Plant Protection in Mountain Areas

A.Y. 2025/2026
Overall hours
AGR/11 AGR/12
Learning objectives
The course aims to - provide knowledge on the insects, how they develop, the damage they can cause to crops in the mountain environment and forests, - learn the techniques of environmental management in a perspective of sustainable development - provide the fundamental knowledge on the different pathogenic agents, how they attack the plants and the kind of alterations and damages that can induce in the hosts. It also deal with the fundamental principles necessary to set up the modern methods of prevention and pest control especially on diseases connected with natural environments and cultures typical of mountain habitats.
Expected learning outcomes
The expected outcomes are: - to know the dynamics and issues related to the arthropods present in a forest environment or correlated to crops in mountain habitats, - to recognize the different agents that can damage cultivated and spontaneous plants, to weigh their dangerousness and to propose preventive measures and criteria of pest control that can be adopted by different kind of agriculture managements preserving natural environments and human health and biodiversity.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course currently not available
AGR/11 - GENERAL AND APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY - University credits: 4
AGR/12 - PLANT PATHOLOGY - University credits: 4
Practicals: 32 hours
Lessons: 48 hours