Information, Rights and Digital Markets
A.Y. 2025/2026
Learning objectives
The students will be equipped with the conceptual and empirical tools to understand the most salient features and the most relevant consequences of today's processes in a number of significant social domains.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course students will acquire the ability to critically evaluate and discuss the impact, development and use of the topics covered during the course. The final exam aims to verify the expected learning outcomes in relation to these topics.
Lesson period: Third trimester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Third trimester
IUS/05 - ECONOMICS LAW - University credits: 3
IUS/10 - ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - University credits: 6
IUS/10 - ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 60 hours
Canepa Allegra, Musselli Lucia