Apprenticeship (2nd year)
A.Y. 2025/2026
Learning objectives
- Knowledge and learning of measurement technologies for electro-acoustic prosthesis vestments.
- Use and knowledge of the various types of electronic ear and dedicated software.
Clinical-Socio-Audiological Internship - Educational objectives:
1. Know the facilities and operational characteristics of the hospital environment where the internship of a hearing care professional is located and the internal and external services connected to it
2. Know the characteristics of the extra-hospital public and private facilities affiliated with the University, which will be the site of periodic and programmed periods of study and training for hearing aid
3. Know how to perform basic audiometric studies including tonal audiometry, speech audiometry, impedance measurement and dynamic field evaluation
4. Know the type and organization of the assistance and rehabilitation of the hearing impaired
5. Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in the approach to the deaf patient in relation to age, social status and type of disease and consequently learn to diversify the methods of approach to specific problems and individual and group assistance to hearing impaired patients
6. To acquire knowledge of the socio-cultural environment in which the hearing impaired person finds himself and operates and to adapt the methods of psychological approach in order to plan assistance
7. Acquire knowledge of instrumental systems, audiological diagnostic methods, their execution and their interpretation
8. Know how to perform infantile behavioral audiometries
9. Know how to perform otoscopic maneuvers in pediatric subjects, aimed at inspecting the external auditory canal and the tympanic membrane
10. Know and apply the rehabilitative diagnostic principles in the audioprosthetic field, adapting them to the age and socio-cultural conditions of the individual
11. Acquire knowledge on the techniques of removal of prosthetic impressions of external auditory ducts
12. To acquire theoretical and practical knowledge on the production techniques of ear-cones for the construction and on-site application of the auricular prosthesis
13. Acquire manual skills in adapting the prosthesis to the individual subject and experience in teaching the use and management of the hearing aid to the patient
14. Interact and collaborate with study and work groups to acquire adequate knowledge of the electronic materials that make up hearing aids
15. Acquire competence in the choice and indication of the audioprosthetic aid best suited to make up for the hearing impairment, also taking into account the age and therefore the manual ability of the audiologist
16. Identify the request for assistance and prevention in the field of hearing damage and participate with multi-professional groups in identifying the audiological needs in the different strata and functions of society
17. Evaluate the need for prevention and subsidiarity assistance in subjects operating in conditions of particular exposure to the risk of acoustic damage
18. Respond, in relation to their own acquired knowledge and applying the most appropriate methods of diagnosis and rehabilitation, to the needs of auditory prevention in the weaker age groups, the infant one and that of the elderly promoting their insertion in the scholastic and social context
19. Interact with multi-professional groups in planning and evaluating educational and rehabilitative interventions and in programs aimed at improving care
20. To contribute in the diagnostic-rehabilitative organization through the best use of available resources, thus ensuring a better quality of care
21. Provide correct and effective technical services to cancel or reduce hearing impairment in application and in compliance with fundamental scientific principles and adapt these services to the deaf patient in relation to different pathologies
22. Always keep in mind the ethical principle of the prevailing interest of the patient's needs and their overcoming economic considerations
23. To ensure a constant presence of assistance to the person with a hearing aid, guaranteeing maintenance and repairs in a short time and ensuring - whenever possible - replacement prosthetic aids
24. Maintain constant quality control of hearing aid through the use of tools and methodologies available for the purpose of improving care activities
25. Interacting with multi-professional groups operating in both intra-hospital and extra-hospital settings in order to manage multidisciplinary diagnostic-rehabilitation programs with highly complex caregivers
26. Demonstrate having understood and being able to personally realize the direct relationship with the hearing-impaired patient in the choice, acquisition and management of the hearing aid, keeping in mind the possibilities of different management (public or private) of the financial burden
27. Know and apply the principles, the possibilities and the limits that regulate audiological surgical assistance for the purposes of immediate or remote hearing care integration
28. Interacting with the person and observing at different stages of life how the same satisfies the needs in its usual context.
