Practical Trainings (2° Year)

A.Y. 2025/2026
Overall hours
Learning objectives
- to know and to apply procedures of risk assessment and to evaluate the prevention programs used in work and life places
- to acquire knowledge and skills related to surveillance and supervision about hygienic-sanitary conditions and infecttion risk in work and life places
- to partecipate in a healt promotion and education project that includes the analysis of the request, the objectives definition, the planning, carry out and evaluation of the results
- to build individually a prevention, promotion/education to health project, evaluating the type of need, defining the training objectives and indicating the program and the intervention methodology;
- to define a workplace health protection program
- to conduct health promotion interventions
- to show organizational and inter-professional connection skills
- to acquire the skill to work in multydisciplinary and multiprofessional team
- to acquire knowledge on the management and control of quality and safety on food, dietetic and cosmetic products
- to know and to apply the environmental impact assessment and the ecological aspects of environmental recovery
- to acquire knowledge and skills related to samples methods and analysys of air, water, soil and food and biological matrices for prevention in living environments
- to acquire knowledge and skills related to samples methods and analysis of environmental and biological matrices for the workplace prevention
- to learn how to use tools and methods for quality evaluation and review
- to acquire the technological knowledge of the processes and plants of the food chain
- to know the principles of food production hygiene for public health protection and perform health checks on foodstuffs
- to acquire operational skills and abilities aimed at assessing living and working environments from an ergonomic point of view
- to acquire knowledge related to work processes organization methods for health risks prevention
- to acquire the fuindamentals related to the system of normative sources, to the constitutional and administrative organization of the state and public administrations, to the regulation of individual and collective labor relations
- to learn surveillance and control methods of plant and know to apply the current legislation on environmental hygiene and workplaces.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will be able to:
- Apply procedures of risk assessment and evalue prevention programs that are use in work and life places
- Use the skills related to surveillance and supervision of hygienic-sanitary conditions and infectious risk in work and life places
- partecipate in a healt promotion and education project which includes the analysis of the request, the objectives definition, the planning, carry out and evaluation of the results
- build individually a prevention, promotion/education to health project, evaluating the type of need, defining the training objectives and indicating the program and the intervention methodology;
- define a workplace health protection program
- conduct health promotion interventions
- show organizational and inter-professional connection skills
- work in multydisciplinary and multiprofessional team
- manage and control quality and safety on food, dietetic and cosmetic products
- evaluate the environmental impact and the ecological aspects of environmental recovery
- use skills related to samples methods and analysis of air, water, soil and food analysis and biological matrices for prevention in living environments
- use skills related to samples methods and analysis of environmental and biological matrices for the workplace prevention
- use tools and methods for quality evaluation and review
- use the technological knowledge of the processes and plants of the food chain
- apply the principles of food production hygiene for public health protection and perform health checks on foodstuffs
- apply operational skills and abilities aimed at assessing living and working environments from an ergonomic point of view
- apply knowledge related to work processes organization methods for health risks prevention
- use the fundamentals related to the system of normative sources, to the constitutional and administrative organization of the state and public administrations, to the regulation of individual and collective labor relations
- to do activities of surveillance and control related to plant and apply the current legislation on environmental hygiene and workplaces
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Practicals - Exercises: 475 hours