Psychoneuroendocrineimmunology and Science of Integrated Care

2nd level vocational master
A.Y. 2024/2025
Study area
Medicine and Healthcare
2nd level vocational master
Master Coordinator
Psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology (PNEI) offers the most complete interdisciplinary approach for explaining health and disease in human beings. PNEI is the study of how neurological, endocrinological and immune systems interact with the psyche and how all of these together relate with the physical and social environment. PNEI leans on epigenetics to explore the positive and negative clinical outcomes of these relationships over an extended period of time. In this vein, it studies human beings in their entirety and in their underlying relationships with the environment around them, by adopting an integrated and scientifically robust overview of medicine and psychology while also taking full account of each person?s social and relational history. This vocational master?s programme aims to introduce health practitioners to this scientific paradigm, providing them with a theoretical and evidence-based framework to expand the clinical assessment tools and treatment choices at their disposal. The vocational master?s programme will give learners the resources to develop preventive and promotional healthcare interventions (including for chronic diseases), which can, in turn, have public health benefits. It will provide the necessary skills and knowledge to professionals who work in community health centres (in line with regional healthcare policies) and will foster an integrated-care approach that takes into account individuals and their environment. Graduates of the vocational master?s programme will be able to design treatment and health promotion plans tailored to healthy and sick individuals, thus contributing to building a healthcare environment that is characterised by continuity of care, early intervention in critical cases, inter-professional cooperation, reduction of adverse events and an increase in life expectancy and quality of life.
To be eligible for the programme, applicants must hold a degree in one of the following classes under Ministerial Decree 270/2004: LM/SNT1 - Nursing and Midwifery, LM/SNT2 - Health Professions for Rehabilitation, LM/SNT3 - Health Professions for Technical Assistance, LM/SNT4 - Health Professions for Preventive Care, LM/41 - Medicine, LM/85 - Education, LM/88 - Sociology and Social Research , LM/87 - Social Services and Policies, LM/70 - Food science, LM/67 - Sport Science for Prevention and Rehabilitation, LM/61 - Nutrition, LM/57 - Adult and Continuing Education, LM/55 - Cognitive Sciences, LM/51 - Psychology, LM/46 - Dental Medicine, LM/21 - Biomedical Engineering, LM/13 - Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy, LM/06 - Biology
Graduates will develop an interdisciplinary and highly innovative professional profile that is in full synergy with the demands of a systemic and integrated approach to health prevention and care, which has become the new frontier for public and private healthcare and research institutions. In doing so, they will be able to find private or public-sector employment in operational and leadership roles in multidisciplinary and multiprofessional teams operating locally and in community healthcare centres.

Courses list

Open sessions
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Ageing from a Pnei Perspective 2 12 Italian
Ageing from a Pnei Perspective
1 8 Italian
Allostatic Load: Definition, Mechanism, Consequences
1 6 Italian
Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Models Supporting a Pnei Approach 1 8 Italian
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Pathologies from a Pnei Perspective
1 6 Italian
Developments in Genetics and Epigenetics 1 8 Italian
Developments in Immunology 1 6 Italian
Developments in Neuroendocrinology 2 12 Italian
Developments in Neuroscience 2 12 Italian
Final Examination
2 Italian
Human Network Modulation - Manual Therapies: the Body, Observation and Treatment
1 12 Italian
Human Network Modulation - Non-Pharmacological Therapies: Pnei-Oriented Antistress and Meditation Techniques
1 12 Italian
Human Network Modulation - Non-Pharmacological Therapies: Qigong 1 18 Italian
Human Network Modulation: Diet - Evidence and Mechanisms
1 8 Italian
Human Network Modulation: Environment and Disease - Evidence and Mechanisms
1 6 Italian
Human Network Modulation: Genome, Lifestyles and Mind-Body Techniques 4 54 Italian
Immunity Disorders from a Pnei Perspective 2 12 Italian
Inflammation in the Pnei Network 1 6 Italian
Integrated Care Models and Experiences 1 4 72 Italian
Integrated Care Models and Experiences 2 2 24 Italian
Mood Conditions from a Pnei Perspective 1 6 Italian
Mood Conditions from a Pnei Perspective 1 12 Italian
Pbl and Discussion of Clinical Cases 5 90 Italian
Psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology: the Scientific Paradigm
3 18 Italian
Psychophysiology of Stress
1 6 Italian
Reasoning and Decision-Making from a Pnei Perspective 2 36 Italian
Stress and Initial Phases of Life
1 6 Italian
The Microbiota-Intestine-Brain Axis
1 6 Italian
The Psyche in the Pnei Paradigm
1 6 Italian
Training Internship
10 250 Italian
Tumour Pathologies from a Pnei Perspective 2 12 Italian


Places available: 40

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Application for admission: from 23/07/2024 to 04/11/2024

Application for matriculation: from 14/11/2024 to 20/11/2024

Read the Call

Attachments and documents

reopen call


Please note

Deadline for call: 4 November 2024. Is only available the call for applicantions' italian version uploaded in this page.