures, and to properly write reports in different areas of natural sciences, such as surveys and analyses of the flora, fauna and morphology of the land or, more generally, methodological and experimental procedures for a cross-disciplinary study of organisms, the present environment and the geological past. Graduates will be able to autonomously assess and interpret experimental data, to choose the appropriate techniques for the analysis of environmental and natural components, as well as to apply the principles of professional ethics and a scientific approach to bioethical issues. Moreover, graduates will acquire verbal and written communication skills to be able to address both experts in the field and the general public, using the appropriate language register according to the different circumstances.
The aim of the degree programme is to train graduates who can: perform professional and technical-operational tasks for the identification and classification of processes and phenomena that had, or are having, an impact on the territory; collect, store and process data; define sampling criteria; identify living organisms, substrate types and landforms; organise environmental planning and control activities. This is done with a view to preparing students to enter the world of work right after graduating. The above-mentioned skills can be applied in national and local public administrations dealing with the territory, at research entities and private companies involved in the monitoring of the territory and its resources, as well as by freelancers.
Graduates will also be able to perform professional and technical-operational tasks for the management of natural systems and agri-ecosystems, and take on management and technical assistance roles in parks and natural reserves, farms and cooperatives, as well as in public administrations, research entities and private companies involved in the management and recovery of the territory and its resources.
Graduates will be able to identify protocols and analytical methods to plan laboratory tests and will be familiar with the most common analysis techniques for the characterisation of natural materials. These activities may be undertaken at research centres and public and private analysis laboratories of the agri-food, environmental and pharmaceutical sectors.
Graduates will be able to provide support for the protection of cultural, botanical, zoological, palaeontological and geo-archaeological heritage, and to enhance collections and natural and cultural resources. To this end, they may work at science museums, botanical gardens, teaching and dissemination centres, research entities and private companies involved in the management of cultural and natural heritage.
Finally, graduates will be able to: disseminate knowledge regarding current ecosystems and ecosystems of the geological past; promote environmental education in schools; set up exhibitions on nature; raise awareness on sustainable development. Employment opportunities for this kind of activities are to be found in museums, parks, schools, publishers, public administrations, research entities and private companies active in knowledge dissemination and ecosystems management and protection.

Professional profiles

Expert in the collection and monitoring of naturalistic data
Job function: to collect data on the field; to produce thematic cartography; to classify, analyse and monitor biotic and abiotic components of the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
Professional skills: ability to fulfil professional and technical-operational tasks so as to cooperate in the identification and classification of processes and phenomena that had, or are having, an impact on the territory; data collection skills, data storage skills and basic data processing skills; ability to define sampling criteria. Ability to identify animals and plants.
Career opportunities: public administrations (at the national and local level) that deal with the territory; research entities and private companies involved in the monitoring of the territory and its resources. Freelance professional activity.

Expert in the management of natural areas and agricultural ecosystems
Job function: to analyse and monitor systems and biological processes both in natural and anthropic settings, in order to preserve the natural environment and improve its quality; to preserve and restore the biotic components of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems; to provide technical support in environmental planning and control; to provide specialised support to protect and recover areas at risk.
Professional skills: ability to fulfil professional and technical-operational tasks so as to cooperate in the management of natural systems and agroecosystems
Career opportunities: management and technical assistance roles in parks and natural reserves, farms and cooperatives; public administrations (at the local and national level) for land management and recovery; research entities and private companies involved in the management of the territory and its resources. Freelance professional activity.

Expert in the laboratory analysis of biological and geological materials
Job function: to analyse biotic and abiotic components of natural ecosystems; to define physical-chemical and biological properties of materials (characterisation); to serve as quality controller; to employ natural materials in industry.
Professional skills: ability to identify the right protocols and analytical methods to plan laboratory analyses; knowledge of the main analytical techniques for characterisation of natural materials.
Career opportunities: public and private research centres and analysis laboratories of the agri-food and environmental sectors, as well as of the pharmaceutical industry. Public administrations (at the local and national level) dealing with material characterisation and providing operational support to research entities. Freelance professional activity.

Expert in the management and conservation of museum collections
Job function: to provide support for the protection of the cultural, botanical, zoological, palaeontological and geo-archaeological heritage; to enhance collections and the natural and cultural heritage.
Professional skills: ability to classify biotic and abiotic natural elements; data storage, processing and enhancement; knowledge of exposition techniques.
Career opportunities: science museums, botanical gardens and teaching and dissemination centres; operational support roles for research entities and private companies involved in the management of cultural and natural heritage. Freelance professional activity.

Expert in the dissemination of natural sciences
Job function: to disseminate knowledge regarding current ecosystems and ecosystems of the geological past; to promote environmental education in schools; to set up naturalist exhibitions; to raise awareness on sustainable development.
Professional skills: knowledge of biotic and abiotic components of fossil and current ecosystems and their evolution in the history of Earth; knowledge of the impact of human beings on ecosystems.
Career opportunities: museums; parks; schools; public administrations (at the local and national level) dealing with knowledge dissemination; research entities and private companies involved in the management and protection of the ecosystems. Freelance professional activity.