29. Know the characteristics of the territory and the community, the services of the district, their aims and the services provided.
30. Learning and applying the principles of reception.
31. Know some characteristics of the hospital structure, or others, place of training: the operators, the architectural structure, the services with the relative connections.
32. Know the type of user and the organization of hearing aid in the place of training.
33. Know and apply the principles of the aid relationship.
34. Interact and collaborate with the team in planning and evaluating educational rehabilitation interventions
35. Organize your activities correctly using the material and structural resources present in the internship sites
36. Contribute to organizing global audiological assistance through the appropriate use of available resources, ensuring a progressive improvement in the quality of care.
37. Interact and actively collaborate with intra and inter-professional teams in order to plan and manage multidisciplinary audiological interventions.
38. Demonstrate didactic skills oriented to information, education and education of clients, their families.
39. Demonstrate to have understood and to be able to apply, analyze, summarize the knowledge related to the evaluation of the organization and planning of the audioprosthetic activity, to the evaluation of the actions in deontological terms and in relation to the bioethical criteria.
- Audioprosthetic training - Educational objectives:
1. Get to know the organization of the facilities where the profession of hearing care professional is carried out.
2. Know how to detect in the adult the imprint of the external auditory canal and of the pavilion in order to choose the type of acoustic coupling.
3. Know how to perform prosthetic gain measurements including both the electro-acoustic test of the prosthesis and the measurement of gain.
4. Know the circuit technologies of hearing aids.
5. Learn elements of the construction technology of ear-nuts and hearing aids.
6. Learn the basics of failure verification and hearing aid repair technique.
7. Knowing how to carry out in the adult and in the child the relief of the external auditory canal and of the pavilion for the purpose of choosing the earpiece and making the earpiece and the casing of the hearing aid.
8. Know how to contribute to hearing aid rehabilitation.
9. Learn the follow-up procedures, adaptation and control of implantable hearing aids.
10. Know how to identify the material, the shape and the eventual ventilation of the snail;
11. Know how to perform prosthetic audiometry tests.
12. Learn to perform the procedures necessary to select, apply, adapt and check a hearing aid;
13. Knowing how to independently perform the selection, adaptation, control and training in the use of hearing aids.
14. To acquire adequate technical knowledge for the choice of prosthetic materials and knowledge on the techniques of realization and control of prosthetic audio aids.
16. Identifying the needs of a person with disabilities and identifying the audiences in different strata and functions of society
17. Evaluate the need for assistance in risk assessment of acoustic damage
18. Respond in relation to their own acquired knowledge and the most appropriate methods of diagnosis and rehabilitation, to the needs of auditory prevention in the weaker age groups, the infant and of the elderly promoting their insertion in the scholastic and social context
19. Interact with multi-professional groups in planning and evaluating educational and rehabilitative interventions and programs aimed at improving care
20. To contribute to the diagnostic-rehabilitative organization through the best use of available resources, thus ensuring better quality of care
21. Provide correct and effective technical services to cancel or reduce impairment in application and in compliance with different scientific principles and patient care in relation to different pathologies
22. Always keep in mind the ethical principle of the prevailing interest of the patient's needs and their overcoming economic considerations
23. To guarantee a constant presence of hearing aid, to guarantee maintenance and repairs in a short time and to ensure - whenever possible - replacement prosthetic aids
24. Maintain constant quality control of hearing aid through the use of tools and methodologies
25. Interacting with multi-professional groups operating in both hospital and extra-hospital settings in order to manage multidisciplinary diagnostic-rehabilitation programs with highly complex caregivers
26. Demonstration of the financial burden of the financial burden. Demonstration of the financial burden of the financial burden.
27. Know and apply the principles, the possibilities and the limits that regulate audiological surgical assistance for the purposes of immediate or remote hearing care integration
28. Interacting with the person and observing at different stages of life.
29. Know the characteristics of the territory and the community, the services of the district, their aims and the services provided.
