Master in riabilitazione della mano - primo livello

1st level vocational master
A.Y. 2023/2024
Study area
Medicine and Healthcare
1st level vocational master
Master Coordinator
The programme aims to develop specialists in the field of disorders of the hand, whether traumatic, degenerative, inflammatory, or deformative, to improve their interaction with medical personnel, and to improve patient outcomes.
To be eligible for the programme, students must hold a degree in the following class under former Ministerial Decree no. 270/2004 L/SNT2 Rehabilitative Care (solely for those holding degrees in Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Childhood Neurodevelopmental Disorders Therapy).
The main employment opportunities are found in specific rehabilitation centers for the hand and upper limb.

Courses list

Open sessions
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Anatomia dell'arto superiore ed esame obiettivo 1 10 Italian
Approccio alla mano traumatica e complessa 1 10 Italian
Diagnostica ad immagini: la patologia della mano e la diagnosi strumentale
1 10 Italian
Elementi di chirurgia e riabilitazione della mano i 1 10 Italian
Elements of Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation Ii 1 10 Italian
Esercitazioni sul tema di relazione 1 18 Italian
Esercitazioni valutazione e gestione di pazienti con patologie neurologiche all'arto superiore
1 18 Italian
Exercises for the Assessment and Treatment of Patients Who Underwent Upper Or Lower Limb Surgeries 1 18 Italian
Exercises: Manufacturing Hand Orthoses
1 18 Italian
Functional Surgery for Spastic Paralysis 3 30 Italian
Il controllo motorio dell'arto superiore: dolore e propriocezione 1 10 Italian
Il neuromotor imaging: i neuroni specchio e la riabilitazione
1 10 Italian
La mano dello sportivo: alterazioni del controllo motorio e patologie sport specifiche 1 10 Italian
La patologia artrosica della mano: chirurgia, riabilitazione ed economia articolare
1 10 Italian
La patologia del polso: tecniche chirurgiche e trattamento riabilitativo 2 20 Italian
Mano e cervello: la mano neurologica 3 30 Italian
Methodological Approach 4 40 Italian
Microsurgery Exercises 1 18 Italian
Orthopedic Problems of the Upper Limb
1 10 Italian
Pathology of the Brachial Plexus 1 10 Italian
Pathology of the Wrist
1 10 Italian
Patologia della spasticità: fisiatria
2 20 Italian
Pediatric Hand Deformities 1 10 Italian
Practical Exercises 3 54 Italian
Practical Exercises for the Assessment and Treatment of Patients Who Underwent Minor Or Major Hand Surgeries
1 18 Italian
Principii di splinting: dall'immobilizzazione alla mobilizzazione precoce
3 30 Italian
Principles of Surgery and Rehabilitation of the Hand 1 10 Italian
Quadri malformativi e patologie rare nelle malformazioni congenite della mano 1 10 Italian
Rehabilitation Interventions for Rheumatic Patients
1 18 Italian
Rehabilitationfundamentals of Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation Iii 1 10 Italian
Specific Cutaneous Diseases 1 10 Italian
Tecniche riabilitative
1 10 Italian
The Pediatric Hand I 1 10 Italian
The Pediatric Hand Ii
1 10 Italian


Places available: 20

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Application for admission: from 22/12/2023 to 05/02/2024

Application for matriculation: from 20/02/2024 to 27/02/2024

Read the Call

Please note

Deadline for call: 5 february 2024