A.Y. 2025/2026
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge of Library Science and introduce the tools for the library profession.
The mission of the library will be introduced, starting from the 5 laws of library science set out by S.R. Ranganathan, considering the different library models and their evolution, the sectors in which the library can be organized, the tools, the cataloging procedures and standards, the formats for the bibliographic data exchange, bearing in mind the historical path that led to the development of these standards and formats until to the Universal Bibliographic Control.
OPACs (Online Public Access Catalogs) and MetaOPACs concepts will be illustrated to the students, and the protocols that allow the circulation of data will be introduced; some solutions related to the social and inclusive role of the library will also be considered as a local access point to knowledge, freely accessible to all "regardless of age, race, sex, religion, nationality or social status" (IFLA / Unesco Manifesto on public libraries , 1994)
During the course, a guided tour of one or two public reading library in the Milan are, notable for organization and services, will be carried out.
Furthermore, by the knowledge acquired, the attending students will be asked to analyze a public reading library of their choice and to write a report of about 1,000 words, which describes its environments, tools, collections and services.
The mission of the library will be introduced, starting from the 5 laws of library science set out by S.R. Ranganathan, considering the different library models and their evolution, the sectors in which the library can be organized, the tools, the cataloging procedures and standards, the formats for the bibliographic data exchange, bearing in mind the historical path that led to the development of these standards and formats until to the Universal Bibliographic Control.
OPACs (Online Public Access Catalogs) and MetaOPACs concepts will be illustrated to the students, and the protocols that allow the circulation of data will be introduced; some solutions related to the social and inclusive role of the library will also be considered as a local access point to knowledge, freely accessible to all "regardless of age, race, sex, religion, nationality or social status" (IFLA / Unesco Manifesto on public libraries , 1994)
During the course, a guided tour of one or two public reading library in the Milan are, notable for organization and services, will be carried out.
Furthermore, by the knowledge acquired, the attending students will be asked to analyze a public reading library of their choice and to write a report of about 1,000 words, which describes its environments, tools, collections and services.
Expected learning outcomes
After the course, students will know the types, role and mission of libraries, how they organize collections and services, both basic and advanced, considering also the inclusion of readers with special needs. Students will be able to use both linguistic tools (appropriate professional language) and formats for the circulation of bibliographic data.
Students will acquire skills that will enable them to actively collaborate with staff in public and private libraries, in a library system, in cataloging procedures and in the activities related to the organization of collections and the preparation and provision of services, both basic and advanced.
Students will acquire skills that will enable them to actively collaborate with staff in public and private libraries, in a library system, in cataloging procedures and in the activities related to the organization of collections and the preparation and provision of services, both basic and advanced.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The syllabus is shared with the following courses:
- [C-38](
- [C-38](
Part A and B
Lessons: 40 hours
Part C
Lessons: 20 hours
From Thursday 27th February Office hours for students will be held on Thursday 01:30 pm in the studio, and on MS Teams if necessary
Via Festa del Perdono, 7 - Cortile della legnaia - dept. of History, sector C, second floor; Microsoft Teams classroom, code e3eetcb