30. Learning and applying the principles of reception
- Use and knowledge of the various types of electronic ear and dedicated software.
Clinical-Socio-Audiological Internship - Educational objectives:
1. Know the facilities and operational characteristics of the hospital environment where the internship of a hearing care professional is located and the internal and external services connected to it
2. Know the characteristics of the extra-hospital public and private facilities affiliated with the University, which will be the site of periodic and programmed periods of study and training for hearing aid
3. Know how to perform basic audiometric studies including tonal audiometry, speech audiometry, impedance measurement and dynamic field evaluation
4. Know the type and organization of the assistance and rehabilitation of the hearing impaired
5. Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in the approach to the deaf patient in relation to age, social status and type of disease and consequently learn to diversify the methods of approach to specific problems and individual and group assistance to hearing impaired patients
6. To acquire knowledge of the socio-cultural environment in which the hearing impaired person finds himself and operates and to adapt the methods of psychological approach in order to plan assistance
7. Acquire knowledge of instrumental systems, audiological diagnostic methods, their execution and their interpretation
8. Know how to perform infantile behavioral audiometries
9. Know how to perform otoscopic maneuvers in pediatric subjects, aimed at inspecting the external auditory canal and the tympanic membrane
10. Know and apply the rehabilitative diagnostic principles in the audioprosthetic field, adapting them to the age and socio-cultural conditions of the individual
11. Acquire knowledge on the techniques of removal of prosthetic impressions of external auditory ducts
12. To acquire theoretical and practical knowledge on the production techniques of ear-cones for the construction and on-site application of the auricular prosthesis
13. Acquire manual skills in adapting the prosthesis to the individual subject and experience in teaching the use and management of the hearing aid to the patient
14. Interact and collaborate with study and work groups to acquire adequate knowledge of the electronic materials that make up hearing aids
15. Acquire competence in the choice and indication of the audioprosthetic aid best suited to make up for the hearing impairment, also taking into account the age and therefore the manual ability of the audiologist
16. Identify the request for assistance and prevention in the field of hearing damage and participate with multi-professional groups in identifying the audiological needs in the different strata and functions of society
17. Evaluate the need for prevention and subsidiarity assistance in subjects operating in conditions of particular exposure to the risk of acoustic damage
18. Respond, in relation to their own acquired knowledge and applying the most appropriate methods of diagnosis and rehabilitation, to the needs of auditory prevention in the weaker age groups, the infant one and that of the elderly promoting their insertion in the scholastic and social context
19. Interact with multi-professional groups in planning and evaluating educational and rehabilitative interventions and in programs aimed at improving care
20. To contribute in the diagnostic-rehabilitative organization through the best use of available resources, thus ensuring a better quality of care
21. Provide correct and effective technical services to cancel or reduce hearing impairment in application and in compliance with fundamental scientific principles and adapt these services to the deaf patient in relation to different pathologies
22. Always keep in mind the ethical principle of the prevailing interest of the patient's needs and their overcoming economic considerations
23. To ensure a constant presence of assistance to the person with a hearing aid, guaranteeing maintenance and repairs in a short time and ensuring - whenever possible - replacement prosthetic aids
24. Maintain constant quality control of hearing aid through the use of tools and methodologies available for the purpose of improving care activities
25. Interacting with multi-professional groups operating in both intra-hospital and extra-hospital settings in order to manage multidisciplinary diagnostic-rehabilitation programs with highly complex caregivers
26. Demonstrate having understood and being able to personally realize the direct relationship with the hearing-impaired patient in the choice, acquisition and management of the hearing aid, keeping in mind the possibilities of different management (public or private) of the financial burden
27. Know and apply the principles, the possibilities and the limits that regulate audiological surgical assistance for the purposes of immediate or remote hearing care integration
28. Interacting with the person and observing at different stages of life how the same satisfies the needs in its usual context.
29. Know the characteristics of the territory and the community, the services of the district, their aims and the services provided.
30. Learning and applying the principles of reception.
31. Know some characteristics of the hospital structure, or others, place of training: the operators, the architectural structure, the services with the relative connections.