Provided that they pass the corresponding state exam and enrol in the relevant professional register, graduates may access the following state-regulated professions:
Graduated agricultural technician
Junior biologist
Graduated agricultural expert
Junior planner

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
As part of the ERASMUS + program, agreements have been made with Danish, Spanish, French and Romanian universities for students enrolled in the Bachelor's Degree in Natural Sciences. During the study period abroad the students can attend courses and take the related exams, and carry out research for the degree thesis. Students admitted to the mobility program must submit a study plan proposal that includes the training activities they plan to carry out abroad. The number of CFU of the proposed plan must, as far as possible, correspond to what the student would acquire in an equivalent period of time at his university. The proposed activities, chosen as part of the host university's educational activities, must be consistent with the educational project of the degree course. The study plan must be submitted for approval to the Erasmus Commission of the Collegio Didattico Interdipartimentale. The Commission may ask the student to integrate the program of an exam taken in the host university with an interview to be carried out in the University of Milano on an agreed supplementary program. At the end of the mobility program, in compliance with the University guidelines, the exams passed in the approved study plan will be recorded in the student's career with the original name of the course in the host foreign university, and their ECTS converted into CFU and the vote expressed in thirtieths.
Attendance to didactic activitites including laboratories, field activities, internships which provide credits, is compulsory.
Admission to the three-year degree course in Natural Sciences is open to candidates with a high school diploma or equivalent foreign qualification in accordance with Ministerial Decree no. 270 of 22 October 2004. The degree course in Natural Sciences has a limited number of places in order to guarantee the quality of the teaching offer in relation to the available resources and provides for a TOLC (Test On Line CISIA) as an admission test. There are 300 places available for enrolment in the first year.
The TOLC can be taken at the University of Milan or at any other university adherent to CISIA (Consorzio Interuniversitario Sistemi Integrati per l'Accesso). Registration for the TOLC can be made on the CISIA website ( The TOLC valid for enrolment in the Natural Sciences degree course is the TOLC-S, consisting of the following sections: Basic Mathematics (20 questions - 50 minutes), Reasoning and Problems (10 questions - 20 minutes), Text Comprehension (10 questions - 10 minutes), Basic Sciences (10 questions - 20 minutes). Each question has 5 possible answers, of which only one is correct. Scoring: +1 for each correct answer, -0.25 for each wrong answer, 0 for each answer not given in the other sections.
The structure and topics of the test are published at
The entry requirements and the call for applications are available at

Students who have taken the TOLC-S will be enrolled in the selection for admission to the degree course in Natural Sciences, and will be placed in the merit list, drawn up on the basis of the scores obtained in the test. The winners will be able to enrol within the deadlines indicated in the announcement. Freshmen who do not achieve a score greater than or equal to 10 in the Mathematics module will be assigned Additional Educational Obligations (OFA). In the TOLC-S there is an additional section of English, consisting of 30 questions to be completed in 15 minutes, the result of which does not count towards the test score.

Access by transfer or for students who have already graduated.
Students already enrolled in a degree course at the University of Milan, at another university or already graduated, may be exempted from the test only if they are admitted to years other than the first, but only if they meet the minimum requirements, i.e. at least 30 CFU recognisable as exams of the degree course, of which 12 can be validated for the Institutions of Mathematics and Statistics exam.
To this end, a request for prior career evaluation must be submitted by accessing the online service indicated in the call for admission.
Applicants must declare all the exams they have taken with the corresponding sectors, credits and grades and attach the course programmes. For further details on the procedure, dates and deadlines, please refer to the call for applications.
Students admitted to the first year must take the test and register for the call.

Additional educational obligations and modalities for OFA recovery.
Support activities will be organised for students with OFA, followed by a recovery test in which the student must demonstrate that he/she has improved his/her preparation. In the absence of this evidence, the student will not be able to take any exam of the second year before having passed the Institutions of Mathematics and Statistics exam (link: https://
Information on how to enrol in the degree course is available at

