Computational, Simulation and Machine Learning Methods in High Energy Physics and Beyond: Monte Carlo Methods.

A.Y. 2022/2023
Course offered to students on the PhD programme in
Visit the PhD website for the course schedule and other information
Overall hours
Lesson period
January 2023
Lead instructor: Stefano Carrazza
It will be illustrated the principles on which event generators for hadron colliders are built and the progress that has allowed to increase their precision and reliability. In particular we talk about the showering algorithms, the treatment of coherence in soft radiation, and the hadronization models. It will be also illustrated the CKKW method for interfacing "tree level" array elements with shower generators, and methods to achieve accuracy at next-to-leading order.
Quantum Field Theory, Particle Physics, QCD and electroweak interactions.
Mandatory for students of the Phd programme in " Physics, Astrophysics and Applied Physics" at first year
Assessment methods
Giudizio di approvazione
Assessment result
superato/non superato
How to enrol


The course enrolment deadline is usually the 27th day of the month prior to the start date.

How to enrol

  1. Access enrolment on PhD courses online service using your University login details
  2. Select the desired programme and click on Registration (Iscrizione) and then on Register (Iscriviti)

Ignore the option "Exam session date” that appears during the enrolment procedure.


For help please contact [email protected]