Veterinary Medicine

Altre specializzazioni
Veterinary specialisation school
A.Y. 2024/2025
Course class
Study area
Veterinary medicine
Veterinary specialisation school
Director of Specialization School
Per la Scuola di Specializzazione in Patologia e Clinica degli Animali d?Affezione (articolata in tre anni di corso), gli obiettivi formativi sono i seguenti:

Obiettivi formativi di base: apprendimento di approfondite conoscenze di fisica, biochimica, fisiologia ed anatomia topografica.

Obiettivi della formazione generale: alimentazione, allevamento e igiene zootecnica; sono da comprendersi inoltre le conoscenze necessarie per la valutazione epidemiologica e l?inquadramento dei casi clinici.

Attività caratterizzanti elettive a scelta dello studente: utili all?acquisizione di specifiche ed avanzate conoscenze nel campo della clinica dei piccoli animali. La Scuola, in funzione delle competenze didattiche e strutturali disponibili, potrà attivare uno o più percorsi formativi di alta specializzazione nelle discipline della medicina interna, della chirurgia, della diagnostica per immagini e dell?anestesia, analgesia e terapia del dolore La scelta è compiuta dal singolo studente auspicando una distribuzione di 2 studenti per attività elettiva.
Il titolo di studio richiesto per l?ammissione (previo esame) è la laurea magistrale in Medicina Veterinaria (classe 47/S) o laurea quadriennale del vecchio ordinamento in Medicina Veterinaria. E' inoltre richiesto il possesso del diploma di abilitazione all'esercizio della professione.

