Environmental Chemistry
A.Y. 2025/2026
Learning objectives
The Environmental Chemistry takes into account the chemical aspects of the anthropic activities in the natural environment. Based on this premise, the main learning objective of the course is to develop the basic knowledge about the chemistry of air, water and soil and its main anthropogenic chemical pollutants, analyzing the way in which they are distributed, transported, transformed and stored in the three environmental compartments. For a comprehensive understanding of these phenomena, in this context also the energy production and energy sources are analyzed, starting from the most traditional ones such as fossil fuels, to the most modern and alternative ones such as photovoltaic cells, passing through the most controversial ones such as atomic energy, with particular emphasis to their impact on the environment. To complete this journey, the course aims to provide an overview of the feasible strategies to remedy, prevent or decrease the environmental impact of the main sources of pollution, as well as on the new approaches for the industrial synthesis of chemicals through more sustainable processes.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the Environmental Chemistry course the student must know:
- the concept of sustainability and green chemistry
- the basic chemistry of the three environmental compartments, air, water and soil and relative pollution phenomena
- classification, sources, structure, transformations and destiny of the main environmental chemical pollutants: ODS, VOC, particulates, CO2, SOx and NOx, chlorinated solvents, BTX, IPA, heavy metals, pesticides, dioxins and DLCs, endocrine disruptors, flame retardants , PFCs.
- the main strategies to prevent atmospheric pollution (stratosphere and troposphere) and greenhouse effect
- the main strategies of water purification (potabilization) and wastewater treatment.
- the main strategies to decontaminate the soil
- traditional or alternative energy sources or vectors and their environmental impact
- the concept of sustainability and green chemistry
- the basic chemistry of the three environmental compartments, air, water and soil and relative pollution phenomena
- classification, sources, structure, transformations and destiny of the main environmental chemical pollutants: ODS, VOC, particulates, CO2, SOx and NOx, chlorinated solvents, BTX, IPA, heavy metals, pesticides, dioxins and DLCs, endocrine disruptors, flame retardants , PFCs.
- the main strategies to prevent atmospheric pollution (stratosphere and troposphere) and greenhouse effect
- the main strategies of water purification (potabilization) and wastewater treatment.
- the main strategies to decontaminate the soil
- traditional or alternative energy sources or vectors and their environmental impact
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Course currently not available
CHIM/06 - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - University credits: 8
Lessons: 64 hours