Places available: 300 + 4 reserved for non-EU citizens

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Session: 1

Application for admission: from 14/03/2024 to 30/05/2024

Application for matriculation: from 06/06/2024 to 20/06/2024

Read the Call

Session: 2

Application for admission: from 24/06/2024 to 15/07/2024

Application for matriculation: from 18/07/2024 to 01/08/2024

Read the Call

Session: 3

Application for admission: from 05/08/2024 to 12/09/2024

Application for matriculation: from 10/10/2024 to 14/10/2024

Read the Call

Programme description and courses list
Over several sessions
These activities are scheduled over several sessions. Please refer to course overviews for details.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Botany 12 104 Italian BIO/01 BIO/02
- Morphology of land plants6
- Systematic Botany6
Chemistry 10 92 Italian CHIM/03 CHIM/06
- General Chemistry4
- Organic Chemistry6
Fundamental of Mathematics and Statistics 12 136 Italian MAT/01 MAT/02 MAT/03 MAT/04 MAT/05 MAT/06 MAT/07 MAT/08 MAT/09
- Mathematics8
- Statistics4
Zoology 12 100 Italian BIO/05
- General Zoology4
- Systematic Zoology8
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
General and Environmental Biology with Elements of Histology 8 68 Italian BIO/06
Physical Geography and Cartography 8 68 Italian GEO/04
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Physics 6 56 Italian FIS/01 FIS/02 FIS/03 FIS/04 FIS/05 FIS/06 FIS/07 FIS/08
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Assessment B1 (2 ECTS) 2 0 English
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Ecology and Behavioural Ecology 15 124 Italian BIO/07
- Behavioural ecology6
- Ecology9
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Comparative Anatomy 7 60 Italian BIO/06 BIO/16
Genetics 8 76 Italian BIO/18
Mineralogy 6 52 Italian GEO/06
Paleontology 6 52 Italian GEO/01
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
General and Environmental Physiology 8 64 Italian BIO/09
Geology 6 52 Italian GEO/02
Petrography 6 52 Italian GEO/07
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biodiversity Conservation 6 52 Italian BIO/07
Developmental Biology 6 48 Italian BIO/01 BIO/06
Environmental Microbiology 6 48 Italian BIO/19
Freshwater Biology 6 64 Italian BIO/05
General Entomology 6 48 Italian AGR/11
Geopedology 6 48 Italian GEO/04
Molecular Biology and Evolution of Genomes 6 48 Italian BIO/11 BIO/19
Vertebrate Zoology 6 52 Italian BIO/05
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Evolutionary Biology 6 48 Italian BIO/02 BIO/05 BIO/18 BIO/19
Geographic Information Systems 6 56 Italian INF/01
Anthropology and Archaeological Excavation 6 48 Italian BIO/08
Climatology 6 48 Italian GEO/04
Geobotany 6 48 Italian BIO/02
Geomorphology 6 48 Italian GEO/04
Mineral Resources and Environmental Interactions 6 56 Italian GEO/09
Paleontology Heritage and Excavations 6 48 Italian GEO/01
Plant Physiology 6 48 Italian BIO/04
Quaternary Climate Changes 6 48 Italian GEO/02
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 4 0 Italian
Study plan rules
1 - The student must acquire 12 CFUs by choosing from the courses listed below. The only rule to be observed is that no more than one course in the area of Ecological Disciplines (sectors BIO/03, BIO/07 and GEO/04)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Biodiversity Conservation 6 52 Italian First semester BIO/07
Developmental Biology 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/01 BIO/06
Environmental Microbiology 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/19
Freshwater Biology 6 64 Italian First semester BIO/05
General Entomology 6 48 Italian First semester AGR/11
Geopedology 6 48 Italian First semester GEO/04
Molecular Biology and Evolution of Genomes 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/11 BIO/19
Vertebrate Zoology 6 52 Italian First semester BIO/05
Anthropology and Archaeological Excavation 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/08
Climatology 6 48 Italian Second semester GEO/04
Geobotany 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/02
Geomorphology 6 48 Italian Second semester GEO/04
Mineral Resources and Environmental Interactions 6 56 Italian Second semester GEO/09
Paleontology Heritage and Excavations 6 48 Italian Second semester GEO/01
Plant Physiology 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/04
Quaternary Climate Changes 6 48 Italian Second semester GEO/02
2 - The student must autonomously acquire 12 cfu from all the courses activated by the University (preferably chosen within the scientific area), as long as they are coherent with the training project, subject to assessment by his/her tutor and approval by the relevant commission. The above-mentioned courses also count as part of this choice (in this case, tutor and commission approval is not required).
This category also includes any courses identified as part of the "Transversal University Competences" indicated in the resolution (see the paragraph "Course structure > Presentation of the study plan").
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Field Activity, Training Activity and Laboratories 8 48 Italian
Petrography exam must be preceded by the Mineralogy one.
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Petrography Mineralogy (compulsory)
Learn more
Course locations
Sede corsi: Dipartimento di Bioscienze (via Celoria 26), Settore Didattico (via Celoria 20, via Golgi 19, via Venezian 14), Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra (via Mangiagalli 34 e via Botticelli 23), altre aule presso ulteriori strutture di Milano-Città Studi.
Laboratory locations
Sede laboratori: Dipartimento di Bioscienze (via Celoria 26), Settore Didattico (via Celoria 20, via Golgi 19, via Venezian 14), Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra (via Mangiagalli 34 e via Botticelli 23).

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more