University Open Day

Open Day - 22 June 2024
Presentation of undergraduate programmes in via Festa del Perdono, 7

Our annual Open Day is back: on 22 June, the University of Milan will be introducing prospective students to its undergraduate programmes (Bachelor’s and single-cycle Master’s degrees) and student services.

This is a unique chance to find out more about the opportunities and facilities made available by the University, to collect information and materials regarding the academic programmes, and to take part in lectures and thematic workshops. 

For the whole day, there will be information stands in the central courtyard of the main campus in via Festa del Perdono 7, the presentations "Studiare in Statale" and activities organized by some Degree Courses

Registration is required to access the event. .


Throughout the day, in the central courtyard of the via Festa del Perdono campus, you will find information stands for each disciplinary area, where you will have a chance to meet professors and students of the area in question, as well as stands dedicated to specific University services.

Access to the stands requires prior registrationregister on the platform to visit our stands.
Those who had already done so for the May event, will simply have to confirm their attendance via the link received by email

This registration will also allow you to take part in practical activities, mock lectures and thematic workshops organised by certain degree programmes. These activities will take place in the classrooms of the teaching sector (Settore Didattico) and do not require a separate registration: entry is free until all seats are taken.

"Studiare in Statale" presentation

The presentation dedicated to the educational offerings and services provided by Statale will take place a first time from 9:30 to 11 a.m. and will be repeated from 11:30 to 1 p.m.

Attendance requires prior registration, starting Friday, June 14, and subject to availability You will need to choose your preferred time and mode of participation: in-person and online

Parents and other people accompanying students are welcome to visit the standsprovided that they have also registered on the platformPresentations  and other practical activities, on the other hand, are open only to prospective students.

Open Day programme and campus map (to be updated)

Please note that Master’s degrees will be presented during other events: you can find further information on the page dedicated to Master’s degree presentations.

Guarda il programma completo della giornata

Tutti i nostri 82 corsi di laurea triennali e magistrali a ciclo unico saranno presenti con uno stand a cui potrai rivolgerti per soddisfare le tue curiosità.
Vai alla pagina della nostra offerta didattica per scoprire quali sono

I Corsi di laurea magistrale saranno invece presentati nel corso di altre iniziative: maggiori informazioni alla pagina dedicata.

Contacts: InformaStudenti
Category: Degree programme choice orientation and information

Tel. 02 503 12113-13779
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