Cardiorespiratory and Critical Care Physiotherapy

1st level vocational master
A.Y. 2024/2025
Study area
Medicine and Healthcare
1st level vocational master
14-03-2025 - 08-05-2026
Master Coordinator
The programme intends to provide students with expertise in the prevention, assessment and physiotherapic treatment of acute and chronic cardiorespiratory disorders, thus enabling professionals to complement the physiotherapy pathway with appropriate treatment strategies according to the different types of intervention, as well as to assist other specialists in managing the patient.

The specific objective of the course is to develop innovative therapy education strategies for patients and caregivers, regarding the use of devices that are crucial for maintaining vital functions. Moreover, the coursework will thoroughly examine the management of innovative organisational models, as well as of research and training projects in this field, in line with the current trends and prospects in the international scientific community.
To be eligible for the programme, candidates must hold a degree in class L/SNT2 Health professions for rehabilitation under Ministerial Decree no. 270/2004 (Physiotherapy degree only).
The programme is designed to develop future professionals who will be able to act as experts in the physiotherapic treatment and rehabilitation of patients with cardiorespiratory conditions according to the different types of intervention, as well as in the functional assessment of the cardiorespiratory system and the organisation of the physical therapy programme at various stages (prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, palliative care), as cardiorespiratory and critical care specialists within physiotherapy teams, or as cardiorespiratory physiotherapy and rehabilitation experts in the frame of research protocols.

Courses list

Open sessions
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Cardiac Rehabilitation 4 28 Italian
Cardiorespiratory Anatomy and Physiology 3 21 Italian
Exercises in Cardiology Clinics 1 18 Italian
Exercises in Respiratory Pathophysiology Clinics 1 18 Italian
Exercises in Sleep Medicine 1 18 Italian
Exercises in the Critical Area 1 18 Italian
Final Examination
Functional and Instrumental Assessment of the Cardiorespiratory System 5 35 Italian
Methodology and Updating
2 14 Italian
Observation in the Operating Room (surgery) 1 18 Italian
Observation in the Operating Room (transplants) 1 18 Italian
Preliminary Exercises for the Creation of a Journal Club
1 18 Italian
Preparatory Exercises for the Realization of the Final Paper
1 18 Italian
Remote Exercises On Biomedical Databases
1 18 Italian
Respiratory and Surgical Study
2 36 Italian
Respiratory Rehabilitation in Acute Patients 6 42 Italian
Respiratory Rehabilitation in Chronic Patients 12 84 Italian
Respiratory Rehabilitation in Hypersecretive Patients 4 28 Italian
Respiratory Rehabilitation in Neuromuscular Patients
4 28 Italian
Respiratory Rehabilitation in Pediatric Patients 3 21 Italian
Surgery 4 28 Italian
Training Internship
10 250 Italian


Places available: 34

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Application for admission: from 10/12/2024 to 03/02/2025

Application for matriculation: from 25/02/2025 to 04/03/2025

Read the Call

Please note

Deadline for call: 3 of february 2025. Is only available the call for applicantions' italian version uploaded in this page.