Sociology of Labour

A.Y. 2025/2026
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with a general understanding of the transformation of work and employment patterns in the economies of developed countries, using the comparative method, from a sociological perspective. The course deals with the developments that have taken place in the post-Fordism phase that is in the transition to a service and knowledge economy, paying attention to some crucial aspects. We consider the dimension of markets globalization, the imposition of digital technologies in the way of delivering and intermediate work, the changing structure and composition of employment, the new forms of inequality and segmentation that characterize contemporary labour markets. Finally, we analyse the reforms and labour policies implemented in recent years on the European scenario, considering their impact on social risks and contractual conditions. The objective is to provide a quite in-depth knowledge of the topics covered, also using institutional and international statistical sources, databases and results from the most accredited empirical and theoretical research on the evolution of work and future prospects.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students are expected to have acquired a good knowledge of the interpretative categories of the sociology of work, of the transformations of labour markets and of the social challenges that have opened up over the last twenty years. A fair knowledge of statistical sources on work and employment (Labour Force Surveys) and of the main research methodologies applied to the study of the labour market. In terms of competences, the expectation is that they have acquired a good familiarity in reading and constructing tables, synoptic tables, graphs (through continuous exercises in the classroom). A quite good critical ability, deriving from the recall during the lessons of the interpretative aspects more than merely descriptive, the policy implications, the open problems, stimulating the discussion in class and the continuous search for pertinent examples. Good communication skills, through the presentation of short reports in class (in PP) on limited assigned topics, articles or case studies; a fairly good synthesis ability, favoured during the lesson by a continuous recall of the salient points of the treated topics and by a final synthesis lesson of the course. Finally, an ability to make interconnections both between different disciplines (in particular labour economics, work organization and management, labour law), and between related issues, elements of continuity and discontinuity with the past.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course currently not available
Lessons: 40 hours