Business Innovation - Imprese E Consumatori Nei Mercati Globali: L'impatto Del Digitale Sulla Catena Del Valore

1st level vocational master
A.Y. 2024/2025
Study area
Social Sciences and Law
1st level vocational master
14-03-2025 - 14-03-2026
Master Coordinator
This vocational master, organised in collaboration with Banca Mediolanum and Codacons, provides students with a thorough understanding of the digital transition and its impact on global value chains. The ultimate goal is to set a new approach to business-consumer relationship where ex ante consumer protection becomes a strategic asset for business competitiveness. High-quality, accessible and socially and environmentally sustainable products help build customer loyalty, and are essential for companies to increase their market share. The training programme will be marked by a high level of interaction between the University, companies and institutions, in order to reduce the skills mismatch between academia and the job market. The coursework will cover economic, legal, corporate, IT and statistical aspects related to data analysis, as well as the fundamentals of communicating about innovation. A focus will be on those market segments where Italy has a long tradition of manufacture (the so-called "Made in Italy" sectors).
The vocational master is open to all applicants holding a Bachelor's, Master or single-cycle degree
The vocational master is designed to train professionals who will be able to navigate digital transitions with an innovative consumer-oriented approach, particularly in the following sectors: banking, agri-food, chemical and mechanical industry, culture and arts. Graduates may be employed in a variety of managerial roles, such as sales manager, supply chain manager, communication and innovation manager, and regulatory manager for Digital Product Passports.

The programme will run in the second semester of a. y. 2024/2025 and will comprise 490 hours of online synchronous lectures (corresponding to 49 CFU, i.e. university credits), as well as 18 hours of other forms of training (1 CFU).

Courses list

Open sessions
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Current Challenges of Global Value Chains: Economic, Geopolitical and Financial Aspects 17 170 Italian
Digital Art
1 18 Italian
Digital Transitions and Their Impact On the Community
2 20 Italian
Digital Transitions and Their Role in Promoting the Made in Italy Label 1 10 Italian
Digital Transitions: Innovation and Its Value Perception By Companies and Consumers
3 30 Italian
Final Examination
Fundamentals of Law and Business Management to Navigate Green and Digital Transitions in Global Value Chains 14 140 Italian
Recent Digital Transformations in Global Value Chains: It, Statistical and Engineering Aspects 12 120 Italian
Training Internship
10 250 Italian


Places available: 45

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Application for admission: from 03/01/2025 to 27/02/2025

Application for matriculation: from 18/03/2025 to 25/03/2025

Read the Call

Attachments and documents


Please note

Deadline of extension: 27 of february 2025. Is only available the call for applicantions' italian version uploaded in this page.