32. Know the type of user and the organization of hearing aid in the place of training.
33. Know and apply the principles of the aid relationship.
34. Interact and collaborate with the team in planning and evaluating educational rehabilitation interventions
35. Organize your activities correctly using the material and structural resources present in the internship sites
36. Contribute to organizing global audiological assistance through the appropriate use of available resources, ensuring a progressive improvement in the quality of care.
37. Interact and actively collaborate with intra and inter-professional teams in order to plan and manage multidisciplinary audiological interventions.
38. Demonstrate didactic skills oriented to information, education and education of clients, their families.
39. Demonstrate to have understood and to be able to apply, analyze, summarize the knowledge related to the evaluation of the organization and planning of the audioprosthetic activity, to the evaluation of the actions in deontological terms and in relation to the bioethical criteria.
- Audioprosthetic training - Educational objectives:
1. Get to know the organization of the facilities where the profession of hearing care professional is carried out.
2. Know how to detect in the adult the imprint of the external auditory canal and of the pavilion in order to choose the type of acoustic coupling.
3. Know how to perform prosthetic gain measurements including both the electro-acoustic test of the prosthesis and the measurement of gain.
4. Know the circuit technologies of hearing aids.
5. Learn elements of the construction technology of ear-nuts and hearing aids.
6. Learn the basics of failure verification and hearing aid repair technique.
7. Knowing how to carry out in the adult and in the child the relief of the external auditory canal and of the pavilion for the purpose of choosing the earpiece and making the earpiece and the casing of the hearing aid.
8. Know how to contribute to hearing aid rehabilitation.
9. Learn the follow-up procedures, adaptation and control of implantable hearing aids.
10. Know how to identify the material, the shape and the eventual ventilation of the snail;
11. Know how to perform prosthetic audiometry tests.
12. Learn to perform the procedures necessary to select, apply, adapt and check a hearing aid;
13. Knowing how to independently perform the selection, adaptation, control and training in the use of hearing aids.
14. To acquire adequate technical knowledge for the choice of prosthetic materials and knowledge on the techniques of realization and control of prosthetic audio aids.
16. Identifying the needs of a person with disabilities and identifying the audiences in different strata and functions of society
17. Evaluate the need for assistance in risk assessment of acoustic damage
18. Respond in relation to their own acquired knowledge and the most appropriate methods of diagnosis and rehabilitation, to the needs of auditory prevention in the weaker age groups, the infant and of the elderly promoting their insertion in the scholastic and social context
19. Interact with multi-professional groups in planning and evaluating educational and rehabilitative interventions and programs aimed at improving care
20. To contribute to the diagnostic-rehabilitative organization through the best use of available resources, thus ensuring better quality of care
21. Provide correct and effective technical services to cancel or reduce impairment in application and in compliance with different scientific principles and patient care in relation to different pathologies
22. Always keep in mind the ethical principle of the prevailing interest of the patient's needs and their overcoming economic considerations
23. To guarantee a constant presence of hearing aid, to guarantee maintenance and repairs in a short time and to ensure - whenever possible - replacement prosthetic aids
24. Maintain constant quality control of hearing aid through the use of tools and methodologies
25. Interacting with multi-professional groups operating in both hospital and extra-hospital settings in order to manage multidisciplinary diagnostic-rehabilitation programs with highly complex caregivers
26. Demonstration of the financial burden of the financial burden. Demonstration of the financial burden of the financial burden.
27. Know and apply the principles, the possibilities and the limits that regulate audiological surgical assistance for the purposes of immediate or remote hearing care integration
28. Interacting with the person and observing at different stages of life.
29. Know the characteristics of the territory and the community, the services of the district, their aims and the services provided.
30. Learning and applying the principles of reception
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and learning of technologies for measuring electro-acoustic prostheses. Use and knowledge of the various types of electronic ear and dedicated software.
Lesson period: year
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Practicals - Exercises: 420 hours