Good Faith in a Interdisciplinary Perspective
A.Y. 2020/2021
Course offered to students on the PhD programme in
Visit the PhD website for the course schedule and other information
Lead instructor: Iole Fargnoli
The course aims to broach, through an interdisciplinary approach, one of the most complex concepts of the current law starting from the Roman law experience with lines of continuity and discontinuity in later historical developments with the aim of understanding its transversal role in the legal system, also in the perspective of the theory of law and according to the meaning it assumes in relation to religion.
Mandatory for Legal Studies Phd students
Assessment methods
Giudizio di approvazione
Assessment result
superato/non superato
How to enrol
The course enrolment deadline is usually the 27th day of the month prior to the start date.
How to enrol
- Access enrolment on PhD courses online service using your University login details
- Select the desired programme and click on Registration (Iscrizione) and then on Register (Iscriviti)
Ignore the option "Exam session date” that appears during the enrolment procedure.
For help please contact [email protected]
Monday 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
in department or on line Teams 365
Storti Claudia