Master in Psiconcologia - Ii Livello

2nd level vocational master
A.Y. 2022/2023
Study area
Medicine and Healthcare
2nd level vocational master
Master Coordinator
This Master?s certificate aims to provide highly specialised training in the field of psycho-oncology, one responsive to the evolution of the field of modern oncology. In current practice, cancer treatment is patient-centred and has been moving increasingly towards a multi-disciplinary approach, predicated on an understanding of the human dimension of cancer treatment. This approach serves to address the physiological and biological aspects of the disease, as well as the psychological, interpersonal, and social aspects of cancer, in order to support the patient's mental health whilst improving their quality of life.
Il corso si rivolge ai possessori di laurea magistrale nelle seguenti classi ex D.M. 270/2004:
- LM-41 Medicina e chirurgia;
- LM51 Psicologia.

Possono inoltre presentare domanda di ammissione anche i laureandi nelle medesime discipline purché conseguano il diploma di laurea entro la data di inizio del corso e comunque non oltre tre mesi dalla data di avvio dello stesso. In tal caso, la partecipazione al corso verrà disposta "con riserva" e il candidato sarà tenuto ad autocertificare, a pena di decadenza, il possesso della laurea entro trenta giorni dalla data di conseguimento.
Professionals earning this Master?s certificate will be equipped to work in the following specialities within the field of medicine:
- Departments of oncology, cancer-treatment centres and hospitals
- IRCCS [Research Hospitals]
- Palliative cancer treatment
- In-home health care
- Cancer-prevention nonprofits (e.g. LILT, AIOM)
- Clinical research centres in the public and private sectors
- Private practices offering psychological support to cancer patients and their families

Courses list

Open sessions
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
A Systems Approach to Oncology 4 28 Italian
Analysis and Discussion of Clinical Case Studies 4 66 Italian
Communication Processes 3 20 Italian
Epigenetic Genetics and Decision-Making 3 20 Italian
Fertility and Sexuality
2 12 Italian
From Big Killers to Rare Tumours 3 20 Italian
Intervision, Supervision - Simulations 4 72 Italian
Palliative Treatment, Pain Treatment, and End-Of-Life Care
Clerici Carlo Alfredo
3 18 Italian
Pnei and Complementary Coursework in Health Maintenance and Rehabilitation 1 18 Italian
Psychoneuroendocrinology (PNEI) 5 40 Italian
Research and New Technologies in Psycho-Oncology 3 20 Italian
Seminars 3 54 Italian
Simulated Clinical Case Studies
2 36 Italian
Tumour Aetiology, Treatment Paths, and Integration of Psycho-Oncology 6 40 Italian
Workshops 2 36 Italian