Population Geography
A.Y. 2025/2026
Learning objectives
The learning objective of the course is to develop knowledge related to population growth in a geographical and historical perspective. The course is designed to explain the arguments and assumptions of dominant theories of population change in time and space. This course will, therefore, also equip students with the basic quantitative, qualitative, and graphic tools and methods of population geographers to analyze and evaluate current population changes at different scales and in relation to territorial and social systems.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will have to know the main phases of the evolution of the world population in historical and geographical perspective and understand how these changes can evolve in the future at different scales. Students will be able to use population geography tools to analyze demographic data in order to answer the main questions on the main geographical and historical processes related to population changes in its dynamic and structural components in relation to territorial and social systems.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The syllabus is shared with the following courses:
- [C37-2](https://www.unimi.it/en/ugov/of/af202600000c37-2)
- [C37-2](https://www.unimi.it/en/ugov/of/af202600000c37-2)
Part A and B
M-GGR/01 - GEOGRAPHY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Part C
M-GGR/01 - GEOGRAPHY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Tuesday 9.00 - 12.00. See personal web site for changes.
Because of sanitary emergence students can meet the teacher on line on Microsoft Teams in the same time scheduled. See on Ariel login code.