Master in farmacia e farmacologia oncologica - ii livello

2nd level vocational master
A.Y. 2024/2025
Study area
2nd level vocational master
12-03-2025 - 31-03-2026
Master Coordinator
The scientific acquisitions in terms of therapeutic and biotechnological approaches to the management of oncological treatments, as governed by existing regulations (Decree of the Ministry of Health dated 14 July 1999, Decree of the Ministry of Health dated 18 February 1999, Ministerial circular no. 6/1999), require an ever-growing level of competence, expertise and continuous professional development regarding the supply, dispensation and safe preparation of oncological therapies. Based on these premises, the programme intends to broaden the managerial, pharmacological, toxicological, technical, pharmaceutical and legal competencies of healthcare professionals, with the ultimate goal of ensuring a comprehensive management of oncological therapies.
To be eligible for the programme, candidates must hold a Master's or Single Cycle Degree in one of the following classes pursuant to Ministerial Decree no. 270/2004: LM-6 Biology; LM-8 Industrial Biotechnologies; LM-9 Pharmaceutical, Veterinary and Medical Biotechnologies; LM-13 Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy; LM-21 Biomedical Engineering; LM-41 Medicine; LM-42 Veterinary Medicine; LM-54 Chemistry; LM/SNT1 Nursing and Midwifery; LM/SNT2 Health Professions for Rehabilitation; LM/SNT3 Health Professions for Technical Assistance; LM/SNT4 Health Professions for Preventive Care.
Oncological pharmacy and pharmacology experts are in high demand among many actors of the healthcare system, including: local health authorities, pharmaceutical companies, hospital pharmacies, public and private hospitals.

Courses list

Open sessions
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Final Examination
2 Italian
Immunological Therapy and New Biotechnological Approaches in Oncology 3 24 Italian
Innovative Therapies in Oncology 3 24 Italian
Management of Oncological Therapies 3 24 Italian
Molecular Pharmacological Framework in Experimental Oncology 6 90 Italian
New Therapeutic Approaches in Oncology 6 90 Italian
Oncological Pathology and Other Therapies 3 24 Italian
Pathological Anatomy in Oncology
3 24 Italian
Pharmaceutical Laboratory and Management of Oncological Therapies 3 24 Italian
Pharmacogenomics Aspects in Oncology and Customized Therapies 3 24 Italian
Surgical Therapies and Clinical Development of New Therapies 3 24 Italian
Theoretical and Practical Considerations of Pharmacokinetics: Applications in Oncology 2 16 Italian
Theoretical and Practical Course At the European Institute of Oncology (IEO)
2 20 Italian
Theoretical-Practical Exercises of Innovative Therapies in the Oncology Field
6 96 Italian
Training Internship
12 300 Italian


Places available: 24

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Application for admission: from 10/12/2024 to 03/02/2025

Application for matriculation: from 25/02/2025 to 04/03/2025

Read the Call

Please note

Deadline for call: 3 of february 2025. Is only available the call for applicantions' italian version uploaded in this page.