Welfare Systems and Social Inequalities

A.Y. 2023/2024
Course offered to students on the PhD programme in
Visit the PhD website for the course schedule and other information
Overall hours
Lesson period
January 2024
Lead instructor: Emmanuele Pavolini
The course will provide information and insights on the interaction between welfare state studies and social inequality, offering the opportunity to students to learn how to develop their own research from an analytical, methodological, and content perspective. It will focus on specific social policy fields and it will show how concretely their way of functioning helps to create or hinder social inequalities. It will adopt a comparative perspective. The social policy fields under examination will be: family policies (toward young children and frail elderly); education; pension and health care.
The course does not intend to offer a whole review of the research in these fields but to focus on studies (and the relative methodology) that can help students interested in these topics to advance in their own research.
Assessment methods
Giudizio di approvazione
Assessment result
superato/non superato
How to enrol


The course enrolment deadline is usually the 27th day of the month prior to the start date.

How to enrol

  1. Access enrolment on PhD courses online service using your University login details
  2. Select the desired programme and click on Registration (Iscrizione) and then on Register (Iscriviti)

Ignore the option "Exam session date” that appears during the enrolment procedure.


For help please contact [email protected]
