Food Technologist

Syllabus and exam topics

Graduates with the degrees listed below are entitled to sit the State Board Exam to qualify as Food Technologists:

  • Science of Food Preparation (qualification awarded according to the procedures prior to the entry into force of Ministerial Decree 509/99).
  • Food Science and Technology (qualification awarded according to the procedures prior to the entry into force of Ministerial Decree 509/99).
  • Second cycle degree (Laurea Specialistica), class 78/S, specialist degrees in the Food Industry;
  • Master’s Degree, class LM-70, master’s degrees in Food Science and Technology.
Registering for the exam
1st session 2024

The first session 2024 of the Food Technologist state board exam will be held starting from 25 July 2024.

Admissions will be open from 27 May to 24 June 2024, the call for application will be published soon.

The exam will consist in a written test and an oral test, both in presence mode.

The procedures and deadlines for registering to the State exam are set out in the Bando di ammissione.

Candidates shall apply online through the service Domanda di ammissione Esame di Stato.

Fees and payments

State exam fees must be paid through PagoPA, the Public Administration payment service, by accessing during the application procedure:

  • € 49.58 – Agenzia delle Entrate (Inland Revenue) - STATE EXAM FEE - 
  • € 400.00 - University of Milan - STATE EXAM REGISTRATION FEE

Documents to be submitted

To complete the online application for the State exam, upload a copy of:

  • for graduates from campuses other than the University of Milan: self-certification of graduation;
  • for candidates who will obtain their degree after the application deadline (however, within the exam date): statement of graduation application.


Absent candidates

Candidates who have enrolled for the first exam session but are absent on exam day may submit a new application for the second session by the stated deadline. Any documentation previously submitted and any payments already made will be valid for the new application (with the exception of any balances still owing).

Commissari Esami di stato

Pagina informativa dedicata ai commissari degli Esami di Stato di abilitazione all'esercizio della professione.

Commissioni, calendari delle prove ed esiti

Presidente: Prof.ssa Ernestina Casiraghi

Presidente supplente: Prof. Francesco Molinari

Componenti effettivi: Prof.ssa Gabriella Giovannelli, Dott. Massimo Artorige Giubilesi, Dott.ssa Maria Luisa Simonazzi, Dott.ssa Laura Crescindi.

Componenti supplenti: Prof.ssa Laura Piazza, Dott.ssa Gabriella Iacono, Dott.ssa Angela Maria Messina.

Examining Committee, calendars and results
Examining Committee

Chairman: prof. Francesco Molinari

Alternate chairman: prof. Ivano De Noni

Members: prof. Diego Mora, dott.ssa Anna Amina Ciampella, dott. Giuseppe Luigi Pastori, dott. Lorenzo Maria Aspesi.

Alternate members: prof. Diego Romano, dott.ssa Costanza Bevilacqua, dott.ssa Roberta Bonomi, dott. Marco Paolo Mari.

Examining Committee

Chairman: prof. Francesco Molinari

Alternate chairman: prof. Ivano De Noni

Members: prof. Diego Mora, dott.ssa Anna Amina Ciampella, dott. Giuseppe Luigi Pastori, dott. Lorenzo Maria Aspesi.

Alternate members: prof. Diego Romano, dott.ssa Costanza Bevilacqua, dott.ssa Roberta Bonomi, dott. Marco Paolo Mari.