Hispano-American Theatre and Performance
A.Y. 2025/2026
Learning objectives
The object of study is the original Spanish-American theatrical mosaic in its continental and European relations, with appropriate references to the linguistic, historical and literary context of the large area involved and attention, from year to year, for a period, a region or a specific theme. In addition to the consideration of the works as literary texts, ample space is given to specific issues of the theatrical event, such as staging, the dichotomy between scenic space and dramatic space, the commercial dimension, the relationship with other literary genres and the different arts. Furthermore, the specific lexicon of theater studies is presented, sequences of significant productions are viewed and versions of theatrical works in other media are analysed. Finally, throughout the Academic Year we propose trips to attend theater shows on the programme, even if not strictly related to the topic covered, and - as far as possible - in-depth seminar meetings with directors, actors, teachers and educational trips. education, as well as study stays under international agreements. Teaching is held in Italian, but at least passive competence in Spanish is desirable, given that translations of the texts studied or of the critical bibliography do not always exist.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge: the student will know the essential lines of development of the different Hispanic American theatrical and spectacular forms in close relation with the history of literature, culture and society from the Conquest to the contemporary era, paying particular attention to the indigenous substratum and the process syncretic between African, Asian and European elements. He will have read some of the most significant works of the period in question and viewed, when possible, recordings of theatrical productions and versions of the same works in other media (mainly cinema and television).
Skills: the student will have acquired a historical-geographical and socio-literary awareness of Latin American scenarios which will allow him to adequately contextualize the works and authors treated. He will be able to analyze the peculiarities of the dramatic text through thematic and structural, linguistic and stylistic, aesthetic and rhetorical criteria. Will be able to use the basic terminology of theater studies; will be able to analyze a theatrical production or a version in other media. They will be able to interpret theatrical phenomena in relation to modern and contemporary historical-cultural and political reality, colonial, postcolonial and decolonial. Finally, they will be able to orient themselves on the history, sources, methods and tools of the studies of the different forms of theater relating to the specific Latin American context.
Skills: the student will have acquired a historical-geographical and socio-literary awareness of Latin American scenarios which will allow him to adequately contextualize the works and authors treated. He will be able to analyze the peculiarities of the dramatic text through thematic and structural, linguistic and stylistic, aesthetic and rhetorical criteria. Will be able to use the basic terminology of theater studies; will be able to analyze a theatrical production or a version in other media. They will be able to interpret theatrical phenomena in relation to modern and contemporary historical-cultural and political reality, colonial, postcolonial and decolonial. Finally, they will be able to orient themselves on the history, sources, methods and tools of the studies of the different forms of theater relating to the specific Latin American context.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Part A and B
Lessons: 40 hours
Part C
Lessons: 20 hours