Courses list

First year
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Anatomy of Domestic Animals 2 8 Italian
Andrologic Clinic 1 8 Italian
Animal Breeding and Genetics 2 12 Italian
Animal Nutrition and Feeding 2 12 Italian
Assisted Reproduction 1 4 Italian
Clinical Epidemiology 1 8 Italian
Diagnostic Imaging/ Radiology 3 20 Italian
Diagnostic Ultrasonography 3 20 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student - Surgery Plastic and Recostructive Cutaneous Surgery 1 2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Anesthesiology and Pain Therapy- Pain Therapy and Intensive Care 3 24 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Anesthesiology and Pain Therapy-Anestesiology 6 48 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Diagnostic Imaging- Mri and Nm 3 24 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Diagnostic Imaging- Radiology and Ct 3 24 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Diagnostic Imaging- Ultrasound 1 8 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Diagnostic Imaging- Ultrasound 2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Small Animal Internal Medicine - Cardiology 2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Small Animal Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology 2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Small Animal Internal Medicine - Urology/nephrology 2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Small Animal Internal Medicine -Dermatology 2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Surgery- Otorhinolaryngoiatric Surgery 2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Surgery- Otorhinolaryngoiatric Surgery 3 24 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Surgery- Surgical Oncology 2 16 Italian
Hematological Diseases 1 8 Italian
Immunology 2 12 Italian
Medical Pathology 3 20 Italian
Microbiology 2 12 Italian
Necroscopy 2 16 Italian
Obstetric 1 8 Italian
Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases 2 12 Italian
Pathophysiology of Metabolic Disorders 2 12 Italian
Professional Training - Internal Medicine
2 50 Italian
Professional Training - Obstetric
2 50 Italian
Professional Training Surgery
2 50 Italian
Propedeutic to Surgical 3 20 Italian
Small Animal Transfusion Medicine 3 20 Italian
Surgical Pathology 3 20 Italian
Topographical and Sectional Anatomy of Domestic Animals 1 8 Italian
Veterinary Physiology 2 8 Italian
Second year
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Anestesiology and Analgesia
2 16 Italian
Anestesiology and Intensive Care Anestesiology and Intensive Care
1 4 Italian
3 20 Italian
3 20 Italian
3 24 Italian
Clinical Pharmacokinetics
2 12 Italian
2 16 Italian
3 20 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student - Surgery Plastic and Recostructive Cutaneous Surgery 2
2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Anesthesiology and Pain Therapy- Anestesiology Ii
6 48 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Anesthesiology and Pain Therapy- Pain Therapy Ii and Intensive Care
3 24 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Diagnostic Imaging- Ecocardiography Ii
3 24 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Diagnostic Imaging- Mri and Nm Ii
2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Diagnostic Imaging- Radiology and Ct Ii
2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Diagnostic Imaging- Ultrasound Ii
2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Small Animal Internal Medicine - Cardiology Ii
2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Small Animal Internal Medicine - Dermatology Ii
2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Small Animal Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology Ii
2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Small Animal Internal Medicine - Urology/nephrology Ii
2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Surgery- Otorhinolaryngoiatric Surgery Ii
3 24 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Surgery- Surgical Oncology Ii
2 16 Italian
3 20 Italian
3 20 Italian
3 20 Italian
Oncologia clinica
3 20 Italian
3 20 Italian
Orthopedics and Traumatology
3 20 Italian
Pathology of the Eye and Adenexa
3 24 Italian
Professional Training - Internal Medicine Ii
2 50 Italian
Professional Training - Obstetric Ii
2 50 Italian
Professional Training Surgery Ii
2 50 Italian
3 24 Italian
Student - Small Animal Internal Medicine Veterinary Algology 2
1 8 Italian
Surgical Tecniques
3 20 Italian
Third year
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Advanced Diagnostic Imaging (CT, DXA) 4 28 Italian
Advanced Diagnostic Imaging (MR, NM) 4 28 Italian
Andrologic Clinic Iii 2 12 Italian
Assisted Reproduction Iii 2 12 Italian
Clinical Nutrition
1 8 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student - Surgery Plastic and Recostructive Cutaneous Surgery 3 2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Anesthesiology and Pain Therapy- Anestesiology Iii 6 48 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Anesthesiology and Pain Therapy- Pain Therapy and Intensive Care Iii 3 24 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Diagnostic Imaging- Mri and Nm Iii
2 12 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Diagnostic Imaging- Radiology and Ct Iii 2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Diagnostic Imaging- Ultrasound Iii 3 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Diagnostic Imaging- Ultrasound Iii 2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Small Animal Internal Medicine - Cardiology Iii 2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Small Animal Internal Medicine - Dermatology Iii 2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Small Animal Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology Iii 2 8 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Small Animal Internal Medicine - Urology/nephrology Iii 2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Surgery- Otorhinolaryngoiatric Surgery Iii 3 24 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Surgery- Otorhinolaryngoiatric Surgery Iii 2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Surgery- Surgical Oncology Iii 2 16 Italian
Feline Medicine 2 12 Italian
Forensic Veterinary Medicine 2 8 Italian
Obstetric Iii 2 12 Italian
Otorhinolaryngoiatric Surgery 3 20 Italian
Professional Training - Internal Medicine Iii
2 75 Italian
Professional Training - Obstetric Ii
3 75 Italian
Professional Training Surgery Iii
3 75 Italian
Prova finale
9 Italian
Student - Small Animal Internal Medicine Veterinary Algology 3
1 8 Italian
Veterinary Internal Medicine- Part 1 3 20 Italian
Veterinary Internal Medicine- Part 2 3 20 Italian
Veterinary Legal Medicine and Bioethics 1 8 Italian
Veterinary Surgery Iii 3 20 Italian
First year
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
* attività a scelta dello studente - chirurgia: wet-lab di chirurgia dei tessuti molli 2
7 56 Italian
* attività a scelta dello studente - chirurgia: wet-lab di chirurgia dei tessuti molli 3
7 56 Italian
* attività a scelta dello studente -diagnostica per immagini: diagnosi radiologica di ii livello (MN)
4 28 Italian
Advanced Diagnostic Imaging (CT, MR)
4 28 Italian
Advanced Diagnostic Imaging (CT, MR)
4 28 Italian
Attività a scelta dello studente- diagnostica per immagini: rmi (III)
2 12 Italian
Attività a scelta dello studente: diagnosi radiologica di ii livello (TC MR)
4 28 Italian
Clinical Nutrition Ii 2 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Small Animal Internal Medicine - Imaging 1 8 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Small Animal Internal Medicine - Imaging Ii
1 8 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Small Animal Internal Medicine - Imaging Iii 1 8 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Surgery- Orthopedics and Traumatology
3 16 Italian
Elective Activities At the Choice of the Student: Surgery- Orthopedics and Traumatology Iii
2 16 Italian
Neonatology Iii
2 12 Italian
Propedeutic to Medicine Applied to Patient Friendly Approach 3 20 Italian
Student - Diagnostic Imaging 1: Ecocardiography
1 8 Italian


Places available: 6

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Application for admission: from 22/07/2024 to 04/11/2024

Application for matriculation: from 11/12/2024 to 18/12/2024

Read the Call