Viticulture and Enology Sciences

Grappoli d'uva sulla vite
Viticulture and Enology Sciences
Course sheet
A.Y. 2025/2026
Master programme
interateneo Università degli Studi di Torino
LM-70 - Food industry
Master programme
Course location
Torino, Milano, Palermo, Sassari e Foggia
International title
Double Degree

The programme aims to train highly skilled professionals, who can perform specialist activities both in the viticultural and oenological fields, with competence and independence.

Students will hone their ability to solve complex problems in the management of viticultural and oenological production systems in relation to the local area, both in its environmental and socio-economic implications, as well as the ability to use innovative tools and rigorous approaches.

Exchanges with European Universities and Research Centres are encouraged, also to allow graduates to become proficient in other EU languages, with a focus on technical-scientific terminology used in the viticultural-oenological sector. Interdisciplinarity is of essence, with a view to developing skills that will support planning and knowledge transfer in the viticultural and oenological sector.

The programme draws on the educational and scientific cooperation between five universities located in diverse areas, which have agreed on a common training course. The leading institution is the University of Turin, home to the student office, and where the activities of the first year of study take place.

For information on

  • Job profiles
  • Professional skills
  • Career opportunities

See the programme website


For admission and further information please refer to University of Turin

Programme description and courses list
Courses list
Learn more
Torino, Milano, Palermo, Sassari e Foggia