Final Exam

A.Y. 2025/2026
Learning objectives
The objectives of the final exam:
· Knowing how to identify the preventive and rehabilitative needs of the subjects through an evaluation of clinical data that takes into account motor, psychomotor, cognitive and functional modifications, and the coherence, extent and significance of the symptoms.
· Being able to identify rehabilitation needs that require preventive and rehabilitative skills in individual specialist sectors (traumatological, neurological, orthopedic, respiratory, cardiovascular, oncological rehabilitation, critical area, maternal and child area, etc.).
· Knowing how to act in a manner consistent with the disciplinary, ethical and deontological principles of the profession of physiotherapist in relation to the responsibilities required by the training level.
· Knowing how to identify the preventive and rehabilitative needs of subjects through an evaluation of clinical data that takes into account motor, psychomotor, cognitive and functional modifications, and the coherence, extent and significance of the symptoms.
· Knowing how to plan the rehabilitation intervention by identifying the rehabilitation objectives and the most appropriate therapeutic modalities to achieve them, using, in relation to the prescriptions and indications of the doctor, physical therapies, manual, psychomotor and occupational therapies, proposing the possible use of orthoses, prostheses and aids.
· Knowing how to plan and carry out the rehabilitation intervention according to the project, identifying the methods and times of application of the different rehabilitation techniques, in consideration of the relative indications and contraindications.
· to elaborate and integrate information and knowledge with acquired experiences.
· guarantee learning experiences based on personalization and flexibility of the course.
· Know the rules and regulations regarding respect for the right to privacy.
· Knowing how to integrate the rehabilitation process with the processes that guide the healthcare organization.
Expected learning outcomes
The final test aims to evaluate the achievement of the skills expected by a graduating student as expressed by the Dublin Descriptors. In accordance with the Bologna Process and the subsequent harmonization documents of the European training courses, the following areas are evaluated in the final test:
- Applying knowledge and understanding,
- Making judjements,
- Communication skills,
- Learning skills,
which correspond respectively to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Dublin Descriptor.
Therefore, the final qualification is awarded to students who are capable of:
- apply their knowledge by demonstrating a professional approach and adequate skills to solve problems in their field of study;
- make decisions to effectively solve complex problems / situations / and in your field of study;
- collect and interpret data to make independent professional judgments, also on social, scientific or ethical issues;
- activate effective communication on clinical, social, scientific or ethical issues relevant to one's profile;
- learn independently.
In accordance with current legislation, the final exam consists of:
a practical test (for application) in which the candidate must demonstrate that he has acquired skills specific to the specific professional profile;
the preparation of a written document and its dissertation.
which normally take place on two separate days.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

- University credits: 7
Individual study and practice: 0 hours