Veterinary Medicine

Altre specializzazioni
Veterinary specialisation school
A.Y. 2024/2025
Course class
Study area
Veterinary medicine
Veterinary specialisation school
Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria e Scienze Animali (DIVAS) Lodi, via dell’Università 6
Director of Specialization School
Basic training objectives: the student will acquire specific and comprehensive knowledge of biological, behavioral and morpho-functional features of birds, lagomorphs and wildlife.

- avian species: the student will reach the complete knowledge of the anatomical and physiological differences of birds when compared to mammals and how these differences affect the diseases and the production performance in intensive farming;
- lagomorphs and wild animals: the student will acquire specific knowledge of taxonomy and peculiar characteristics of these species, that are intended both as farmed animals and as wild animal recovered and released the wild.

General training objectives: acquisition of skills on breeding technologies applied to the different species. Knowledge of natural and assisted reproduction, feeding and nutrition of farmed species, management of wild species aimed at protection, introduction and / or reintroduction into nature/wild. The training will be completed by knowledge of business organization and environmental impact of farms
Il percorso di specializzazione, della durata di 3 anni, prevede lezioni frontali a cadenza settimanale da ottobre a giugno. La frequenza è obbligatoria, con un limite minimo stabilito nel 70%. Lo specializzando dovrà inoltre svolgere attività pratico-applicative che potranno essere svolte anche presso strutture pubbliche e private previa attivazione di una convenzione con la Scuola.
A competitive examination for candidates is carried out based on qualifications and examination. The call for application is normally issued every 3 years, at the end of the previous cycle of the School.
Eligible candidates are Doctors in Veterinary Medicine who obtained their degree before the application deadline set out in the call for applications and who have the qualification to practice the profession.
The examination consists of a multiple choice questions test.
The number of students of the School is established by the School Council.
Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria e Scienze Animali (DIVAS) Lodi, via dell’Università 6
Learning centers
Sedi didattiche
L'attività didattica, formale e professionalizzante, si espleta nelle seguenti sedi:
Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria e Scienze Animali (DIVAS)
Ospedale Veterinario Universitario

Courses list

First year
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Anatomy of Birds and Rabbit 1
1 4 Italian
Anatomy of Birds and Rabbit 2
1 4 Italian
Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources
1 4 Italian
Conservazione in situ e ex situ in vitro e libro genealogico delle razze avicole e cunicole italiane
1 8 Italian
2 12 Italian
Different Aspects of Wild Ungulates Physiology
1 4 Italian
1 4 Italian
Farmacologia e farmacocinetica aspetti generali
2 8 Italian
Infectious Diseases (Zoonoses)
1 4 Italian
Infectious Diseases of Avian Species
1 4 Italian
Infectious Diseases of Rabbit
1 4 Italian
Infectious Diseases of Wild Animals
2 8 Italian
1 4 Italian
Nutrizione e immunità
1 4 Italian
Organic Rearing System in Poultry and Rabbits
1 4 Italian
Parassitologia e malattie parassitarie del coniglio i
1 8 Italian
Parassitologia e malattie parassitarie della fauna i
1 8 Italian
Parassitologia e malattie parassitarie delle specie aviarie i
1 8 Italian
Poultry Technologies in Intensive and Alternative Productive Systems
1 8 Italian
Rabbit Physiology
1 8 Italian
Selection and Crosses in Poultry
1 4 Italian
3 12 Italian
Tecniche necroscopiche e principi di istopatologia i
1 8 Italian
Tirocinio i anno n.o.
24 Italian
Welfare and Future Perspectives of the Farming Systems for Poultry and Rabbits in Eu
1 8 Italian
1 4 Italian
Second year
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Animal Nutrition and Meat Quality 1 8 Italian
Development of Wild Game Meat Supply Chain 1 4 Italian
Environmental Contaminants: Effects and Predictive Models for Toxicological Evaluation 2 8 Italian
Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases 2 16 Italian
Epidemiology of Parasitic Diseases 2 16 Italian
Food Mycotoxin and Mycotoxicosis 1 4 Italian
Forensic Pathology 1 8 Italian
Hubsandry and Manager 1 8 Italian
Immunology 1 4 Italian
Infectious Diseases of Rabbit 1 8 Italian
Infectious Diseases of Wildlife 1 8 Italian
Ispezioni degli alimenti di origine animale 1 2 12 Italian
Laboratory Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases 2 16 Italian
Law and Legislation 2 12 Italian
Necropsy Techniques E Basic Histopathology. - 2 1 8 Italian
Ocular Pathology and Basic Vision Principles in Wild and Farm Animals 1 4 Italian
Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases of Avian Species 2 1 8 Italian
Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases of Rabbits 2 1 8 Italian
Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases of Wildlife 2 1 8 Italian
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Correlation to Optimise Drugs Therapy 2 12 Italian
Poultry Welfare: Principles and Assessment Protocols 1 8 Italian
Precision Livestock Farming 2 8 Italian
Tirocinio ii anno n.o.
30 Italian
Vaccines 1 4 Italian
Wildlife Parassitotogy 1 8 Italian
Third year
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Anestesiology (WILD ANIMALS)
1 8 Italian
Applied Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases
1 4 Italian
Atività a scelta dello studente - allevamento intensivo: diagnosi molecolare delle patologie condizionate
2 16 Italian
Attività a scelta dello studente-allevamento amatoriale avicolo e cunicolo: ruolo del veterinario
1 8 Italian
1 8 Italian
Diagnostic Imaging in Rabbits
1 8 Italian
Diritto internazionale
1 8 Italian
Histopathology of Rabbits
1 8 Italian
Impatto ambientale dell'attività zootecnica
1 8 Italian
Ispezione degli alimenti di origine animale 2
2 20 Italian
Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases of Avian Species 3
1 8 Italian
Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases of Rabbits 3
1 8 Italian
Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases of Wildlife 3
2 12 Italian
Pharmacosurveillance, Pharmacovigilance and Environmental Impact Studies
2 12 Italian
Prophylaxis of Infectious Diseases of Avian Species
1 8 Italian
Prophylaxis of Infectious Diseases of the Rabbit
1 8 Italian
Prova finale
9 72 Italian
Reproduction and Ostetrics
2 8 Italian
Risk Assessment in Poultry Welfare
Tirocinio iii anno n.o.
31 Italian
Wildlife Diagnostic Imaging
1 8 Italian
Wildlife Disease Surveillance
1 8 Italian