The history of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
Although formally born in 1924 as one of the four faculties of the University of Milan, the School of Medicine and Surgery deepens its roots in the health professions and arts that can be traced back to the Fourteenth century in Milan.
This age-old tradition is earmarked by the public health measures adopted during the serious plague epidemics that afflicted the city and by Ca' Granda, the Hospital for the Poor built in the Fifteenth century upon the initiative of Francesco Sforza, which is today the prestigious seat of the Faculty.
The teaching activity was formalized in the Eighteenth century with the creation of the Hospital schools of anatomy, surgery, obstetrics, and the subsequent development of pathological anatomy, laboratory medicine, and psychiatry in the Nineteenth century. Meanwhile, several associations and welfare initiatives laid the foundations of institutions that are still active today, including the Rickety Institute (later Orthopedic Clinic) and the Serotherapy Institute of Milan.
The Clinical Specialization Institutes, such as the Institute of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, the Clinic of Occupational Diseases and the Hospital of Contagious Diseases, were established in 1904, and were joined soon after by structures such as the Italian Institute of Stomatology, the Paediatric Clinic, and the Occupational Health Clinic, the first institution in the world dedicated specifically to workers' health.
After the official creation of the Faculty in 1924, the Institutes of Basic Sciences were also established with headquarters in Città degli Studi, where the National Cancer Research and Treatment Institute was inaugurated in 1927.
Right form the start, the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery provided both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes covering the full spectrum of medical education.
Explore the University research areas and topics
- 1924/25 - 1925/26: Prof. Ferdinando Livini, Anatomia
- 1926/27 - 1931/32: Prof. Alberto Pepere, Anatomia patologica
- 1932/33 - 18/02/1933: Prof. Carlo Foà, Fisiologia
- 19/02/1933 - 1934/35: Prof. Riccardo Galeazzi, Ortopedia
- 1935/36 - 1935/36: Prof. Pietro Rondoni, Patologia generale
- 1936/37 - 1937/38: Prof. Mario Donati, Clinica chirurgica
- 1938/39 - 07/06/1945: Prof. Antonio Cazzaniga, Medicina legale
- 08/06/1945 - 24/09/1945: Prof. Mario Donati, Clinica chirurgica
- 25/09/1945 - 1949/50: Prof. Antonio Cazzaniga, Medicina legale
- 1950/51 - 1954/55: Prof. Angelo Cesare Bruni, Anatomia
- 1955/56 - 07/02/1961: Prof. Ivo Nasso, Pediatria
- 08/02/1961 - 1965/66: Prof. Agostino Crosti, Dermatologia
- 1966/67 - 1968/69: Prof. Luigi Villa, Clinica medica
- 1969/70 - 1974/75: Prof. Arduino Ratti, Radiologia
- 1975/76 - 1983/84: Prof. Paolo Mantegazza, Farmacologia
- 1984/85 - 1998/99: Prof. Antonio Emilio Scala, Chimica e propedeutica biochimica
- 1999/00 - 2004/05: Prof. Guido Coggi, Anatomia patologica
- 2005/6 - 2011/12: Prof. Virgilio Ferruccio Ferrario, Anatomia umana
- 2012/13 - 2016/17: Prof. Antonio Carrassi, Malattie odontostomatologiche;
- 2017/18 - 2022/23: Prof. Gian Vincenzo Zuccotti, Pediatria generale e specialistica;
- 2023/24 - 2025/26: Prof. Aldo Bruno Giannì, Chirurgia maxillo-facciale.
- 1984
Prof. Angelo BAIRATI, Anatomia umana
Prof. Enrico VIGLIANI, Medicina del lavoro
- 1985
Prof. Augusto GIOVANARDI, Igiene
- 1987
Prof. Cesare BARTORELLI, Clinica medica
Prof. Luigi GALLONE, Chirurgia
Prof. Alfonso GIORDANO, Anatomia e istologia patologica
Prof. Vittorio PUCCINELLI, Clinica dermosifilopatica
- 1988
Prof. Pietro CACCIALANZA MIGLIO, Dermatologia
- 1990
Prof. Ettore BOCCA, Clinica otorinolaringoiatrica
- 1991
Prof. Carlo Lorenzo CAZZULLO, Psichiatria
- 1993
Prof. Elio POLLI, Clinica medica
- 1997
Prof. Mirthad PAZARDJIKLIAN, Fisiologia
Prof. Giuseppe PEZZUOLI, Chirurgia
Prof. Mario TIENGO, Anestesia e rianimazione
- 1998
Prof. Nicola DIOGUARDI, Clinica medica
Prof. Angelo FASOLI, Medicina interna
Prof. Carlo ZANUSSI, Medicina interna
- 1999
Prof. Giovanni Battista CANDIANI, Ostetricia e ginecologia
Prof. Carlo MARTINENGHI, Radiologia
Prof. Paolo PINELLI, Neurologia
- 2000
Prof. Walter MONTORSI, Clinica chirurgica
- 2001
Prof. Paolo MANTEGAZZA, Farmacologia
- 2002
Prof.ssa Adriana GUARESCHI, Neuropsichiatria infantile
- 2005
Prof. Angelo AGOSTONI, Clinica medica
Prof. Giulio COSTANZI, Anatomia patologica
Prof. Giovanni FAGLIA, Endocrinologia
Prof. Gemino FIORELLI, Clinica medica
Prof. Ennio GIANNI’, Odontoiatria
Prof. Adalberto GROSSI, Cardiochirurgia
Prof. Ettore MARUBINI, Statistica
Prof. Antonio PECILE, Farmacologia
Prof. Alberto PERACCHIA, Chirurgia generale
Prof. Enrico PISANI, Urologia
Prof. Fabio SERENI, Pediatria
Prof. Roberto VILLANI, Neurochirurgia
Prof. Giorgio VOGEL, Odontoiatria
Prof. Alberto ZANCHETTI, Clinica medica
Prof. Bruno ZANOBIO, Storia della medicina
- 2006
Prof. Emilio AGOSTONI, Fisiologia umana
Prof. Mauro MANCIA, Fisiologia umana
- 2011
Prof. Francesco Clementi, Farmacologia
Prof. Eugenio Muller, Farmacologia
Prof. Guido Tettamanti, Biochimica
Prof. Mauro Moroni, Malattie infettive
Prof. Marcello Giovannini, Pediatria
Prof. Guido Coggi, Anatomia patologica